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词汇 wipe
verb [ T ] uk/waɪp/ us/waɪp/
B2 擦,拭,抹
to slide something, especially a piece of cloth, over the surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food, or liquid
Do you have some paper towels that I can wipe the floor with? 你有没有我可以用来擦地板的纸巾?
I'll just get a sponge and wipe the crumbs off the table. 我这就去找块海绵把桌子上的碎屑擦掉。
Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve! 别用袖子擦鼻子!
Someone has wiped their dirty hands on my nice clean towel! 有人在我干净漂亮的毛巾上擦过脏手!
  • Don't wipe your grubby hands on my clean towel!
  • Please wipe your feet before you come into the house.
  • She wiped her floury hands on a cloth.
  • She wiped her eye make-up off with a cotton wool pad.
  • The nurse wiped my fevered brow.
wipe something off the mapidiom (also wipe something off the face of the earth/globe) 完全摧毁
to destroy completely
There are bombs so powerful that whole nations could be wiped off the map by them. 有一种炸弹威力十分巨大,能将所有的国家都彻底摧毁。
wipe the floor with someoneidiom informal 轻松击败
to defeat someone very easily
"I hear Italy beat France in the semifinals last night." "Beat them? They wiped the floor with them!" “我听说意大利队昨晚在半决赛中击败了法国队。”“击败?简直就是横扫!”
wipe the slate cleanidiom 重新开始,将以前的糟糕经历一笔勾销
to start a new and better way of behaving, forgetting about any bad experiences in the past
A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean. 一段新的感情使你有机会忘掉以前的不愉快,开始新的生活。
wipe the smile off someone's faceidiom 某人)不再得意(或高兴)
to make someone feel less happy or confident, especially someone who is annoying you because they think they are very clever
Tell him you saw Helena at the cinema with another guy - that should wipe the smile off his face! 告诉他,你在电影院里看见海伦娜和另外一个家伙在一起——这样他就不会再那么洋洋得意了!
Phrasal verbs
wipe something down (用抹布)擦拭,擦干净
to clean the surface of something, such as a table, with a cloth
Every night we wipe the tables down before we shut the restaurant. 每天晚上在饭馆关门之前,我们都要把桌子擦干净。
wipe something off something 从…中除去(或抹去)
to remove something from something
All their customer information was wiped off the computer by a virus. 病毒将他们全部的客户信息都从计算机上删掉了。
$8 billion has been wiped off share prices worldwide. 全世界的股价下跌,总共损失了80亿美元。
wipe something outC2 完全摧毁
to destroy something completely
Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting. 所有的村子都在战斗中被彻底摧毁了。
One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years. 一次歉收可能会将种植者前两年的收益全部抵消掉。
wipe out (尤指车辆)失控,出事故
to lose control, especially in a vehicle, and have an accident
I was going too fast and I wiped out on the bend. 我开得太快了,在拐弯处失去了控制。
wipe something up (用抹布等)擦掉液体
to remove a substance, usually liquid, with a cloth or something similar
I was just wiping up the soup that you spilled in the kitchen. 我刚在厨房把你洒出来的汤擦干净。
Do you have something I could wipe up this mess with? 你有没有什么东西我可以用来把这摊脏东西擦干净?
noun [ C ] uk/waɪp/ us/waɪp/
a piece of soft, wet cloth or paper that you use for wiping
baby wipes 婴儿纸巾
an act of wiping
I'd better give the floor a quick wipe before someone slips on it. 我最好赶快擦一下地板,省得有人滑倒。




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