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词汇 try
verb uk/traɪ/ us/traɪ/
A2 [ I or T ]试图,想要;设法,努力
to attempt to do something
Keep trying and you'll find a job eventually. 不断努力,你最终会找到工作的。
If I don't get into the academy this year, I'll try again next year. 如果今年进不了这所专科学校,我明年还会努力的。
I've tried really hard but I can't convince him to come. 尽管我很努力地劝他,但他就是不来。
I'm trying my best/hardest, but I just can't do it. 我在尽最大努力,可就是做不来。
[ + to infinitive ] I tried to open the window. 我试着想打开窗户。
[ + -ing verb ] Maybe you should try getting up (= you should get up) earlier. 也许早晨你应该早点起床。
  • She can be really irritating but I try to ignore her.
  • We must try to spend less money.
  • I never seem to lose any weight, no matter how hard I try.
  • She lay back in the dentist's chair and tried to relax.
  • The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.
B1 [ T ]试用尝试试验
to test something to see if it is suitable or useful or if it works
I tried that recipe you gave me last night. 我昨晚尝试了你给我的那个食谱。
We don't sell newspapers - have you tried the coffee shop on the corner? 我们不卖报纸,你去拐角处的那家商店问过吗?
[ + -ing verb ] Try using a different shampoo. 试着用一下另一种洗发香波。
I'd like to try parachuting. 我想我可能会尝试一下跳伞。
I forgot my door-keys - we'd better try the window (= test it to see if it is open). 我忘了带门钥匙——我们最好试试窗户是否开着。
tried and tested/trusted(US tried and true) 经反复考验证实是有效的
used by many people and proved to be effective
Most people would prefer to stick to tried and tested methods of birth control. 大多数人都会选择继续使用已经反复验证过的节约方法。
C2 [ T ]审理,审讯,审判
to examine a person accused of committing a crime in a law court by asking them questions and considering known facts, and then decide if they are guilty
Because of security implications the officers were tried in secret. 出于安全上的考虑,那些军官受到了秘密审判。
They are being tried for murder. 他们因谋杀正在被审讯。
See also: trial noun (LEGAL PROCESS)
[ T ]考验,磨炼;使受痛苦
to worry or annoy someone or upset a person's patience with many, often slight, difficulties
The demands of the job have tried him sorely. 这项工作的苛刻要求使他深受折磨。
He's been trying my patience all morning with his constant questions. 他整个早晨都在不停地问我问题,让我烦透了。
Her endless demands would try the patience of a saint (= are very annoying). 他无休无止的要求即使一个圣者也会忍无可忍。
try something for sizeidiom UK (US try something on for size) 试用…看是否可用;考虑…看是否合适
to test something or to think about an idea in order to decide if it works or if you can use it
try your hand at somethingidiom 初次尝试做
to try doing something for the first time
He decided to try his hand at knitting and discovered he was good at it. 他决定尝试一下编织,结果发现自己很擅长。
try your luckidiom 碰碰运气
to try to achieve something although you know you might not succeed
He'd always wanted to act and in 1959 came to London to try his luck on the stage. 他一直想从事表演,于是在1959年来到伦敦,想在舞台上试试运气。
try it onidiom UK informal 向…行骗;对…粗鲁无礼;耍弄
to deceive someone or behave badly, especially in order to discover how much of your bad behaviour will be allowed
He's not really ill - he's just trying it on. 他并不是真的病了——他只是在耍花招。
The kids often try it on with a new babysitter. 孩子们常常耍弄新来的保姆。
Phrasal verbs
try for something 试图获得;争取,谋求
to attempt to get something
Are you going to try for that job in the sales department? 你想争取销售部的那份工作吗?
try something onA2 试穿;试戴
to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits you or if you like it
Try on the shoes to see if they fit. 试试那双鞋子看合不合适。
What a gorgeous dress - why don't you try it on for size (= to discover whether it fits)? 多漂亮的裙子啊——你为什么不穿上试试呢?
try something outB2 试用试验检验
to use something to discover if it works or if you like it
Don't forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment. 别忘了在安装实验设备以前检验一下。
try something out on someone 了解某人某事)的看法
to find out what someone thinks about something
We tried out the new song on a couple of friends, but they didn't like it. 我们给几位朋友试唱了新歌,但是他们都不喜欢。
try out for something 参加(运动队的)选拔参加(剧组的)试演
to compete for a position in a sports team or a part in a play
Luke's trying out for the college football team. 卢克正在参加大学足球队的选拔。
noun uk/traɪ/ us/traɪ/
B2 [ C usually singular ]设法,努力;试,尝试
an attempt to do something
They might still have tickets left - why don't you give it a try? 他们可能还有剩余的票——你为什么不试试呢?
This will be her third try at jumping the bar. 这将是她第三次尝试跳过横杆。
You could ask him if he's willing - it's worth a try. 你可以问他是否愿意——这值得一试。
  • I can't get the cork out of the bottle - could you have a try?
  • I've never done it before but I'd like to have a try .
  • After several tries to pronounce my name properly, he asked if he could just call me Sam instead!
  • Hey - that was a really good try! You'll soon be able to play the whole tune.
  • Your little brother wants a try - pass him the ball, Katie.
[ C ](橄榄球运动中)在对方球门线后带球触地得分
(in the game of rugby) the act of a player putting the ball on the ground behind the opposing team's goal line, which scores points for the player's team




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