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词汇 think
verb uk/θɪŋk/ us/θɪŋk/ thought | thought
A1 [ I or T ]相信;觉得;思考
to believe something or have an opinion or idea
[ + (that) ] I think (that) I've met you before. 我觉得以前见过你。
I don't think Emma will get the job. 我认为埃玛不会获得这份工作。
"Do you think (that) you could get me some stamps while you're in town?" 你进城的时候帮我买些邮票好吗?
[ + to infinitive ] He was thought to have boarded the plane in New York. 据信他已在纽约上了飞机。
What did you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?
Salmon used to be thought of as expensive/a luxury. 鲑鱼一度被认为是昂贵的/是奢侈品。
What do you think about the latest plans for improving the underground system? 你觉得这个改善地铁系统的最新计划怎么样?
I think it is important to learn English. 我认为学英语是很重要的。
not think much of sb/sth 认为…不怎么样
to have a low opinion of someone or something
I didn't think much of her latest book. 我觉得她最新出版的书不怎么样。
B2 [ I ]体谅,为他人着想
to consider a person's needs or wishes
She's always thinking of others. 她总是替他人着想。
  • Some people think the Church shouldn't interfere in politics.
  • Circle the answer you think is correct.
  • How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?
  • I'm sure my boss thinks I've been neglecting my duties recently.
  • The soldiers lined us up against a wall and I thought they were going to shoot us.
A2 思考,考虑(动脑筋决定做某事)
to use the brain to decide to do something
[ + of+ -ing verb ] I'm thinking of taking up running. 我在考虑开始跑步。
[ + (that) ] I think (that) I'll go swimming after lunch. 我想午饭后去游泳。
I'm thinking about buying a new car. 我在考虑买辆新车。
B1 [ I ]考虑,想,思索
to use the brain to plan something, solve a problem, understand a situation, etc.
What are you thinking, Peter? 彼得,你在想什么呢?
He just does these things without thinking and he gets himself into trouble. 他做这些没有经过仔细考虑,结果弄得一团糟。
You think too much - that's your problem. 你想得太多——这是你的问题。
I'm sorry I forgot to mention your name. I just wasn't thinking. 对不起,我忘了提你的名字。我真糊涂。
think long and hard(also think twice)C1 深思熟虑
to think very carefully about something
Think long and hard before you make any important decisions. 在你作出重要决定之前要深思熟虑。
I know it's exciting, but you should think twice before you spend that much money on a vacation. 我知道这很让人兴奋,但是在假期上花那么多钱之前要仔细考虑一下。
think aloudUK (US think out loud) 自言自语
to automatically say what you are thinking
"What did you say?" "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking aloud." “你说什么了?”“啊,没什么,我只是在自言自语。”
  • Whatever she's thinking, she never lets it show.
  • He admits that he acted without thinking.
  • He paused and thought for a moment.
  • We thought long and hard before sending the children away to school.
  • Some people say that playing classical music while you work helps you think - but I find it only distracts me.
B1 [ I usually + adv/prep ]想起;设想
to remember or imagine
I was just thinking about you when you called. 你打来电话时我正在想你。
She was so busy she didn't think to tell me about it. 她实在是太忙了,没有想起要告诉我这件事。
  • Did you think to give her your phone number?
  • I've been thinking about my grandmother a lot recently.
  • Do you often think about the war?
couldn't thinkidiom 想不出
did not know
She couldn't think what to do next. 她想不出下一步该怎么办。
I can't thinkidiom mainly UK我弄不懂,我不知道
I do not know
I can't think why she hasn't phoned. 我不明白为什么她没有打电话。
I think notidiom 我不这样认为;不
a formal way of disagreeing or saying no
"Will you be going tonight, James?" "I think not." “詹姆斯,你今晚要走吗?”“我想不会。”
I thought as muchidiom 我早就料到了
used to say that you are not surprised by what someone has said or done
"I came to ask you a favour." "I thought as much." “我来请你帮忙的。”“我早就料到了。”
not be thinking straightidiom 没想清楚,没好好动脑筋
to not be thinking clearly or using good judgment
I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to do - I wasn't thinking straight. 对不起,那样做太愚蠢了——我当时没有想好。
not think twiceidiom C1 不假思索
to do something immediately, without considering if it is a good idea
They didn't think twice about laying off hundreds of employees. 他们不假思索地就辞退了几百名员工。
think againidiom UK再想想,重新考虑
to form a new opinion about something or decide to change your decision on it, often after learning more about it
When the children are misbehaving, it makes me think again about having a large family. 孩子们淘气时,我就会重新考虑要不要拥有一个子女众多的大家庭。
think better of somethingidiom 决定不做…,改变对…的主意
to decide that something is not a good idea
Originally we were going to buy John's old car, but we thought better of it. 我们原计划买约翰的旧车,但后来觉得还是不买的好。
think bigidiom 立大志,雄心勃勃
to have plans to be very successful or powerful
You need to think big if you want to succeed. 要想成功必须立大志。
think nothing of somethingidiom 认为…容易,看轻
to consider that an activity is easy and not unusual
When I was younger, I thought nothing of riding my bike 50 miles in a day. 年轻时,我觉得一天骑50英里自行车算不了什么。
More idioms
think on your feetidiom 思维敏捷
to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly
I'd never heard about the company before, so I had to think on my feet. 我以前从来没有听说过这家公司,只好临时随机应变。
think outside the boxidiom 跳出传统的思维框框,以新的眼光看问题,独辟蹊径
to think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas
to someone's way of thinkingidiom 某人个人看来
in a particular person's opinion
To my way of thinking, the plan should never have been approved. 照我的想法,这个计划根本不该批准的。
who would have thought it?idiom C2 谁会想得到呢?
used to say that you are very surprised something has happened
So, Alex is going out with Hannah. Who would have thought it? 那么,亚历克斯在与汉娜约会。谁会想得到呢?
Phrasal verbs
think aheadC2 仔细为未来做打算,未雨绸缪
to think carefully about what might happen in the future, or to make plans for things you want to do in the future
The new year is a natural time to think ahead and make plans for the future. 新年到来,自然是考虑未来、制定计划的时刻。
think backC2 回想起,追忆
to remember something that happened in the past
It might help you to understand Julia if you think back to when you were her age. 回想一下你在她这个年龄时的所作所为可能会有助于你理解朱丽叶。
think for yourself 独立思考
to make your own decisions and form your own opinions, without depending on other people
You can't keep asking me all the time, Anna - you're going to have to learn to think for yourself. 安娜,你不能事事都问我——你得学会自己拿主意。
think of somethingB1 想出;发明
to produce a new idea or plan
We'll have to think of a pretty good excuse for being late. 我们得想一个很好的迟到借口。
think of something/someoneA1 认为,觉得
If you think of something or someone in a particular way, you have that opinion about it, him, or her.
I think of him as someone who will always help me. 我觉得他是一个随时会帮助我的人。
What do you think of (= do you like) my new dress? 你觉得我的新裙子怎么样?
to have a good opinion of someone or something
She thinks very highly of her boss. 她对她老板的评价很高。
C2 对…评价低,不喜欢
to have a low opinion of someone or something
Her parents don't think much of her new boyfriend. 她父母不喜欢她的新男友。
think of/about someone/somethingB1 记起,想起;想象
to remember or imagine someone or something
I thought of you immediately when they said they wanted someone who could speak English. 当他们说想找一个会说英语的人时,我马上想到了你。
He was thinking about the time he spent in the army. 他回忆起在部队的那段时光。
think something out 仔细考虑,全面考虑
to consider all the possible details of something
The scheme was well thought out. 这个计划是经过仔细考虑的。
think something overB2 (作决定前)认真考虑
to consider an idea or plan carefully before making a decision
I'll think it over and give you an answer next week. 我会认真考虑的,下周给你答复。
think something throughB2 认真考虑;想透
to carefully consider the possible results of doing something
I need some time to think it through - I don't want to make any sudden decisions. 我需要一些时间来考虑这件事——我不想匆忙作决定。
think something up 想出(新主意或新计划)
to produce a new idea or plan
I don't want to go tonight but I can't think up a good excuse. 我今晚不想去,但又想不出一个好的借口。
noun uk/θɪŋk/ us/θɪŋk/
have a thinkUK 考虑,思索,思考
to consider something for some time
Let me have a think about it before I decide. 在我作出决定前先让我考虑考虑。
Have a think over the weekend and tell me what you've decided. 周末先好好想想,再告诉我你的决定。
have another think comingidiom informal 想错了
to need to consider something again, because you are wrong
If you think I'm going to pay for everything, you've got another think coming. 如果你觉得一切都是我掏腰包,那你就想错了。




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