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词汇 want
verb [ T ] uk/wɒnt/ us/wɑːnt/
A1 想要,希望(英国英语中礼貌的请求不用 want)
to wish for a particular thing or plan of action. "Want" is not used in polite requests
I want some chocolate. 我想要些巧克力。
She wants a meeting with you. 她想跟你见面。
He's everything you'd ever want in a man - bright, funny and attractive. 他具备你理想中男人的所有特质——聪明、风趣而又有魅力。
[ + to infinitive ] What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?
[ + obj + to infinitive ] Do you want me to take you to the airport? 你要我送你去机场吗?
[ + obj + past participle ] This package - do you want it sent today? 这个包裹——你想今天寄出吗?
[ + obj + adj ] Do you want this pie hot? 这块馅饼你想要热一下吗?
[ + obj + -ing verb ] I don't want you coming in at two a.m., waking me up. 我可不希望你凌晨两点来,吵得我睡不着觉。
You wait - by next year she'll be wanting a bigger house! 你等着瞧——明年她就会想要一栋更大的房子了!
Compare: like verb (WANT)
to wish or need someone to be present
Am I wanted at the meeting tomorrow? 明天的会议要我参加吗?
He is wanted by the police (= they are searching for him). 警方正在通缉他。
want in/out ofinformal 想要加入/退出
to want to start or stop being involved in something
I want out of the whole venture before it's too late. 我想在还来得及的时候退出整个经营项目。
  • I don't want to talk about it anymore - let's drop the subject.
  • They want to elevate the status of teachers.
  • I wanted to buy it but it cost too much money.
  • He wants to spend more time with his family.
  • There's a queue of companies wanting to sell the product.
to need something
Do you think this soup wants a bit of salt? 你觉得这汤里要不要加点盐?
[ + -ing verb ] The wine is in the fridge - it just wants cooling for a couple of minutes. 葡萄酒在冰箱里——只需要冰镇几分钟。
want toUK (用于提供建议)应该,应当
used in giving advice to mean that someone should do something
She wants to tell him now, before it's too late. 趁还来得及,她应该现在就告诉他。
You don't want to put too much pepper in. 你不应该放太多胡椒。
not/never want for anythingidiom formal 什么也不缺
to have all the basic things you need to lead a satisfactory life
As children we never wanted for anything. 作为孩子我们从不缺什么。
tried and found wantingidiom 试过但没有效果
tried and discovered to be not effective
These policies, said the speaker, have been tried and found wanting. 发言人说,这些政策实行后发现收效不大。
noun uk/wɒnt/ us/wɑːnt/
[ U ]缺乏,缺少
a lack of something
For want of anything better to do I watched television for a while. 由于没有什么更好的事情可做,我就看了一会儿电视。
If we fail it won't be for want of trying (= we have tried even if we fail). 即使我们失败了,我们也曾努过力。
in want of 需要
He appeared tired and in want of a shave. 他显得很疲惫,胡子也需要刮了。
wants[ plural ] formal 需求
Our wants are few. 我们所需要的很少。




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