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词汇 term
noun uk/tɜːm/ us/tɝːm/
[ C ]期,期限
the fixed period of time that something lasts for
He served a short term for drunk driving. 他因酒后开车而短期入狱。
He was sentenced to a 150-year prison term for cheating thousands of ordinary people out of their savings. 他因诈骗几千人的积蓄而被判入狱150年。
The government's term of office (= the period in which they have power) expires at the end of the year. 这届政府的任期年底届满。
A2 [ C ]学期
one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, or university
In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just before Easter. 在英国,春季学期从一月份开始,到复活节前夕结束。
US Our college has three terms that we call trimesters. 我们的大学有三个学期,我们称之为三学期制。
UK We're very busy in term-time (= during the term). 学期里我们很忙。
Compare: quartersemester
[ C ] formal合同期,合约期
the period of time that a legal agreement lasts for
The lease on our house is near the end of its term. 我们房子的租赁期快满了。
[ U ] biology specialized预产期
the end of a pregnancy when a baby is expected to be born
Her last pregnancy went to term (= the baby was born after the expected number of weeks). 她上次怀孕是足月生的。
a full-term pregnancy 足月妊娠
in the long/medium/short termB2 长期/中期/短期来看
for a long, medium, or short period of time in the future
This decision will cost us more in the short term, but will be beneficial in the long term. 这一决定短期来说我们的代价会较大,但从长期看是有益处的。
  • The government is elected for a five-year term of office.
  • The school term ends on the ninth of July.
  • Next term we shall study plants and how they grow.
  • At the beginning of term, students are supplied with a list of books that they are expected to read.
  • He served a 13-year jail term.
B2 [ C ]术语,专门名称;措词
a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject, often to describe something official or technical
"Without let or hindrance" is a legal term that means "freely". “毫无阻碍地”是法律用语,意思为“自由地”。
term of abuse 污辱性称呼
an unkind or unpleasant name to call someone
term of endearment 昵称
a kind or friendly name to call someone
in terms of/in ... termsB2 在…方面;从…方面来说;根据…来看
used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing
In financial terms, the project was not a success. 从经济方面来说,这个项目并不成功。
In terms of money, I was better off in my last job. 就挣钱而言,我上一份工作挣得更多。
in no uncertain termsC2 毫不含糊地,直截了当地
in a very clear way
She told him what she thought of his behaviour in no uncertain terms (= she made her disapproval very clear). 她直截了当地告诉了他自己对他的行为有何看法。
in strong, etc. terms 用强烈(等等)的措词
using language that clearly shows your feelings
He complained in the strongest terms. 他以极其强烈的措词表达了自己的不满。
She spoke of his achievements in glowing terms (= in a very approving way). 谈到他的成就,她赞不绝口。
  • "Speed bump" now seems to be the generally accepted term for those ridges in the road that slow traffic down.
  • Some people think that "fireman" is a sexist term, and prefer the term "firefighter".
  • The terms "drinking problem" and "alcohol abuse" are often interchangeable.
  • There is a useful glossary of technical terms at the back of the book.
  • "Idiot!" is a mild term of abuse.
  • If you know what each of the terms in the equation means, you can go further and expand your model.
termsB2 [ plural ] 条件;条款
the conditions that control an agreement, arrangement, or activity
terms of employment 雇佣条款
Under the terms of their contract, employees must give three months' notice if they leave. 根据合同条款,雇员离职必须提前3个月通知公司。
This competition is only open to UK residents. Terms and conditions apply.
on easy terms UK以分期付款方式
If you buy something on easy terms, you pay for it over a period of time.
on equal terms(also on the same terms) 平等地同等地
having the same rights, treatment, etc.
All companies will compete for the government contract on equal terms. 所有公司将平等竞争政府的合同。
terms of referenceformal (研究或报告的)讨论事项
the matters to which a study or report is limited
come to terms with somethingidiom C2 逐渐接受(常指所爱之人的死)
to gradually accept a sad situation, often the death of someone you love
I think he's still coming to terms with the death of his wife. 我觉得他还没有完全接受妻子去世的事实。
be on good, friendly, etc. terms (with someone)idiom C2 (与某人)关系好,关系友好(等等
to have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with someone
My ex-wife and I are still on friendly terms. 我跟前妻仍然关系友好。
Are you on good terms with your boss? 你跟老板关系好吗?
verb [ T ] uk/tɜːm/ us/tɝːm/
to give something a name or to describe it with a particular expression
Technically, a horse that is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is termed a pony. 严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称为矮种马。
suffix uk/ -tɜːm/ us/ -tɝːm/
long/medium/short-term 长期/中期/短期的
lasting a long/medium/short time
The project will have long-term benefits. 这个项目将带来长期的好处。




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