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词汇 very
adverb uk/ˈver.i/ us/ˈver.i/
A1 (用于强调形容词或副词)很,非常
(used to add emphasis to an adjective or adverb) to a great degree or extremely
The situation is very serious. 形势非常严峻。
We're very, very sorry about what's happened. 对所发生的事我们感到非常难过。
Think about it very carefully before deciding. 作决定之前要仔细考虑。
How very childish of her to refuse to speak to me! 她竟然拒绝跟我说话,多么孩子气呀!
"Are you tired?" "No, not very." “你累了吗?”“不,不太累。”
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
"Did you enjoy the play?" "Very much so." (= Yes.) “你觉得戏好看吗?”“非常好看。”
I can't very well (= it would not be right for me to) say sorry when I didn't do anything wrong. 如果我没做错什么,我可不会去道歉。
(用于强调形容词最高级或 own,same 等形容词)完全,最,正是
used to add force to a superlative adjective or to the adjectives "own" or "same"
This is the very best chocolate cake I've ever tasted. 这是我尝过的最好吃的巧克力蛋糕。
She always leaves her homework to the very last moment. 她总是到最后一刻才写家庭作业。
We now have our very own library in the village. 现在我们村子真正有了自己的图书馆了。
This is the very same (= exactly the same) place we sat the last time we came. 这就是我们上次来的时候坐过的地方。
  • We were very tired after our climb.
  • The surname 'Smith' is very common in Britain.
  • The laws controlling drugs are very strict in this country.
  • It's very convenient that you live near the office.
  • He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.
all very well/fine/goodidiom 好像是不错(用来表示其中有问题)
You say that something is all very well/fine/good if it seems good by itself but you think that there are problems connected with it
It's all very well to want to get rich quickly, but it isn't usually that easy. 想一下子发财倒是没什么不对,但是通常没有那么容易。
very goodidiom UK old-fashioned (用于和比自己级别高的人说话)好的,是
a way of saying yes to someone who is in a higher position or rank than you
"Higgins, you may go now." "Very good, sir." “希斯金,你现在可以走了。”“是,先生。”
very wellidiom formal (用于表示同意)那好吧
a way of saying yes to someone or of agreeing to do what someone asks
"Can't I stay for five minutes longer?" "Oh, very well." “我不能再呆5分钟吗?”“噢,可以。”
adjective [ before noun ] uk/ˈver.i/ us/ˈver.i/
C2 (用于强调名词)同一的,恰好的,正是的
(used to add emphasis to a noun) exact or particular
This is the very book I've been looking for all month. 这正是那本我找了整整一个月的书。
You're the very person we need for the job. 你正是我们这份工作的合适人选。
What ended up happening was the very thing we feared the most. 后来发生的事情正是我们最害怕的。
The letter was sent on Monday from Berlin and arrived in Hamburg the very same/next day. 那封信星期一从柏林寄出,当天/第二天就到了汉堡。
The very idea/thought of having her friends to stay fills me with dread. 一想到她的朋友们要住下我就心生恐惧。
  • She walked in wearing the very dress the hostess had on.
  • I would like to have come, but that's the very day my niece is coming to stay with me.
  • While claiming to promote positive images of women, advertisers are in fact doing the very opposite.
  • He was sitting in the very spot where I had first seen him, all those years before.
  • Ah, there you are - the very woman I was hoping to see!
used to describe or emphasize the furthest point of something
He found the piece of paper he had lost at the very bottom of the pile. 他在那一大堆东西的最下面找到了自己丢了的那张纸。
We were at the very end of the queue, so we didn't manage to get any tickets. 我们排在队伍最后面,所以没有买到票。
be the very thingidiom old-fashioned 正是所需的
to be exactly what is needed
If you're looking for an unusual holiday, this could be the very thing! 如果你想要度过别具一格的假期,这个将正合你意。




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