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词汇 tap
verb uk/tæp/ us/tæp/ -pp-
B2 [ I or T ](常指连续)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲
to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short, sharp noises
The branches tapped against the window. 树枝轻轻敲打着窗户。
I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk. 我能听见他用手指轻叩桌子的声音。
I was tapping my feet (= hitting the floor gently with my feet) to the music. 我随着音乐用脚打着拍子。
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. 有人轻轻拍我的肩膀。
[ I or T ]轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令)
to touch the screen of a phone, tablet computer, etc. in order to give an instruction for something to happen
You can manage the repeat and shuffle options by tapping the screen once and swiping to the left. 你可以通过轻触一下屏幕向左滑动来使用重复和移动功能。
When I tapped on the update button, the screen went blank. 当我轻触升级按钮时,屏幕显示消失了。
[ T ]开发;开辟;着手利用
to get or make use of something
For more than a century, Eastern cities have expanded their water supplies by tapping ever more remote sources. 一个多世纪以来,东部的城市通过开发更偏远地区的水源,扩大了水的供应。
There is a rich vein of literary talent here just waiting to be tapped by publishers. 众多文学才俊会聚于此,等待着出版商慧眼识珠。
[ T ](电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听
to use a small device attached to a phone in order to listen secretly to what people are saying
He suspected that his phone had been tapped. 他怀疑自己的电话被人窃听了。
Phrasal verbs
tap someone for something 某人)处获得(
to get money from someone
I might be able to tap my father for a loan. 我也许能从我父亲那儿借到钱。
tap into something 使用…以获得好结果
to manage to use something in a way that brings good results
If only we could tap into all that energy and creativity. 如果我们能够用上那些精力和创意就好了。
tap out (武术运动中)拍击地面以示认输
in mixed martial arts and similar sports, to tap the floor to show that you accept that your competitor has beaten you
Suddenly he dropped to his knees and tapped out. 他忽然跪倒在地,拍击地面表示认输。
tap something out 轻叩…表面发出音乐节拍
to produce the rhythm of a piece of music by hitting a surface gently
He sat at the drums and tapped out the beat. 他坐在鼓边轻轻敲打拍子。
to write something using a keyboard, mobile phone, etc.
She quickly tapped out a message on her phone. 她很快地在手机上打出一条短信。
noun uk/tæp/ us/tæp/
B1 [ C ] UK (US faucet))龙头,阀门
a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe
the hot/cold tap 热水/冷水龙头
Turn the tap on/off. 打开/关掉水龙头
[ C ] UK煤气阀门
a device that controls the flow of gas from a pipe
on tap 啤酒)装在有旋塞的桶里的,散装的
used to describe beer that is served from a barrel through a tap
  • The water was barely dribbling out of the tap.
  • I still haven't got round to fixing that tap.
  • Some idiot left the tap running in the bathroom and there's water everywhere.
  • The hot tap is running cold !
  • There's a tray under each tap to catch the beer slops.
B2 [ C ]轻扣,轻敲,轻拍;轻轻拍打(或敲击)的声响
a gentle knock or touch, or the noise made by knocking something gently
I gave her a tap on the shoulder and she turned around. 我轻轻拍了她的肩一下,她回过头来。
There was a tap on the window - Dad was outside! 有人轻轻敲了一下窗子--是爸爸在外面!
[ U ]踢踏舞(同 tap dancing)
→  tap dancing
He teaches tap and ballroom. 他教人跳踢踏舞和交谊舞。
[ C ](电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听
a small piece of equipment that can be attached to a phone in order to listen secretly to someone's phone calls
He claims that he knew nothing of government phone taps on journalists during those years. 他宣称自己对那几年政府监听记者电话的事一无所知。
[ C ] phonetics specialized弹音
a sound made by the tongue moving upwards and downwards very quickly and hitting the alveolar area




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