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词汇 work
noun uk/wɜːk/ us/wɝːk/
A1 [ U ]工作,活儿;劳动
an activity, such as a job, that a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money
I've got so much work to do. 我有一大堆工作要做。
Carrying heavy loads around all day is hard work. 整天来回运送重物是个苦活儿。
What time do you start/finish work? 你什么时间开始/完成工作?
Aileen does most of the work around the house. 艾琳做大部分的家务活儿。
What sort of work are you experienced in? 你对哪一种工作有经验?
She tends to wear quite dressy clothes for work. 她总是穿得漂漂亮亮的去上班。
Roger's work involves a lot of travelling. 罗杰的工作需要经常出差。
A2 [ U ]工作材料;工作成果
the material used by someone at work, or what they produce
I'll have to take this work home with me and finish it there. 我只好把这项工作带回家完成。
All the furniture is the work of residents here. 所有的家具都是这里居民的劳动成果。
  • In common with many mothers, she feels torn between her family and her work.
  • You need to have agile fingers to do this kind of work.
  • We had a disagreement over the fee for the work.
  • We've finished decorating upstairs but the downstairs still needs some work.
  • They pay me next to nothing but I really enjoy the work.
A1 [ U ]工作场所,工作地点
a place where a person goes specially to do their job
Do you have far to travel to work each day? 你每天上班路远不远?
Thousands of people are seriously injured at work every year. 每年都有数以千计的人在工作中受重伤。
When does she leave for work? 她什么时候出门去上班?
  • It's at least an hour's commute to work.
  • I like the convenience of living so near work.
  • She had a crash on the way to work.
  • I've been getting a lot of aggravation at work recently.
  • We back up our computer files at work on a daily basis.
B2 [ C ](尤指绘画、书籍或音乐)作品,著作
something created as a result of effort, especially a painting, book, or piece of music
The museum has many works by Picasso as well as other modern painters. 这家博物馆有很多毕加索的作品,也有不少其他现代画家的作品。
the poetic works of Tagore 泰戈尔的诗作
  • This novel is his best work to date.
  • The mature works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert belong to the Classical period.
  • The museum's collection includes works of art from all around the world.
  • The exhibition juxtaposes Picasso's early drawings with some of his later works.
  • In a coda to the main exhibition are various works which were once attributed to Rembrandt.
[ U ] informal整容外科手术
surgery (= a medical operation) that is done to improve someone's appearance
She denies having had any cosmetic surgery, but I think she's definitely had some work done. 她否认做过任何整容手术,但我认为她肯定做过一点。
the worksinformal 全套物品
everything that you might want or expect to find in a particular situation
The bridegroom was wearing a morning suit, gloves, top hat - the works. 新郎穿着晨礼服,戴着手套和高顶礼帽——全套的行头。
mainly US And can I have two large pizzas with the works (= with all available types of food on top). 给我来两份全套的比萨饼吧。
works[ C ] plural works (尤指工人众多的)工厂
an industrial building, especially one where a lot of people are employed
a steel/iron works 钢/铁厂
works[ plural ] (机器的)活动部件
the parts of a machine, especially those that move
If you take the back off this clock, you can see its/the works. 如果你把钟的后盖打开,就会看到那些活动部件。
[ U ] physics specialized(物体的)
force multiplied by distance moved
all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom saying 只用功不玩耍(聪明孩子也变傻)。
said to warn someone that they will not be an interesting person by working all the time
be at workidiom 在工作
to be working
The labourers were at work in the fields. 劳动者们正在田间劳动。
to be having an effect, usually an obvious or bad effect
It seems as though forces of destruction are increasingly at work throughout society. 破坏力量似乎正在给整个社会造成越来越坏的影响。
be in workidiom UK有工作
to have a job
He was always in work, right from the day he left school. 他从离开学校的那一天起就一直在工作。
be out of workidiom 没有工作
to not have a job
My father was out of work at the time, so we struggled, obviously. 我爸爸当时失业了,所以很显然我们的日子很不好过。
an out-of-work actor/manager 失业的演员/经理
get/set to workidiom 开始工作;着手一项工作
to start doing a job or a piece of work
We'd better get to work on stacking this wood if we want to finish before it gets dark. 如果我们想在天黑前完成的话,最好现在就开始堆这些木头。
have your work cut out (for you)idiom 面临艰巨的任务
to have something very difficult to do
She'll really have her work cut out to finish all those reports by the end of the week. 在周末之前完成所有这些报告对她来说真是个艰巨的任务。
in the worksidiom informal 在筹备中;在完成中
in the process of being planned or done
Changes to the system are already in the works. 对这个系统所做的改变已经在进行了。
verb uk/wɜːk/ us/wɝːk/
B1 [ I usually + adv/prep ]有效成功
to be effective or successful
Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice. 她关于部门重组的构想实际上永远都不会实现。
The tablets will start to work in a few minutes. 几分钟后药片就会开始起作用。
Some people think I'm weird doing meditation, but it works for me and that's all that matters. 有些人认为我进行冥想有点古怪,但这对我有用,这才是最重要的。
Arguably, the monarchy worked well for many centuries. 有据可考,君主政体成功施行了很多个世纪。
  • The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.
  • In conclusion, I submit that the proposal will not work without some major changes.
  • The opposition claimed that the government's education policy was not working.
  • My new diet seems to be working. I've lost weight already.
  • These tactics worked well in the last match.
A1 [ I or T ]使)工作;(使)劳动;(使干活儿(尤指为了挣钱)
to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money
Where do you work?
He works at the hospital. 他在当地的医院工作。
She worked as a cleaner at the hospital. 她在医院里当清洁工。
Mike works for a computer company. 迈克在一家计算机公司工作。
I work in management training.
Have you any experience of working with children who have learning difficulties? 你有没有教授过有学习障碍的孩子?
It's not unusual for a junior doctor to work a 70 or sometimes an 80-hour week. 对于一名初级医生来说,每周工作70甚或80小时是很平常的。
See also: work to rule (work-to-rule)
  • He works for a company that makes software.
  • She works three afternoons a week at the library.
  • She has worked as an estate agent among other things.
  • I worked as an artist's model when I was a student.
  • I'm working late this evening.
A2 [ I or T ]运转,运行;操作
If a machine or device works, it operates, especially correctly and without failure, and if you work it, you make it operate.
Our phone isn't working. 我们的电话坏了。
You need a team of about twelve people to work a furnace this size. 这样大小的熔炉需要大约12个人来维持其运行。
The pump works off/on (= uses) wind power. 这个泵利用风力。
The pump is worked by (= uses to operate) wind power. 这个泵靠风力运转。
I can't get the radio to work. 我怎么也弄不好这台收音机。
  • You're welcome to it - I can never get it to work properly.
  • Dust particles must have got into the motor, which is why it isn't working properly.
  • How do you work this machine?
  • It's a common-or-garden washing machine with just the basic functions, but it works perfectly well.
  • The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction.
[ I or T, + adv/prep ]使变成;(使成为
to succeed gradually in becoming something or cause a person or thing to become something, either by making an effort or by making many small movements
He started as a technician and worked his way up through the company to become managing director. 他从一名技术员做起,一步一步晋升为公司的总经理。
Eventually she worked her way through (= read) the huge amount of technical papers. 最后她终于读完了一大堆技术论文。
Vibration tends to make nuts and screws work themselves loose. 震动会使螺母和螺丝自动松开。
The screws had worked loose over time. 随着时间的推移,螺丝已经松了。
  • Sidney ruthlessly worked his way up from the position of junior clerk to chairman of the company.
  • She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company.
  • The splinter had worked its way under his skin.
  • It will take all weekend to work through this pile of marking.
  • She plans to work her way to the top.
[ T ] informal(尤指不通过官方认可的方式或巧妙地)安排
to arrange for something to happen, especially by not using official methods and/or by being clever
I don't know how she worked it, but she retired at 50. 我不知道她是如何做到在50岁退休的。
Can we work things (out) so that there's always someone here to answer the phone during office hours? 我们能否安排一下,以便在工作时间这里总是有人接电话?
[ T ]使成形;塑造;加工
to shape, change, or process a substance
Working iron requires higher temperatures than bronze. 加工铁比加工青铜需要更高的温度。
Gently work the butter into the flour until there are no lumps left. 轻轻地把黄油揉到面粉里,直到没有硬块为止。
work a treatidiom UK 运转顺利
to operate very well
This new drill works a treat on hard metals. 这台新钻机在硬金属上钻起孔来很是不错。
work like a charmidiom (also work like magic) 立竿见影非常奏效
to be very effective, possibly in a surprising way
Flattery usually works like a charm on him. 拍他的马屁通常十分有效。
work wonders/miraclesidiom (UK also work a treat) 有奇效,非常有效
to produce very good effects
A little bit of oil works wonders on squeaky hinges. 给嘎吱嘎吱响的铰链上点油就能马上解决问题。
Running works wonders for the metabolism. 跑步非常有益于新陈代谢。
work your fingers to the boneidiom (尤指长期)辛苦劳作,拼命工作
to work extremely hard, especially for a long time
She worked her fingers to the bone to provide a home and food for seven children. 她长年累月地辛苦劳作,好让7个孩子能有个家,能吃上饭。
work like a dogidiom approving (UK also work like a Trojan) 勤奋地工作
to work very hard
You can work like a dog and still not make ends meet. 你可以拼命工作,但还是不能维持生计。
work till/until you dropidiom (US also work your tail off)努力工作直到精疲力尽
to work until you are so tired that you cannot work any more
work your way around to somethingidiom mainly UK (UK also work your way round to something) 慢慢准备
to prepare yourself slowly for doing something
I think they're both gradually working their way around to talking to each other again. 我觉得他们俩都在慢慢地试着想重归于好。
Phrasal verbs
work against/for someone 使对(某人)不利/有利
to make it more difficult, or easier, for someone to achieve something
Inexperience can work against someone looking for a job. 没有经验可能对求职者不利。
work at somethingB2 致力于…;在…上下功夫
to try hard to achieve something
Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work at it. 大多数夫妻都会认同,婚姻的成功需要双方的努力。
[ + -ing verb ] You need to work at improving your writing. 你需要在提高写作能力上下下功夫。
work something off (通过消耗体力)摆脱,发泄(不愉快情绪)
If you work off an unpleasant feeling, you get rid of it by doing something energetic.
She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day. 她通过每天跑步至少半小时来缓解压力。
work on somethingB2 修理改善
to spend time repairing or improving something
His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his stamina. 他的舞技不错,但还需要提高耐力。
work on someone 努力说服某人
to try to persuade or influence someone
[ + to infinitive ] I'm working on my father to get him to take me to the airport. 我在努力说服爸爸,要他送我去机场。
work something outB2 计算出
to do a calculation to get an answer to a mathematical question
We need to work out the total cost of the project. 我们需要算出这项工程的总造价。
C2 (US usually figure sth out)理解;想出
to understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it
[ + question word ] There will be a full investigation to work out what caused the accident. 将进行全面的调查以找出事故发生的原因。
[ + that ] Investigators needed several months to work out that a fraud had been committed. 调查人员需要几个月的时间才能查出欺诈行为。
work outB1 锻炼身体
to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body
Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week. 休每周在健身房锻炼两三次。
[ L ]结果是;算下来
to be the result of a calculation
These figures work out differently each time I add them. 我每次把这些数字相加得出的结果都不一样。
The safe load for a truck of this size works out at nearly 20 tons. 这种大小的卡车的安全载重量算出来是将近20吨。
In fact the trip worked out cheaper than we'd expected. 实际上,这次旅行花的钱比我们预计的少。
to happen or develop in a particular way
How is the new monitoring procedure working out? 新的监督程序运行得如何?
Let's hope this new job works out well for him. 希望这项新工作会非常适合他。
work someone out 理解(某人的行为)
to understand the reasons for someone's behaviour
Why does he behave like that? I can't work him out at all. 他为什么那样做?——我完全搞不清楚。
work (something) outB2 使)好转,(使出现转机
If a problem or difficult situation works out, it gradually becomes better or satisfactory, and if you work it out, you make it better or satisfactory.
Don't worry about anything - it'll all work out (for the best) in the end, you'll see. 什么也别担心——最后一切都会好转,等着看吧。
work someone over 殴打,打伤(某人
to attack and injure someone
Do you want me to get some of the lads to work him over? 你要不要我找几个小伙子揍他一顿?
Somebody had worked him over pretty good. 有人把他好好地打了一顿。
More phrasal verbs
work through something 逐步解决困难的问题
to manage a problem that has many different parts step by step
It's a complex situation but we'll work through it. 这个情况很复杂,但是我们会解决的。
work up something 激发,激起
to develop an emotional or physical state that you feel strongly, after a period of effort or time
We worked up a real appetite climbing in the mountains. 我们突然很想爬山。
It's strange, but I can't work up any enthusiasm for going on this trip. 很奇怪,这次旅行激不起我的任何热情。
work someone up 某人)生气,使(某人激动
to make yourself or another person feel upset or feel strong emotions
Try not to work yourself up about the exams. 尽量不要因为考试而情绪激动。
Nationalist speeches worked the crowd up into a frenzy. 民族主义者们的演讲把听众的情绪煽动得疯狂起来。
work (yourself) up to something 逐步为(困难的事)做准备
to gradually prepare yourself for something difficult
He's very shy, but he's slowly working (his way/himself) up to letting her know what he feels about her. 他非常害羞,但他在逐渐使她明白自己对她的感情。
suffix uk/ -wɜːk/ us/ -wɝːk/
used to refer to work of a particular type
homework 家庭作业
paperwork 文字工作
used to refer to a skill or activity using a particular type of material
Girls and boys study woodwork and metalwork at this school. 在这所学校里,男孩和女孩们学习木工和金属制造手艺。
used to name things made of a particular material
stonework 石制品
ironwork 铁制品




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