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词汇 wet
adjective uk/wet/ us/wet/ wetter | wettest
A2 湿的,潮湿的
covered in water or another liquid
a wet floor 潮湿的地板
a wet umbrella 湿淋淋的伞
wet hair 湿头发
My bike got wet in the rain. 我的自行车在雨中淋湿了。
I had to ride my bike in the rain and got soaking (= very) wet. 我不得不骑车在雨中行进,全身都淋湿了。
informal You poor thing - you're all (= very) wet. 你这个可怜的家伙——全身都淋湿了。
B1 (油漆、墨水等)未干的
Wet paint, ink, or a similar substance has not had time to dry and become hard.
The paint's still wet. 油漆还没有干。
a notice saying "Wet paint!" 一块写有“油漆未干!”的告示牌
A2 多雨的,下雨的
used to describe weather or periods of time when rain falls
We've had wet weather all week. 整个星期都在下雨。
This is the first wet day for two months. 这是两个月以来的第一场雨。
The presentation will take place indoors if it's wet. 如果下雨的话,仪式就在室内举行。
be wet through 全湿透了
to be completely wet
Come in quickly - you're wet through. 快点进来——你全身都湿透了。
  • We got so wet that our clothes clung to us.
  • The tyres on my car don't cope very well on wet roads.
  • Level the wet cement before it sets.
  • My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.
  • The wood was wet and would not burn.
used to describe someone who has a weak character and does not express any forceful opinions
Don't be so wet. 别那么窝囊。
Related words: wetlywetness
a wet weekendidiom UK无聊(或令人沮丧)的经历;讨厌(或无聊)的人
a very boring and disappointing experience or person
He sounds about as much fun as a wet weekend in Carmarthenshire. 听起来他在卡马森郡度过了一段很无聊的时光。
be wet behind the earsidiom 乳臭未干的,无经验的
to be young and without experience
verb [ T ] uk/wet/ us/wet/
to make something wet
Wet the powder thoroughly and mix to remove lumps. 将这些粉末彻底弄湿,搅拌均匀并剔除结块。
He wetted a dishcloth and tried to rub the mark away. 他蘸湿了一块布,试图将那块污迹擦掉。
wet yourself 尿湿自己的衣服
to urinate in your clothes by accident
wet the/your bed 尿床
to urinate in your bed by accident
She still sometimes wets the bed at night. 她夜里有时还尿床。
wet your whistleidiom old-fashioned informal 喝杯酒
to have an alcoholic drink
noun UK uk/wet/ us/wet/
[ U ]液体(尤指水)
liquid, especially water
Don't put your newspaper down in the wet. 别把报纸放在水上。
the wetmainly UK 雨天
wet weather
Don't leave it out there in the wet. 雨天不要把它放在外面。
[ C ] UK disapproving软弱的懦弱的窝囊的
someone who has a weak character and does not express any forceful opinions
Come on Tom, don't be such a wet! 汤姆,快点!别这么窝囊!
[ C ] UK disapproving英国保守党中观点不够鲜明(或激烈)的人
a member of the Conservative Party in Britain with no strong or extreme opinions




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