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词汇 together
adverb uk/təˈɡeð.ər/ us/təˈɡeð.ɚ/
A1 一起共同
with each other
We used to go to yoga together. 我们过去常常一起去做瑜伽。
We worked together on a project a couple of years back. 几年前我们一起做过项目。
Could you add these numbers together for me? 你能替我把这些数字加在一起吗?
You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk. 你把所有干料混在一起后再加牛奶。
I like both flavours separately but I don't like them together. 这两种味道我都喜欢,但我不喜欢把它们混在一起后的味道。
You could stick that back together (= join the separate parts to each other) with some glue. 你可以用一点儿胶水把它再粘合到一起。
She said, "Never trust a man whose eyes are so close together!" 她说:“永远不要相信两只眼睛距离太近的男人!”
The waiter asked if we were all together, so I explained that we were two separate parties. 服务员问我们是不是一起的,我解释说我们是两拨人。
We should get together (= meet each other socially) some time and have a drink. 我们应该找个时候聚一聚,喝一杯。
See also: altogether adverb
If two people are described as together, they have a close romantic and often sexual relationship with each other.
Mira and Ellis have been together now for almost five years. 米拉和埃利斯在一起至今已差不多有5年了。
get (it) togetherinformal 在一起,有性关系
If two people get together or get it together, they start a sexual relationship with each other.
We'd seen each other a few times as part of a group, but we didn't really get it together till Rachel's party. 我们在一群人一起时见过一两次面,但直到瑞秋的聚会后才真正好上。
  • I cherish the memories of the time we spent together.
  • When you've finished your work sheets, clip them together and hand them in to me.
  • It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.
  • If you two don't talk out the differences between you, it'll be very difficult for you to continue working together.
  • The bride and groom walked down the aisle together.
B1 同时
at the same time
The packages were sent separately, but they all came together. 这些包裹是分别寄出的,但是都一起到了。
We can deal with the next two items on the list together. 我们能同时处理清单上的下面两项。
  • Whenever their team scored a goal, they leaped up and down clanking their beer cans together.
  • We stood up together.
B2 合起来合在一起地
Together they must earn over $300,000 a year. 合起来他们一年肯定能挣30多万美元。
She's got more sense than the rest of you put together. 你们合在一起也不如她聪明。
  • The population of the US is bigger than that of Britain, France and Germany put together.
  • The stables and other outbuildings were sold together with the main house.
  • The skirt and jacket looked a bit odd together.
  • Unemployment and inner city decay are inseparable issues which must be tackled together.
  • In their heyday, they sold as many records as all the other groups in the country put together.
B2 在一起
in one place
I'll just gather my stuff together, and then we can go. 我只要把我的东西收拾在一起,然后我们就可以离开。
  • The monkeys bunched together in the corner of their cage.
  • We huddled together on the cliff ledge, waiting for rescue.
  • We pushed all the furniture together in the middle of the room, so that we could paint the walls.
  • Doctors inserted a metal pin in his leg to hold the bones together.
  • We all grouped together round the bride for a family photograph.
together withB2 mainly UK连同加上
in addition to; and also
The money that I owe you for the phone together with the rent equals £300. 我欠你的电话费加上房租一共是300英镑。
That bottle of champagne together with those chocolates will make a nice present. 那瓶香槟酒连同那些巧克力会是一份很好的礼物。
adjective informal approving uk/təˈɡeð.ər/ us/təˈɡeð.ɚ/
organized, confident of your abilities, and able to use them to achieve what you want
For a sixteen-year-old, he seems pretty together. 作为一个16岁的年轻人,他给人的感觉是相当沉稳。
get it together 把事情料理妥当
to get something organized
We were going to go skiing over Christmas but we never got it together. 我们原打算圣诞节去滑雪,可是却总没有成行。
  • I haven't been very together since my mother died.
  • We weren't very together about arranging the food.




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