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词汇 tear
verb uk/teər/ us/ter/ tore | torn
B1 [ I or T ])撕开,()撕掉,(撕裂
to pull or be pulled apart, or to pull pieces off
You have to be very careful with books this old because the paper tears very easily. 对这么旧的书你得格外小心,因为它的纸张很容易撕破。
I tore my skirt on the chair as I stood up. 我站起来时裙子被椅子挂破了。
A couple of pages had been torn out of/from the book. 这本书有几页被人撕掉了。
  • She tried to tear a small piece off the edge.
  • I tore off a piece of paper.
  • The dog's claws tore her dress.
  • The sheet tore right down the middle.
  • You need to tear off the top of the packet.
[ I + adv/prep ] informal狂奔;疾驰;匆忙行动
to move very quickly
He went tearing along the road after the bus. 他在路上飞奔着追赶公共汽车。
be in a tearing hurryidiom UK old-fashioned 匆忙赶路
to be going somewhere very quickly, usually because you are late
tear your hair outidiom (为…)焦虑
If you tear your hair out over a problem, you are worrying a lot about it.
She's been tearing her hair out over the final chapter of her novel for the last month. 一个月来,她绞尽脑汁地构思着小说的最后一章。
tear someone's heart outidiom 使某人)心如刀绞
to make someone very sad
The thought of those poor, hungry children is tearing my heart out. 想起那些贫穷、饥饿的孩子,我心如刀绞。
tear a strip off someoneidiom UK informal (also tear someone off a strip) 把…批得体无完肤
to criticize someone in a forceful way
Phrasal verbs
tear something apart 把…撕开(或撕成碎片)
to pull something so violently that it breaks into two or more pieces
A dog can tear a rabbit apart in seconds. 狗片刻就能把一只兔子撕烂。
C2 使…分裂
to make a group of people that was united, such as a country, family, or political party, argue, or fight with each other by dividing it into two or more parts
Ethnic rivalries threaten to tear this country apart. 种族对立使这个国家面临分裂的危险。
He resigned, depressed at the way that the party was tearing itself apart. 由于对党内正在发生的分裂倍感忧虑,他辞职了。
to destroy a building or room
The blast had torn the building apart. 爆炸摧毁了该建筑。
tear someone/something apartC2 严厉批评
to criticize something or someone severely
The speaker was applauded as he tore apart the prime minister's policies. 发言者严厉批评了首相的政策,得到了一片掌声。
tear someone apart 使某人)非常不快,使(某人)极其难受
to make someone very unhappy
Seeing the children suffer really tears me apart. 看到孩子们受苦,我非常难受。
tear someone away 使某人)依依不舍地离开;把(某人)拽走
to make someone stop doing something enjoyable, usually because they have to go somewhere or do something else
I'll bring Tim, if I can tear him away from the TV. 我会带蒂姆来,如果我能把他从电视机前拉走的话。
You could come to the party with us, if you can tear yourself away from that new boyfriend of yours! 你可以和我们一起去参加晚会,只要你舍得和新男友分开。
tear something downC2 推倒,拆毁
to intentionally destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more
They're going to tear down the old hospital and build a new one. 他们要拆掉旧医院,再建个新的。
tear into something (带着极大的热情)积极开始做某事
to start doing something with energy and enthusiasm
He tore into his new role as CEO. 他充满热情地就任首席执行官职位。
tear into someone/something 严厉批评;猛烈抨击
to criticize someone or something very strongly
Unfortunately, if he doesn't agree with you, he tends to tear into you. 遗憾的是,如果他不同意你的意见的话,往往就会狠狠地批评你。
tear something off 迅速脱掉衣服
to remove your clothes quickly and carelessly
I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower. 我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。
tear off 迅速离开
to leave very quickly
He got in his car and tore off down the road. 他钻进汽车,疾驰而去。
tear something upC1 撕碎(纸张)
to tear paper into a lot of small pieces
He tore the letter up and threw it away. 他把信撕碎扔掉了。
If you tear up an agreement, you refuse to accept it or be controlled by it any more.
She tore up the contract and walked out. 她撕毁合同,然后退席离开。
noun [ C ] uk/teər/ us/ter/
a hole in a piece of paper, cloth, or other material, where it has been torn
noun uk/tɪər/ us/tɪr/
B1 [ C usually plural ]眼泪,泪珠
a drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye, as a result of strong emotion, especially unhappiness, or pain
tears of remorse/regret/happiness/joy/laughter 悔恨/惋惜/高兴/喜悦/欢笑的泪水
Did you notice the tears in his eyes when he talked about Diane? 你注意到他谈起黛安娜时双眼满含泪水吗?
Why do arguments with you always reduce me to tears (= make me cry)? 为什么跟你吵架,最后我总是会哭?
I won't shed (any) tears (= I will not be unhappy) when he goes, I can tell you! 他走的时候我不会难过的,我跟你说!
burst into tearsB1 突然哭起来
to suddenly start to cry
She burst into tears and started screaming.
I ended the call and burst into tears.
I was so upset, I couldn't stop myself from bursting into tears.
Groups of people sat in front of their former homes, occasionally bursting into tears.
At the sight of Marcie standing there, Ben promptly burst into tears.
in tearsB1
I found him in tears in his bedroom. 我发现他在卧室里哭泣。
At the end of his speech, most of us were in tears.
When he described their living conditions, he was almost in tears.
He regularly had his staff in tears with his outbursts.
She used to come home from school in tears most days.
verb [ I ] uk/tɪər/ us/tɪr/
(of eyes) to produce tears
Why do our eyes tear when we're cutting onions? 为什么在切洋葱时眼睛会流泪?
Phrasal verb
tear up mainly US(因为情绪激动)眼里含泪(几乎要开始哭泣)
to get tears in your eyes, so that you almost start to cry, because you are experiencing strong emotion
She teared up as the award was presented to her. 当奖项授予给她时,她眼里涌起了泪水。




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