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词汇 worst
adjective uk/wɜːst/ us/wɝːst/
A2 最差的;最糟的;最严重的
superlative of bad : of the lowest quality, or the most unpleasant, difficult, or severe
That was the worst meal I've ever eaten. 那是我吃过最糟的一顿饭。
"It was the worst moment of my life," she admitted. “那是我一生中的最低谷。”她承认道。
He is my worst enemy. 他是我最凶险的敌人。
  • The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry.
  • He's his own worst critic .
  • This is one of the worst natural disasters ever to befall the area.
  • The government's economic policies have led us into the worst recession for years.
  • I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life.
be your own worst enemyidiom 主要得怨自己自讨苦吃
to cause most of your problems or most of the bad things that happen to you yourself, because of your character
Carrie is her own worst enemy - she's always arguing with people. 卡丽是自讨苦吃——她老是和别人吵架。
noun [ S ] uk/wɜːst/ us/wɝːst/
B1 最坏的人(或事);最糟的情况
the most unpleasant or difficult thing, person, or situation
That was the worst I've seen him play in several years. 那是几年来我所见他打得最差的一次。
  • This essay's the worst you've ever done. I think you should do it over.
  • The worst of her criticism was reserved for journalists, photographers and others of their ilk.
  • The Northern Line is the worst on the London Underground.
  • The bomb, which killed 15 people, was the worst of a series of terrorist outrages.
  • He's not fully recovered, but he's over the worst .
at your worstidiom 状态最差
less active or intelligent than you are at other times
I'm at my worst first thing in the morning. 我早上的时候状态最差。
showing the most unpleasant side of someone's character
This problem over late payment has shown him at his worst. 这次拖延付款的问题使他原形毕露。
at worstidiom 往最坏处说充其量
used to say what the most unpleasant or difficult situation could possibly be
At worst, she can only tell you off for being late. 充其量她也就是会责备你迟到而已。
considering someone or something in the most negative or unkind way possible
She is at worst corrupt, and at best has been knowingly breaking the rules. 她最坏的情况是腐败,而最好的情况是故意违反规定。
do your worstidiom 使尽最坏手段
to do the most unpleasant or harmful thing you can
I'm not frightened of him - let him do his worst. 我不怕他——让他有什么手段尽管使出来好了。
fear the worstidiom C2 担心发生最糟糕的情况
to think something unpleasant might have happened
We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we feared the worst. 我们希望找到他们时他们安然无恙,但内心却害怕最糟糕的事会发生。
if the worst comes to the worstidiom UK (US if worse/worst comes to worst) 如果最坏的事情发生如果发生最糟的情况
if the situation develops in the most serious or unpleasant way
We should be in when you arrive, but if the worst comes to the worst, the neighbours have a spare key and will let you into the house. 你到的时候我们应该在家,万一不在,邻居家还有一把备用钥匙,能让你进屋。
adverb uk/wɜːst/ us/wɝːst/
B2 最差地;最糟地;最严重地
the most badly
Small businesses have been worst hit by the recession. 小企业受经济衰退打击最为严重。
Roads in rural areas were worst affected by the snow. 农村地区的道路受降雪影响最为严重。
The students voted him the school's worst-dressed teacher. 学生们将他评为该校着装最差的教师。
worst of allB2 (用以强调)最差的是,最糟的是
used to emphasize what is worst about a situation
We had no food or light, but worst of all, we had no water. 我们没有食物也没有灯,最糟糕的是,连水也没有。
  • The United Nations is sending humanitarian aid to the areas worst affected by the conflict.
  • Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first.
  • A straw poll of local inhabitants concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.
  • The worst affected areas are without power.
verb [ T ] old-fashioned uk/wɜːst/ us/wɝːst/
to defeat someone in a fight or argument
He was worsted in a fight with a bigger boy. 他跟个子大一些的一个男孩打了一架,结果输得狼狈不堪。




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