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词汇 train
noun uk/treɪn/ us/treɪn/
A1 [ C ]火车,列车
a railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or to wheeled containers for carrying goods
a goods/freight/passenger train 一列货运/客运列车
the train to/from Bristol 开往/发自布里斯托尔的列车
a train journey/station 乘火车旅行/火车站
Did you come by train? 你是乘火车来的吗?
She caught/took the train to Edinburgh. 她赶上了去爱丁堡的火车/她乘火车去爱丁堡。
Hurry up, or we'll miss (= arrive too late for) the train. 快点,不然我们就赶不上火车了。
train of thought/eventsC2 思路/一连串事件
a series of connected thoughts or events
What amazing train of thought led you from Napoleon to global warming? 是怎样的思路使你从拿破仑想到全球变暖?
The book describes the train of events that led up to the assassination. 这本书描述了导致暗杀的一连串事件。
[ C ]行进中的)行列,队列
a line of animals, people, or things moving along together
a wagon train 马车队
a mule/camel train 骡/骆驼队
[ C ]拖裙,裙裾
the part of a long dress that spreads out onto the floor behind the person wearing it
an elaborate wedding dress with a long train 拖着长长的裙裾且做工精细的婚纱
put/set something in trainidiom formal 启动;实施
to start a process
The reform process was put in train in 1985. 改革进程是1985年启动的。
verb uk/treɪn/ us/treɪn/
B1 [ I or T ]训练,培训;锻炼
to prepare someone or yourself for a job, activity, or sport, by learning skills and/or by mental or physical exercise
She trained as a pilot. 她接受过飞行训练。
[ + to infinitive ] John trained to be an accountant. 约翰接受训练成为一名会计。
[ + to infinitive ] I had to train myself to be more assertive at work. 我必须锻炼自己,使自己在工作中更加自信。
She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 她为参加赛跑比赛而刻苦训练,有时一周能跑60英里。
humorous I'm trying to train my kids to pick up after themselves. 我正尝试着训练我的孩子自己收拾东西。
  • We're trying to train our dog to sit.
  • Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases.
  • I had to take an aptitude test before I began training as a nurse.
  • How I wish I could train the children to leave their dirty shoes at the door!
  • We believe that he has been training an army and storing up arms.
[ T usually + adv/prep ] formal(枪、相机、光等)对准,将…瞄准
to aim or point a gun, camera, light, etc. at someone or something
With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous. 5把枪突然对准他时,他感到紧张也就不足为奇了。
[ T ](通过修剪、捆扎)使植物)朝特定方向生长;修整
to direct the growth of a plant in a particular direction by cutting it and tying it
The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit. 葡萄藤被修整得在拱门上方生长,不仅结出果实,还能遮阴。




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