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词汇 talk
verb [ I ] uk/tɔːk/ us/tɑːk/
A1 讲话,谈话;谈论
to say words aloud; to speak to someone
We were just talking about Gareth's new girlfriend. 我们刚才在谈论加雷斯的新女友。
My little girl has just started to talk. 我的小女儿刚开始说话。
She talks to her mother on the phone every week. 她每周都跟母亲通电话。
  • You're not allowed to talk during the exam.
  • The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.
  • Could I talk to you about a personal matter?
  • He didn't talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
  • She waves her hands around a lot when she's talking.
B2 (为了寻求解决分歧的途径而)与…会谈
to discuss something with someone, often to try to find a solution to a disagreement
The two sides have agreed to talk. 双方同意会谈。
talk business, politics, etc.C1 谈论正事/政治(等等
to discuss a particular subject
Whenever they're together, they talk politics. 他们一到一起就谈论政治。
B2 (就某一主题)作报告
to give a lecture on a subject
The next speaker will be talking about endangered insects. 下一位讲者将就濒危昆虫作报告。
be like talking to a brick wallidiom 跟墙说话,对牛弹琴
If talking to someone is like talking to a brick wall, the person you are speaking to does not listen.
I've tried to discuss my feelings with her, but it's like talking to a brick wall. 我曾经试着和她谈我的感受,但好像是对牛弹琴。。
give someone something to talk aboutidiom 成为某人)的谈资
to provide someone with an interesting subject to discuss
Our new car will give the neighbours something to talk about. 我们的新车会成为邻居们的谈资。
look who's talking!idiom informal (also you're a fine one to talk!); (also you can/can't talk!); (US also you should talk!) 亏你有脸说别人!
something you say when someone criticizes you for something that that person does himself or herself
I'm lazy? Look who's talking! 我懒?亏你有脸说别人!
talk someone's head offidiom UK informal (US talk sb's ear off) 某人喋喋不休
to talk to someone for a long time, usually loudly
She talked my head off. 她对我喋喋不休地说了半天。
talk a blue streakidiom US informal 滔滔不绝,口若悬河
to talk quickly and without stopping
He talked a blue streak all through breakfast. 他吃早餐时一直都在滔滔不绝地说话。
talk about ...idiom informal (用于加强语气)说到…可真不得了
used to emphasize that something is very noticeable in the stated way
I read the whole book, but talk about boring! 我看完了整本书,可真是无聊透顶!
talk dirtyidiom informal 说下流话
to describe sexual acts to another person using rude words
talk nonsenseidiom UK (UK also talk rubbish) 胡说;说无意义的话
to say things that are not reasonable or have no meaning
Is it just me or was she talking nonsense in the meeting? 只有我这么觉得,还是她确实在会上胡说八道?
talk senseidiom 说得有理
to speak in a reasonable way
It's good to hear someone finally talking sense on this issue. 真不错,关于这个问题,终于有人说点有道理的话了。
talk shopidiom (与同事在工作时间外)谈论自己的工作
to talk about your job with those you work with when not at work
Even at a party they have to talk shop! 就是在聚会上,他们还是三句话不离本行!
More idioms
talk some sense into sbidiom 帮助某人)理智考虑
to help someone to think about a situation in a reasonable way
She won't listen to me - can you try to talk some sense into her? 她不听我的,你能想办法让她理智地考虑一下吗?
talk smackidiom US informal批评,攻击(尤指对手)
to make critical or insulting comments to someone, especially an opponent
We argue and fight and talk smack to each other. 我们争吵不休,互相攻击。
See also: smack talk
talk the hind leg(s) off a donkeyidiom informal 喋喋不休
to talk without stopping for a long time
talk the talkidiom informal 流利(或令人信服)地谈论某事
to talk or act in a confident way so that you seem to be very good at what you do
She's only been a lawyer for three years, but she sure can talk the talk. 她成为律师才三年,但是在谈吐上显得很有一套的样子。
Compare: walk the walk
talk the talk ... walk the walkidiom informal 说一套,做一套
If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say.
When it comes to recycling he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk. 在废物回收利用这个问题上,他是说一套做一套。
talk through your hatidiom UK informal 信口开河,随口乱说
to talk about something without understanding what you are talking about
Nothing of what he said made sense - he was talking through his hat. 他说的话没一点儿道理——他只是随口乱说。
talk toughidiom mainly US informal 措词强硬
to speak in a way that makes other people fear you
He likes to talk tough, but he's really a sweetheart inside. 他嘴上强硬,但其实内心很柔软。
talk turkeyidiom US informal 坦率认真地谈话
to discuss something honestly and directly
OK, let's talk turkey - you're broke and you don't have work. What are you going to do? 好,我们就别绕弯子了——你没钱了,又没有工作。你怎么办呢?
talk your way out of somethingidiom 通过辩解而避免做某事(或从困境中解脱)
to avoid doing something or to get out of a difficult situation by giving someone good reasons why you should not do it
He was known for talking his way out of speeding tickets. 他靠三寸不烂之舌而免交超速罚单,这点大家都知道。
talking of someone/somethingidiom UK (also speaking of someone/something) 说起,谈起
while we are talking about a particular person or thing
Talking of John, I saw a friend of his last week. 说起约翰,我上周见到了他的一个朋友。
Phrasal verbs
talk about something/doing somethingC2 考虑(或制定计划)要做某事
to think about or make plans to do something in the future
They're always talking about selling the house and moving away. 他们总是说打算卖掉房子搬到别处去。
talk at someone (不顾对方如何反应)而大发议论,滔滔不绝地(对某人)
to speak to someone without listening to that person or allowing them to speak
What discussion? You weren't talking to me, you were talking at me! 那是什么讨论?你那不是在跟我交谈,一直都是你在说,根本不容我说!
talk around something (UK also talk round)拐弯抹角地说
to avoid speaking directly about something
He just kept talking around the subject and didn't tackle the main issues. 我觉得他只是不着边际地说了一通,没有涉及主要问题。
talk back 顶嘴,回嘴
If a child talks back, he or she replies rudely to someone.
Children who talk back are regarded as disrespectful. 顶嘴的孩子被认为是放肆无礼,对人不尊敬。
talk something down 贬低贬抑
to talk about something in a way that makes it seem less important or less serious than it really is
He began his lecture by talking down the initiatives of a rival company. 他在讲座一开始就贬低竞争对手的计划。
talk someone down UK以高声(或连续)讲话制止(某人说话
to speak loudly or without stopping to prevent someone else from speaking
I tried to explain, but he just talked me down. 我想解释一下,但他根本不让我插话。
mainly US说服某人)承认错误;说服(某人)放弃做(某事
to persuade someone that he or she is wrong or should not act
Just as soon as the President voiced his dissent, his advisors talked him down. 总统刚出声表示异议,他的顾问就立刻说服他打消这个念头。
to persuade someone who is threatening to kill himself or herself not to jump from a high place
The policeman talked the girl down after she had been on the roof for two hours. 那个女孩在屋顶上呆了两小时后,终于被警察劝了下来。
talk down to someone 以居高临下的语气对(某人说话
to talk to someone as if they are less intelligent than you or not important
I wish politicians wouldn't talk down to us as if we were idiots. 我希望政客们不要以那种居高临下的语气跟我们讲话,好像我们都是白痴似的。
talk someone into somethingB2 说服某人)做…
to persuade someone to do something
He's against the idea, but I think I can talk him into it. 他反对这个主意,不过我觉得我能够说服他接受。
talk something out 通过协商消除(分歧等);通过协商解决(问题等)
to discuss something such as a problem or plan completely in order to find a solution or an agreement
If you two don't talk out the differences between you, it'll be hardtalk for you to continue working together. 你俩如果不好好谈谈消除分歧,将很难继续合作下去。
talk someone out of somethingC2 说服某人放弃
to persuade someone not to do something
[ + -ing verb ] Her parents tried to talk her out of getting engaged. 她的父母试图说服她放弃订婚的想法。
More phrasal verbs
talk something overB2 (在作出决定前)讨论,商量
to discuss a problem or situation with someone, often to find out their opinion or to get advice before making a decision about it
I'd like to talk it over with my wife first. 我想先跟妻子商量一下。
talk someone round 说服某人
to persuade someone to agree with you or to do what you want them to do
She's not keen on the idea but we think we can talk her round. 她对这个想法不怎么感兴趣,不过我们认为能说服她。
talk something throughC2 (通常在作出决定前)讨论(…的)所有细节
to discuss all the details of something, often before making a decision
It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner. 尽力把所有问题都讨论清楚是很重要的,这样才能采用合适的应对措施。
talk something up 热烈地谈论;宣扬
to speak with enthusiasm about something
If we talk up the event, people will come. 如果我们把这事好好宣传一下,人们一定会来的。
noun uk/tɔːk/ us/tɑːk/
B1 [ C ]交谈
a conversation between two people, often about a particular subject
I asked him to have a talk with his mother about his plan. 我叫他跟他母亲谈谈他的计划。
B2 [ C ]演讲;讲座
a speech given to a group of people to teach or tell them about a particular subject
He gave a talk about/on his visit to Malaysia. 他就他的马来西亚之行办了一个讲座。
talksC2 [ plural ] 商谈;会谈
serious and formal discussions on an important subject, usually intended to produce decisions or agreements
Talks were held in Madrid about the fuel crisis. 有关燃料危机的会谈在马德里召开。
C2 [ U ]闲谈;话题
the action of talking about what might happen or be true, or the subject people are talking about
Talk won't get us anywhere. 闲谈对我们毫无益处。
The talk/Her talk was all about the wedding. 那次谈话/她所说的全都是关于婚礼的事。
  • He gave a talk on the representation of women in 19th-century art.
  • We need to have another talk about this - can we meet later this afternoon?
  • Our talk soon veered onto the subject of football.
  • She was nervous about giving a talk to her colleagues, but she carried it off very well.
  • I had to have a talk to her about a complaint that was made about her work.
be all talk (and no action)idiom (also be just talk) 空口说白话,光说不做
used to describe someone who talks about doing something but never does it
She's all talk when it comes to doing something about the problem. 每当要拿出实际行动来解决这一问题的时候,她就光说不干了。
be the talk of somewhereidiom 成为(某地)人们谈论的话题
to be what people are discussing in a particular place
Her behaviour is the talk of the neighbourhood/office. 她的行为举止成了邻里/办公室里的谈资。
be the talk of the townidiom 成为街谈巷议的话题;成为众人的谈资
to be what everyone is talking about
The new statue in the park is the talk of the town. 公园里的新塑像成了镇上人们谈论的焦点。




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