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词汇 watch
verb uk/wɒtʃ/ us/wɑːtʃ/
A1 [ I or T ]观看;注视
to look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving
I had dinner and watched TV for a couple of hours. 我吃了饭,然后看了几个小时电视。
He spent the entire afternoon watching a cricket match. 他整个下午都在看一场板球比赛。
[ + obj + infinitive without to ] I watched him get into a cab. 我看着他坐上一辆出租车。
I got the feeling I was being watched. 我有种被人监视的感觉。
[ + obj + -ing verb ] I sit by the window and watch people walking past. 我坐在窗边,看着人来人往。
[ + question word ] Just watch how he slides that ball in past the goalkeeper. 看看他是多么巧妙地带球越过守门员而入网的。
Bonner watched helplessly as they drove away without him. 邦纳无助地看着他们开着车扬长而去,没有带上他。
She'll pretend that she hasn't seen us - you watch. 她会假装没看见我们的——你看着吧。
[ T ]看护照看
to stay with someone or something, such as a child, for a short time to make certain that he, she, or it is safe
If you want me to watch the kids for a couple of hours while you go out, just let me know. 如果你想在出门时让我帮忙照看孩子们几个小时,跟我说一声就行了。
Could you watch my bags for me, while I go to the toilet? 我去一趟卫生间,你帮我看一下这些包好吗?
  • You can watch the trains going by from this window.
  • Practically the whole nation watched the ceremony on television.
  • He watches a lot of TV.
  • We sat on the beach watching a spectacular sunset.
  • Thousands of fans packed into the stadium to watch the match.
B2 [ T ]小心,当心,留神
to be careful of something
I have to watch my weight (= be careful not to become too heavy) now I'm not exercising so much. 我必须注意自己的体重,因为我现在不怎么运动。
Watch your language (= do not use rude words), young man! 请注意言语得体,年轻人!
[ + (that) ] Watch (that) you don't get glue on your fingers. 注意别把胶水粘到你的手指上。
[ + question word ] Watch what you're doing with that knife, Jim, it's sharp. 用那把刀时小心点,吉姆,它很锋利的。
You need to watch him - he's a strange character. 你得盯着他——他有点奇怪。
  • You need to watch those car dealers.
  • Watch the mosquitos - they can give you a nasty bite.
  • Watch what you're doing with that stick!.
watch your backidiom 提防周围的人
to be careful of the people around you, making certain that they do nothing to harm you
I have to watch my back at work - there are a lot of people who would like my job. 我上班时不得不提防周围的人——很多人都想要我这份工作。
watch itidiom informal 小心,注意
used to tell someone to be careful
Watch it - you nearly knocked my head off with that plank! 小心点,你差点儿用那块厚木板把我的脑袋砸掉了!
watch paint dryidiom informal humorous 闲看油漆变干(表示某事很无聊)
used to refer to an activity that you consider extremely boring
"Don't you want to watch the football?" "To be honest, I would rather watch paint dry." “这么说你不想看这场足球赛?”“说实话,我宁愿看油漆变干。”
watch the clockidiom disapproving (尤指在做自己不喜欢的工作时)不停地看表(希望时间过得快一点儿)
to often notice the time and wish that it was later, especially when you are doing work that you do not like
watch the world go byidiom 看着人来人往
to look at people as they go past
I love sitting in the park watching the world go by. 我喜欢坐在公园里看着人们来来往往。
watch this spaceidiom 注意看着(精彩的情形即将发生)
used to say that there will very soon be an exciting change in the situation.
Phrasal verbs
watch outB2 当心,小心,留神
used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen
"Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks onto the floor. “当心!”他喊道,但为时已晚——她已经将整盘饮料都撞翻到了地上。
watch out for someone/something 留神,密切注意,关注
to be careful to notice someone or something interesting
Watch out for his latest movie, out next month. 请关注他的新片,下个月就要上映了。
watch over someone 保护照看
to protect someone and make certain that they are safe
The prince has two bodyguards watching over him every hour of the day. 王子有两名24小时贴身保护的保镖。
noun uk/wɒtʃ/ us/wɑːtʃ/
A1 [ C ]表,手表
a small clock that is worn on a strap around the wrist or, sometimes, connected to a piece of clothing by a chain
My watch seems to have stopped (= stopped working). 我的手表好像停了。
He glanced nervously at his watch. 他紧张地瞥了一眼手表。
  • Repairing a watch is a very fiddly job.
  • She took/cast a glance at her watch.
  • The watch mechanism is extremely intricate and very difficult to repair.
  • Does your watch keep good time?
  • On the bottom of the watch it said 'Swiss-made'.
[ S or U ]观察;监视;注意
the activity of watching or giving attention to something or someone, especially to make certain nothing bad happens
The police keep a close watch on gang members. 警方严密监视着一个帮派成员。
The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch/to keep watch. 夜里除了一个人站岗之外,其他的士兵都睡觉了。
[ S ]警卫哨兵警卫队治安队
a person or group of soldiers or guards whose duty is to protect a person, place, or thing from danger or attack
[ C ]警戒时间;(警卫或治安队等的)值班时间
a particular period of time during which a person or a group of soldiers or guards has the duty of protecting and warning of danger
the night watch 值夜班
  • I sometimes just look out the window and keep a watch on the comings and goings of everyone in the street.
  • Her parents used to keep a jealous watch over her when she was young.
  • Management keep a close watch on bullying in the workplace.
  • She keeps a close watch on her husband to see that he behaves himself.
  • You need to keep a close watch on him. He's a real troublemaker.
a watch outidiom 留意,寻找
the activity of watching carefully and looking for someone or something
Keep a watch out for Nicki and Steve - they should be here somewhere. 留意一下尼基和史蒂夫——他们应该在这一带。




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