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词汇 two
number uk/tuː/ us/tuː/
A1 数字)2
the number 2
They have two houses. 他们有两幢房子。
He'll be two (years old) in February. 2月份他就两岁了。
  • She had to choose between the two men in her life.
  • I wanted to take two weeks' holiday, but could only take one because the office was so busy.
  • Asia and Africa are the two biggest continents.
  • Due to roadworks, three lanes of traffic have to converge into two.
  • There are one or two typing errors in the report.
  • I spent two years in Ethiopia.
be in two mindsidiom UK (US be of two minds)C1 犹豫不决拿不定主意
to be unable to decide about something
I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning. 今天早晨要不要来我拿不定主意。
be two of a kindidiom 属于同一类相似
If two people are two of a kind, they are very similar.
"Patrick and Glyn got on really well, didn't they?" "Yes, well they're two of a kind." “帕特里克和格林关系很好,对吧?”“是的,他们是同一类人。”
have two left feetidiom humorous (跳舞时)笨手笨脚,不协调
to move in a very awkward way when dancing
When we danced together, I discovered he had two left feet. 我们一起跳舞的时候,我发现他手脚很不协调。
it takes two to tangoidiom saying 两个人才跳得成探戈双方都有责任一个巴掌拍不响
said when you want to emphasize that both people involved in a difficult situation must accept the blame, or that an activity needs two people who are willing to take part for it to happen
She may want to argue, but it takes two to tango and I won't stoop to her level. 她可能想要争吵,可那也得我愿意,我可不想跟她一般见识。
(there's) no two ways about it.idiom 就是这样;千真万确
something that you say in order to emphasize that something is true
Without that drug I'd have died - there's no two ways about it. 如果没有那药我就死了——事实就是这样。
put two and two togetheridiom informal 根据现有情况推论;综合判断
to guess the truth about a situation from what you have seen or heard
"How did you know they were having an affair?" "I'd seen them out together a couple of times, so I just put two and two together." “你怎么知道他们有婚外情?”“我好几次见到他们一起外出,所以就这么推断。”
put two and two together and make fiveidiom informal humorous 听风就是雨
to understand a particular situation wrongly, often in a way that is more shocking or exciting than the truth
"Why in the world did she think you were pregnant?" "I was sick a couple of times, and I guess she just put two and two together and made five." “她究竟为什么会认为你怀孕了?”“我曾呕吐过一两次,我猜她就这样想了。”
that makes two of usidiom 我们两人的情况一样我跟你有同感
something that you say to tell someone that you are in the same unpleasant situation, or have the same negative feelings as them
"I have no idea what's going on." "That makes two of us!" “我不知道怎么回事。”“我也一样。”
two can play at that gameidiom informal (表示要进行报复)你这一套我也会
something that you say when you intend to harm someone in the same way as they harmed you
When I found out that my husband had been having an affair, I thought "two can play at that game!" 当我发现丈夫一直在外面有女人时,我就想“你这一套我也会”。
your two cents' worthidiom US informal (also your two cents) 某人的)意见,想法,观点
your spoken opinion on a particular matter
I thought I'd just throw in (= add) my two cents' worth. 我想只谈谈我个人的想法。
More idioms
two's company, three's a crowdidiom saying 两人成伴,三人不欢。
said when two people are relaxed and enjoying each other's company but another person would make them feel less comfortable




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