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词汇 wall
noun uk/wɔːl/ us/wɑːl/
A1 [ C ]墙,墙壁,围墙
a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or surrounds something
The walls in this apartment are so thin you can hear just about every word the neighbours say. 这间公寓的墙太薄了,甚至隔壁的人说的每一句话你都可以听见。
The walls look a bit bare - can't we put some pictures up? 这些墙看起来有点光秃秃的——我们能不能挂几幅画呢?
We had to climb over a ten-foot wall to get into the garden. 我们不得不翻过一堵10英尺高的墙以进到花园里。
The Berlin Wall came down in 1989. 柏林墙于1989年被推倒。
[ C ](身体中中空结构的)
any outer part of a hollow structure in the body
the wall of the uterus/stomach 子宫/胃壁
an artery wall 动脉血管壁
[ C ]人墙
a mass of people or things formed in such a way that you cannot get through or past them
The demonstrators formed a solid wall to stop the police from getting past them. 示威者组成一道结实的人墙,不让警察通过。
[ C ](足球比赛期间罚任意球前对方球员组成的)人墙
in football, a row of players who stand ten yards away from where a free kick is taken in order to make scoring directly from the free kick more difficult
Rooney curved the free kick past the Newcastle defensive wall and inside the far post. 鲁尼的任意球旋转绕过纽卡斯尔队球员组成的人墙,从远门柱处飞进球门。
[ S ] literary(通常指迅速移动的)墙状物
a large, powerful, usually fast moving mass of something
After the rains, the houses were washed away by a wall of mud/water. 大雨过后,那些房子被墙一般的泥流/水流冲走了。
[ S ](感情上的)隔阂,壁垒,障碍
a way of feeling or behaving that completely prevents two groups of people from communicating with or understanding each other
There is a wall of mistrust between the two groups. 这两个团体互不信任,中间像隔着一道墙。
  • Books on every conceivable subject lined one wall.
  • The east wall of the mosque is covered with a beautiful mosaic.
  • The fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of an era.
  • The walls are constructed of concrete.
  • The paint on the outside walls has weathered badly.
drive someone up the wallidiom 某人)大怒,令(某人暴跳如雷
to make someone extremely angry
My flat-mate is driving me up the wall. 我的室友此时正让我大为光火。
go to the wallidiom 公司)破产,垮台
to be destroyed or fail
After nine months of massive losses the company finally went to the wall. 经历了9个月的巨额亏损之后,这家公司最终宣告破产。
to do everything you can to achieve something or help someone
These guys will go to the wall for you. 这些人会竭尽所能地帮你。
hit the wallidiom (奔跑、运动、比赛期间疲倦到无法继续)遭遇极点
to reach a point when you are running, exercising, playing sports, etc. where you are so physically tired you feel you cannot continue
Many marathon runners hit the wall at around 20 miles. 许多跑马拉松的人在20英里左右会遭遇极点。
off the wallidiom 惊人的,不同寻常的
surprising and unusual
an off-the-wall joke 离奇的玩笑
off-the-wall leisure pursuits 不同寻常的业余爱好
walls have earsidiom saying 隔墙有耳。
something you say to warn someone that it is not safe to speak at that particular time because other people might be listening




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