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词汇 ultra
noun [ C ] uk/ˈʌl.trə/ us/ˈʌl.trə/
usually disapproving(尤指政治上的)过激分子
a person who has extreme political or religious opinions, or opinions that are more extreme than others in the same political party, etc.
Soon the ultras on the right of the party will resume their criticism of the prime minister. 很快,党内右翼过激分子就会重新开始抨击首相。
(also Ultra)(可能有极端政治观点的)极端足球迷
an extreme supporter of a football club, often one who is part of an organized group that may also have extreme political opinions
The only sign of tension came when several hundred Napoli ultras protested against the closure of their clubs's ground. 关系紧张的唯一迹象,是几百名那不勒斯极端足球迷对关闭他们支持的俱乐部而举行的抗议。
  • The ultras were mounting their own campaign to unseat the senator.
  • As did the McCarthyites of the previous decade, the ultras argued vehemently that the real threat to the nation's security resided in communist subversion at home.
  • Banners for the Ultras of the Curva Nord (of Rome's Olympic stadium) were flying high.
  • From the central lower section of the north end the ultras fired flares and bellowed their anthem.
a running race that is longer than a marathon (= a race that is approximately 26 miles)
This six-day ultra, the US's version of the Marathon des Sables, covers 148 miles. 这场为期六天的超马,是美国版的撒哈拉沙漠马拉松赛,全程148英里。
Synonym: ultramarathon
  • He needs to compete and win a lot of normal ultras before he could be classified as the best ever in that arena.
  • Ultrarunners are comfortable with extremes, and today the race has become one of the preeminent ultras in the country.
prefix uk/ʌl.trə-/ us/ʌl.trə-/
extreme or extremely
ultra-expensive 极昂贵的
ultra-modern architecture 超现代建筑
ultra-sensitive 极敏感的
an ultra-short haircut 超短发型
sports specialized超长距离
involving longer distances than is usual
He was famous as a runner of ultramarathons. 他以跑超级马拉松而闻名。
ultra-cycling/ultra-running events 超级自行车/超级长跑赛事




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