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词汇 weather
noun [ U ] uk/ˈweð.ər/ us/ˈweð.ɚ/
A1 天气气象
the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area
bad/good/cold/dry/hot/stormy/warm/wet/etc. weather 坏/好/冷的/干燥的/炎热的/暴风雨/温暖的/潮湿的天气(等等)
The weather in the mountains can change very quickly, so take appropriate clothing. 山里的天气瞬息万变,所以要带上合适的衣服。
We're going to have a picnic, weather permitting (= if the weather is good enough). 如果天气好的话,我们打算去野餐。
  • The weather is expected to remain clear for the next few days.
  • The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
  • The rescue operation has been complicated by bad weather.
  • Fair weather was forecast for the following day.
  • The weather was good at the start of the week.
under the weatheridiom informalC2 生病;觉得不舒服
If someone is or feels under the weather, they feel ill.
I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold. 我觉得有点不舒服——可能是感冒了。
in all weathersidiom 无论天气好坏风雨无阻
If something is done in all weathers, it is done in every type of weather.
He goes fishing in all weathers. 他无论刮风下雨都去钓鱼。
verb uk/ˈweð.ər/ us/ˈweð.ɚ/
[ T ]平安度过困境);经受住
to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem
As a small new company they did well to weather the recession. 作为一家新成立的小公司,他们成功地度过了经济衰退期。
[ I or T ]使)因风吹日晒而褪色,(使)受到风雨侵蚀,(使风化
to change in colour or form over a period of time because of the effects of sun, wind, or other weather conditions
Rock is weathered by the action of ice and changes in temperature. 冰的作用和温度的变化使得岩石受到了侵蚀。
The paint on the outside walls has weathered badly (= has changed and been damaged by the weather). 外墙上的油漆风吹日晒褪色得很厉害。
Related word: weathered
weather the stormidiom 渡过难关
If someone or something weathers the storm, they successfully deal with a very difficult problem.
In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his remarks. 在接下来的几天里,我们要看看那位大使能否平安渡过这场因他轻率的言辞而引发的政治风波。




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