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词汇 trick
noun [ C ] uk/trɪk/ us/trɪk/
B1 骗局;诡计;恶作剧
an action that is intended to deceive, either as a way of cheating someone, or as a joke or form of entertainment
She played a really nasty trick on me - she put syrup in my shampoo bottle! 她对我搞了一个很讨厌的恶作剧——把糖浆放进了我装洗发剂的瓶子里。
My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set. 我侄女给我表演了她学过的用她那套新魔术道具所能变出的所有戏法。
It's trick photography - she's supposed to look like she's walking on water. 这有点儿特技摄影的样子——她想要看上去像在水上行走一般。
Synonym: deception
be a trick of the light 是光造成的错觉
to be an effect caused by light, making something appear different
For a moment I thought you had a patch of grey hair, but it's just a trick of the light. 一时间我以为你长了一撮白发,看来只是光线造成的错觉而已。
trick or treat? “不款待就捣蛋”(孩子们在万圣节玩这个游戏时所说的话)
what children say when they go trick-or-treating at Halloween
  • She played a dirty trick on me by telling me Diane was having a party when she wasn't.
  • That was a pretty low trick to play.
  • I'll show you a magic trick.
  • They're plotting to play a trick on their brother.
  • No one's gonna pull that kind of trick on me!
B2 诀窍,秘诀;技巧
an effective or quick way of doing something
What's the trick to getting this chair to fold up? 把这张椅子折叠起来有什么诀窍?
On page 21, some tricks to speed up your beauty routine. 第21页介绍了日常快速化妆的技巧。
Synonym: knack
  • The trick to making custard is to keep stirring.
  • He told me a few good tricks for controlling the class.
  • In this article, she shares her beauty tricks with the nation.
  • What's your trick for perfect pastry?
do the trickidiom informalC2 奏效,起作用
If something does the trick, it has the necessary or wanted effect.
This sauce needs more flavour - I know, some lemon juice should/ought to do the trick. 这种调味汁需要加点儿味——我知道了,加点儿柠檬汁就可以了。
every trick in the bookidiom 所有可能的办法浑身解数
every possible way
I've tried every trick in the book to get him to notice me, and still no luck! 我想尽了一切办法想让他注意到我,可还是不走运!
how's tricks?idiom informal 近来如何?你好吗?
how are you?
"Hi, how's tricks?" "Oh, fine, how are you doing?" “嘿,你好吗?”“哦,很好,你呢?”
trick of the tradeidiom (某一行业或活动的)绝招,绝活,门道
a clever method used by people who are experienced in a particular type of work or activity
Magazines often improve photographs before they print them - it's one of the tricks of the trade. 杂志在刊发照片前往往要对照片进行修饰——这是一种行业手法。
verb [ T ] uk/trɪk/ us/trɪk/
B2 欺骗,诱骗,哄骗
to deceive someone, often as a part of a plan
Dean tricked the old lady into giving him eight hundred dollars. 迪安骗这个老妇人给了他800美元。
Synonyms: deceivefox
adjective [ before noun ] uk/trɪk/ us/trɪk/
used to deceive someone, either as a joke or form of entertainment or so that they make a mistake
a trick question 一个捉弄人的问题
A trick part of the body, especially a joint (= place where two bones are connected), sometimes feels weak suddenly and unexpectedly.
I have a trick ankle that gives me problems if I run too much. 我的脚脖子有时会突然发软,跑多了会给我带来不少麻烦。




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