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词汇 wind
noun uk/wɪnd/ us/wɪnd/
A1 [ C or U ]风;气流
a current of air moving approximately horizontally, especially one strong enough to be felt
There isn't enough wind to fly a kite. 风不够大,风筝飞不起来。
The forecast warned of winds of up to 60 miles an hour today. 天气预报警告说,今天有时速高达60英里的强风。
There was a light wind blowing. 微风轻拂。
Strong/High winds made the crossing very choppy. 强风使横渡变得非常不舒服。
The sails flapped in the wind. 风帆在风中啪啪地拍打着。
literary There wasn't a breath of (= even a slight amount of) wind. 没有一丝风。
A gust of wind suddenly caught her skirt. 突然一阵风吹动了她的裙子。
The wind is beginning to pick up (= get stronger). 风开始越刮越猛。
She ran like the wind (= very fast) to catch up. 她像一阵风似的赶了上去。
  • The last part of the course was hard because I was running against the wind.
  • The force of the wind had brought down a great many trees in the area.
  • A sudden gust of wind blew his umbrella inside out.
  • Hurricane force winds are expected tonight.
  • The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds.
[ U ] mainly UK呼吸;呼吸能力
breath or the ability to breathe
The blow to my stomach knocked the wind out of me. 打在腹部的一记重拳让我喘不过气来。
[ U ] UK informal disapproving空谈,废话
words that do not mean anything and false statements
I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind. 几乎从不费神去听政治家的演讲——都是废话。
[ U ] UK (US gas)肠气,胃气,肠胃气胀
gas in the bowels or in a baby's stomach, especially when this makes you feel uncomfortable or makes noises
I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind. 我爱吃大蒜,但吃了肚子胀气很厉害。
the wind section (US also the winds)(管弦乐队中的)木管乐器组
the group of woodwind instruments (= ones played by blowing into a hole near one end)and their players in an orchestra
get wind of somethingidiom 听到…的风声;得知…秘密消息
to hear a piece of information that someone else was trying to keep secret
I don't want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving. 我不想让我的同事们知道我要离开的消息。
have the wind at your backidiom 处于有利地位
to be in a good situation in which you can succeed
The president has the wind at his back on this issue. 在这个问题上,总统处于有利地位。
in the windidiom 某事)在酝酿中,在热论中
If something is in the wind, people are talking about it and it may happen, but no one is sure.
Rumours of a takeover are in the wind. 有关接管的传言甚嚣尘上。
If someone is in the wind, they are missing, especially after escaping
The suspects are in the wind. 疑犯在逃失踪。
put/get the wind up someoneidiom UK 使某人)变得紧张(或害怕)
to make someone feel worried about their situation
Tell them your father's a policeman - that'll put the wind up them! 告诉他们你爸爸是警察——那会让他们感到害怕的!
take the wind out of someone's sailsidiom (also knock the wind out of sb's sails, knock the wind out of sb)使某人泄气使某人)不坚定
to make someone feel less confident or less determined to do something, usually by saying or doing something that they are not expecting
I was all ready to tell him that the relationship was over when he greeted me with a big bunch of flowers - that took the wind out of my sails. 我已经准备好要告诉他我们分手吧,可他捧着一大束花向我迎来——这让我的心又软了下来。
verb [ T ] uk/wɪnd/ us/wɪnd/ winded
to make it difficult or temporarily impossible for someone to breathe, usually by hitting them in the stomach
UK (US burp)(用抚拍的方法)使婴儿)打嗝通气
to rub or very gently hit a baby on the back to allow air to come up from the stomach
verb uk/waɪnd/ us/waɪnd/ wound | wound
[ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]绕;使卷绕
to turn or cause something to turn
She wound the handle but nothing happened. 她转动把手,但是没起什么作用。
Once she was in the car, she wound the window down/up (= caused it to open/close by turning a handle). 她一进到车里,就把车窗玻璃摇了下来/上去。
That noise you can hear is the tape winding back. 你能听到的噪音是倒磁带的声音。
See also: rewind verb (GO BACK)
[ T ] (also wind up)钟表)上弦,给…上发条
If you wind (up) a clock or watch, you cause it to work by turning a key, handle, or other device.
B2 [ I usually + adv/prep ](道路或河流等)曲折前进,蜿蜒
If a road, path, or river winds, it follows a route that turns repeatedly in different directions.
The river winds through the valley. 河流弯弯曲曲地穿过山谷。
B2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]包,裹;使缠绕成团
to wrap something around an object several times or twist it repeatedly around itself
She wound a scarf around her neck. 她在脖子上围了一条围巾。
He wound the string into a ball. 他将绳子缠成一团。
He wound a small bandage round her finger. 他在她的手指上缠了一小条绷带。
Related word: winding
Phrasal verbs
wind (something) down 使逐渐结束
to end gradually or in stages, or to cause something to do this
The government intends to wind the scheme down in the spring. 政府有意在早春时节将这个计划逐渐收尾。
Unfortunately, the party was just winding down as we got there. 不巧的是,我们赶到时聚会已接近尾声了。
If a business or organization winds down, or if someone winds it down, the amount of work it does is gradually reduced until it closes completely.
They're winding down their operations abroad because they're losing money. 因为亏损,他们正在逐步缩减海外业务。
wind down (劳累或担心之后)放松下来
to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried
When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to wind down. 他去度假时,开始的几天只是放松放松。
wind something up 关闭(企业或机构);使停业
to close a business or organization
Lawyers were called in to wind up the company. 律师被请来对这家公司进行停业清理。
wind up (使自己)陷入,卷入,落得
to find yourself in an unexpected and usually unpleasant situation, especially as a result of what you do
If he keeps doing stuff like that he's going to wind up in prison! 如果他这么干下去,最终会进监狱的!
You don't want to wind up homeless, do you? 你不想最后落得无家可归,对不对?
wind (something) up 使结束
to end, or to make an activity end
I think it's about time we wound this meeting up. 我看我们该结束这次会议了。
We need to wind up now, we only have five minutes left. 我们现在得结束了,只剩5分钟的时间了。
wind someone up 惹恼某人);使(某人)心烦
to annoy or upset someone
It really winds me up when he goes on about teachers having an easy life. 他不停地说教师的日子过得很轻松,真是把我气坏了。
She just knows how to wind me up. 她就知道如何惹恼我。
See also: wound up
to tell someone something that is not true in order to make a joke
Are you serious or are you just trying to wind me up? 你是认真的还是只想骗骗我?




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