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词汇 year
noun uk/jɪər/ us/jɪr/
A1 [ C ]年,年份;(尤指1月1日至12月31日间的)一年时间
a period of twelve months, especially from 1 January to 31 December
Annette worked in Italy for two years. 安妮特在意大利工作了两年。
2005 was one of the worst years of my life. 2005年是我生命中最糟糕的年份之一。
We went to Egypt on holiday last year. 我们去年去埃及度假了。
At this time of year the beaches are almost deserted. 一年之中的这个时候,海滩几乎空寂无人。
This species keeps its leaves all year (round) (= through the year). 这一品种常年不落叶。
[ C ](与某一活动有关的)一年,年度
a period of twelve months relating to a particular activity
The financial/tax year begins in April. 财政/纳税年度从4月份开始。
A2 [ C ]学年
the part of the year, in a school or university, during which courses are taught
the academic/school year 学年
UK She's now in her final/first/second year at Manchester University. 她眼下在曼彻斯特大学读毕业班/一年级/二年级。
US My daughter is in her freshman/sophomore/junior/senior year. 我女儿现在读大学一年级/二年级/三年级/四年级。
[ C, + sing/pl verb ] UK (US class)年级
a group of students who start school, college, university, or a course together
Kathy was in the year above me at college. 上大学时凯西比我高一届。
  • We look forward to greater success in the coming year.
  • I'm still in contact with her - we write a couple of times a year.
  • I'm contemplating going abroad for a year.
  • We have put some money on one side for next year's summer holiday.
  • He served four years in prison for robbery.
for a man/woman/person of his/her yearsidiom 就他/她的年龄而言
considering how old someone is
He dances well for a man of his years. 就他这个年龄的人来说,他跳舞跳得相当好了。
for yearsidiom B1 很久,好长时间
for a long time
Rachel and I have been going there for years. 雷切尔和我多年来常去那里。
(also in years)很久以来
since a long time ago
I haven't seen my uncle for/in years. 我很长时间没见到我舅舅了。
from/since the year dotidiom UK informal (US from/since the year one) 很长时间
for an extremely long time
He's been in the local pantomime since the year dot. 他很长时间以来一直在本地从事哑剧表演。
in/through all the yearsidiom 自始至终
during the whole of a stated period of time
I've never once seen her angry in all the years I've known her. 自从我认识她到现在,从没见她生气过。
of the yearidiom (尤指竞赛中)年度最佳…
A thing or person of the year is one that has been chosen as the best in a particular year, especially in a competition.
Young Musician of the Year 本年度最杰出的青年音乐家
put years on someoneidiom 使某人)显得苍老
If something puts years on a person, it makes them appear much older.
Being tired and unhappy puts years on you. 疲劳和忧郁会使你显得苍老。
take years off someoneidiom 使某人显得年轻;使某人觉得年轻
If something takes years off a person, it makes them appear or feel much younger.
"Have you seen James without his beard?" "I know - it takes years off him!" “你见过詹姆斯不留胡子的模样吗?”“我知道──那样让他看起来年轻好几岁!”
year in, year outidiom UK (US year in and year out) (尤指单调沉闷地)年复一年,年年
every year, especially in a way that seems boring
We go to Mike's parents every summer - it's the same thing year in, year out. 我们每年夏天都去迈克的父母家——年年如此。
suffix UK uk/ -jɪər/ us/ -jɪr/
used to refer to a student in a particular year group at a school, college, or university
I like teaching the first-years, but the second-years can be difficult. 我喜欢教一年级的学生,而二年级的学生可能比较难应付。
a first-year student 一年级的学生




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