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词汇 world
noun uk/wɜːld/ us/wɝːld/
A1 [ S ]地球,世界
the earth and all the people, places, and things on it
Different parts of the world have very different climatic conditions. 世界上不同地区的气候状况大不相同。
Which bridge has the longest span in the world? 世界上哪座桥的跨度最大?
News of the disaster shocked the (whole/entire) world. 关于那场灾难的消息震惊了(整个)世界。
We live in a changing world and people must learn to adapt. 我们生活在一个不断变化的世界中,人们必须学会适应。
She's a world authority on foetal development. 她是世界上胎儿发育领域的权威。
a world record/championship 世界纪录/冠军
  • People from different cultures have different conceptions of the world.
  • The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer countries.
  • I'm flirting with the idea of taking a year off and travelling round the world.
  • He's one of the highest-earning professional golfers in the world.
  • The museum's collection includes works of art from all around the world.
B1 [ C usually singular ]领域;界;世界
a group of things such as countries or animals, or an area of human activity or understanding
the Muslim world 穆斯林世界
the modern/industrialized world 现代/工业化世界
the animal world 动物界
stars from the rock music world 摇滚音乐界的明星们
Unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles. 在亚原子粒子世界中可能会有出人意料的情况发生。
  • This argument may seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance.
  • He was considered as something of a maverick in the publishing world.
  • They are unable to see beyond the narrow world of the theatre.
  • Stars from the world of entertainment turned out to celebrate his 40th year in show business.
  • She was a key figure in the international art world.
[ C ](尤指可能或确有生命存在的)星球,天体
a planet or other part of the universe, especially one where life might or does exist
There was a man on the news last night who believes we've been visited by beings from other worlds. 昨晚的新闻报道中,有个男子认为外星生物曾经拜访过我们。
at one with the worldidiom 与世界融为一体;与世界和谐相处
happy because you feel that you belong in the world and generally agree with what happens
be worlds apartidiom 完全相反截然不同
to be completely opposed or different
They are worlds apart in their political views. 他们的政治观点截然相反。
do someone the world of goodidiom C2 UK (also do someone a world of good )使某人感到更健康(或更高兴)
to make someone feel much healthier or happier
We had a week away in the sun and it's done us both the world of good. 我们外出到一个阳光明媚的地方度了一个星期的假,这对我俩的身心都十分有益。
for all the worldidiom 完全
She sounds for all the world like her mother on the phone. 她的声音在电话里听起来和她妈妈的声音完全一样。
go/come down in the worldidiom informal (US also move down in the world) 潦倒落泊
to have less money or a worse social position than you had before
They used to live in a big house with lots of servants, but they've come down in the world since then. 他们曾经住在一所大房子里,仆役成群,可后来家道中落。
go/come up in the worldidiom informal (US also move up in the world) 飞黄腾达发迹
to have more money or a better social position than you had before
Roger and Ann have gone up in the world - these days they only ever travel first-class. 罗杰和安发迹了——现在他们旅行只坐头等舱。
have the world at your feetidiom 极为成功为世人仰慕
to be extremely successful and admired by a large number of people
Five years after her debut, the diminutive star of the Royal Ballet has the world at her feet. 在初次登台5年之后,这位皇家芭蕾舞团的娇小明星取得了巨大的成功。
in a world of your ownidiom (also in another world) 沉浸在自己的世界中,与外界隔绝
thinking your own thoughts and ideas and not giving much attention to what is happening around you
When she was young, she lived in a world of her own and had very few friends. 年轻时她生活在自己的世界中,没有什么朋友。
make a world of differenceidiom 大大提高,使…有很大提高
If something makes a world of difference, it improves something very much.
A little sympathy makes a world of difference to someone who's been badly treated. 对于那些遭到虐待的人来说,一点点同情心就会让他们觉得备受关爱。
make the world go around/roundidiom 极其重要必不可少
to be extremely important, so that many ordinary events could not happen without it
Love/Money makes the world go round. 爱情/金钱是极为重要的。
More idioms
a man/woman of the worldidiom 阅历丰富的人,老练的人
someone who has a lot of experience of life and people, and can deal with most situations
mean the world to someoneidiom (UK also be (all) the world to someone)某人)的一切;某人)来说非常重要
to be extremely important to someone
Her children mean the world to her. 她的几个孩子就是她的一切。
not for the worldidiom (UK also not for all the world)不管怎样都不,无论如何都不
never; not in any situation
If I took that job I'd have to leave the kids and I wouldn't do that for the world. 如果我接受那份工作就必须得离开孩子们,而我无论如何都不会那样做。
out of this worldidiom informalC2 极好的;非常棒的
extremely good
What a restaurant - the food was out of this world! 多好的餐馆呀——饭菜真是棒极了!
the ways of the worldidiom 世情,人情世故
the types of behaviour and ways of doing things that are acceptable
He's very young and still has a lot to learn about the ways of the world. 他非常年轻,还有很多人情世故要学。
what, how, why, etc. in the worldidiom informal (用在疑问句中强调很吃惊)究竟,到底
used to emphasize your surprise when asking a question
What in the world are you doing in the cupboard? 你究竟在碗柜里干什么呢?
Who in the world could do such a thing? 到底有谁能做这样的事?
what's the world coming to?idiom 世界变成什么样了?(抱怨生活不像过去那样舒适或安全了)
something you say that means that life is not as pleasant or safe as it was in the past
What's the world coming to when you can't leave your house for five minutes without someone trying to break in and rob you? 现在你离开家仅五分钟就可能遭人进屋洗劫,这是什么世道啊!
the world and his wifeidiom UK (尤指某一时间、某一地点的)所有的人,各色人等
a great many people, especially in a particular place at a particular time
It's going to be quite a party - the world and his wife will be there. 那将是个不小的聚会——各色人等都会到场。
the world is someone's oysteridiom 某人)可以随心所欲,(某人可以为所欲为
If the world is your oyster, you can do what you want or go where you want.
You're young and healthy and you have no commitments - the world is your oyster. 你年轻、健康,并且没有什么负担——可以随心所欲地做你想做的事。
a world of differenceidiom 很大差别
If there is a world of difference between two people or things, they are very different.
There's a world of difference between the service in the two hotels. 这两家宾馆的服务有着天壤之别。




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