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词汇 trot
verb uk/trɒt/ us/trɑːt/ -tt-
[ I usually + adv/prep ](四肢动物的)小跑,慢跑
If a horse or similar animal with four legs trots, it runs at its slowest speed, using short steps in which a front leg and the back leg on the opposite side move together.
She was trotting along on her pony. 她正骑着马驹小跑着。
The dog trotted down the path to greet me. 这只狗沿路小跑着过来迎接我。
Compare: canter verbgallop verb
[ I usually + adv/prep ] informal)匆忙地走,快步走
When people trot somewhere, they go there in a quick or busy way.
She came trotting down the street after me. 她跟在我身后沿着街道小跑着。
See also: globetrotter
[ I + adv/prep ] mainly UK连珠炮似地说;急匆匆地做
to speak or do something too quickly
She was rather nervous and trotted through her speech a bit too quickly. 她比较紧张,演讲速度有点偏快。
Phrasal verbs
trot something out 动不动就提出,重复说(老一套的东西)
to provide an excuse, idea, opinion, or fact, especially one that has been used often before or one that is silly
You trot out that argument whenever I try to discuss this with you. 每次我想与你讨论这件事的时候,你总是重复那一套说辞。
Whenever I ask him why his work is late, he just trots out the same old excuses. 每当我问他为什么迟交作业时,他总是用同样的借口解释。
trot someone out 某人)代表自己出面,把(某人)抬出来
to send someone to represent or defend your idea or opinion in public, in a boring and familiar way
Whenever the president is in trouble, her spokesman is trotted out to face the press. 每当总统处境困难时,她的发言人就被推出来面对新闻界。
noun uk/trɒt/ us/trɑːt/
[ S ](马或类似动物的)快步,小跑
the speed or movement of a horse or similar animal when it trots
He climbed onto his horse and headed off at a relaxed trot. 他骑上马,轻快地小跑着出发了。
[ S ]人的)慢跑,小步跑
a slow run by a human
The team warmed up for the match with a trot around the pitch. 队员们绕着球场慢跑为比赛热身。
the trots[ plural ] informal 腹泻
diarrhoea (= a condition in which the contents of the bowels are emptied too often)
to get/have the trots 拉肚子
That takeaway gave me the trots. 那份外卖吃得我拉肚子。
on the trotidiom UK informal 接连地;一个接一个地
If you do things on the trot, you do them directly after each other without pausing.
They won three games on the trot. 他们获得了三连胜。
She worked 30 hours on the trot to get the job finished on time. 为了能按时完成任务,她连续工作了30个小时。
a (quick/brisk) trot through somethingidiom mainly UK informal 快速检查;迅速解释
an occasion when you examine or explain the whole of a subject, method, or piece of work quickly without stopping or getting slower
In this book, John Pemble takes a brisk trot through the history and mysteries of Venice. 在这本书中,约翰‧彭伯简单回顾了威尼斯的历史和神秘之处。




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