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词汇 write
verb uk/raɪt/ us/raɪt/ wrote | written or old use writ
A1 [ I or T ]写,书写;写(
to make marks that represent letters, words, or numbers on a surface, such as paper or a computer screen, using a pen, pencil, or keyboard, or to use this method to record thoughts, facts, or messages
When you fill in the form, please write clearly/legibly in black ink. 填表时,请用黑色墨水书写清楚。
[ + speech ] "I hope to see you next Saturday," she wrote. “希望下周六能见到你,”她写道。
Why not write (down) your ideas on a piece of paper before you start? 为什么不在开始前把你的想法写在纸上呢?
A2 [ I or T ](给…)写信
to send a letter or message to someone, giving them information or expressing your thoughts or feelings
She hasn't written to me (US also written me) recently. 她最近没有给我写信。
[ + two objects ] I wrote my sister a letter. 我给姐姐写了封信。
[ + to infinitive ] My mother wrote to give me details about the party. 母亲写信向我描述了聚会的详情。
[ + -ing verb ] The travel company has written giving information about the trip. 旅行社已发信提供了这次旅行的资料。
[ T ] (also write something out)(在文件中)填写
to put all the information that is needed on a document
Please will you write (out) your name and address in full. 请写出你完整的姓名和地址。
[ + two objects ] I wrote him a cheque for £50. 我给他开了一张50英镑的支票。
B1 [ T ]创作,写作;编写(计算机程序)
to create and record something, such as a book, poem, song, or computer program, on paper or on a computer
She writes children's books/poems. 她写儿童书/诗。
Adam designed and wrote the software. 亚当设计并编写了那个软件。
He wrote music for films and TV shows. 他为电影和电视节目创作音乐。
The book is very well written. 这本书写得很好。
B1 [ I ](作为职业)写作
to have the job of creating books, stories, or articles that will be published
She writes for a national newspaper. 她为一家全国性的报纸撰稿。
[ + that ](在书籍、报刊或文件中)指出,写道
to say something in a book, newspaper, magazine, or document
In the article, he writes that the problems in the refugee camps are getting worse. 他在文章中写道,难民营问题正在恶化。
[ I ] computing specialized(将信息)写入(计算机存储器)
to record information in the memory of a computer
There was a problem writing to the disk in the A drive. A 盘驱动器在写入时出了个问题。
  • Please write in ink, not in pencil.
  • He wrote a letter of thanks to the hospital.
  • He writes in a formal and rather stilted style.
  • I've written twice and received no reply, so I might change tack and call her.
  • She sat at her desk writing letters.
nothing to write home aboutidiom informal 没什么可写的;很一般
not exciting or special
Their performance was nothing to write home about. 他们的演出乏善可陈。
written all over someone's faceidiom 情绪)写在(某人脸上的
If an emotion is written all over someone's face, it is clear what they are feeling.
Guilt was written all over her face. 她满脸愧疚。
written in the starsidiom 冥冥之中由天所定的
If you believe that something is written in the stars, you believe that it will be made to happen by a force that controls the future.
It was written in the stars that they would meet and fall in love. 上苍注定让他们相遇、相爱。
Phrasal verbs
write back 写回信
to reply to someone's letter
I'll write back and tell her we're coming. 我会给她回信,告诉她我们要来。
write something downB1 写下;记下
to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it
Did you write down Jo's phone number? 你把乔的电话号码记下来了吗?
to show in a company's accounts (= financial records) that something is worth less than it was before
The building cost £700,000 to build, but it was written down to £300,000. 修建这栋楼花费了70万英镑,现在其账面价值只有30万镑了。
write in (向报社、电视公司等机构)写信表态,写信索取
to write a letter to a newspaper, television company, or other organization, to express an opinion or ask something
[ + to infinitive ] People have written in to complain about the show. 人们纷纷来信投诉那场演出。
[ + -ing verb ] Thousands of people wrote in to the company asking for an information sheet. 成千上万的人给公司写信,索取资料。
write someone in (在选票上)写上(非原定候选人)姓名
to add someone's name to the official list for an election in order to show that you want to vote for them
a write-in candidate/campaign 非原定候选人/由投票人自填候选人的竞选活动
write something into something 把…写入(文件
to add a particular detail or rule to a document
An agreement to produce five novels a year was written into her contract. 在她的合同里加上了每年创作5部小说的协议。
write something off 勾销债务
to accept that an amount of money has been lost or that a debt will not be paid
The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries. 一些机构正敦促世界银行免除发展中国家的债务。
to be able to use the cost of something you have bought to reduce the amount of tax you owe
You might be able to write off the car as a business expense. 你也许可以把那辆车作为业务支出而避免交税。
to damage a vehicle so badly that it cannot be repaired
His car was completely written off in the accident. 他的车在事故中完全报废。
write someone/something offC2 认为…无用;认定…失败
to decide that a particular person or thing will not be useful, important, or successful
A lot of companies seem to write people off if they're over 50. 很多公司似乎认为员工一超过50岁就无所作为了。
write off/away for something 写信索取
to write a letter to an organization asking them to send you something
Did you write off for a brochure? 你写信索取手册了吗?
write someone out of something 去掉(电视或广播系列剧中的)角色
to change the story of a regular television or radio programme so that a particular character is not in it any more
write something upC1 (根据笔记)详细写出
to write something in a complete or final form using notes that you have made
Have you written up that report yet? 你把那篇报道整理成文了吗?
More phrasal verbs
write someone up 记录某人的违法(或违规)行为
to report someone for not obeying a law or rule
The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light. 那位警察说,因为我闯红灯,他只得给我开罚单。




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