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词汇 take something out
take something out
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
B1 移走,移开
to remove something from somewhere
They had to take out two of his teeth. 他们不得不拔了他两颗牙。
  • They took out a benign lump from her breast.
  • I need to get this tooth taken out.
(MONEY, etc.)
B2 从银行账户取钱
to get money from a bank account
I took out some money for the weekend. 我从银行账户取了些钱用于周末的开销。
to arrange to get something from a company, bank, etc.
I’m going to take out a life insurance policy. 我要买一份人寿保险单。
He had to take out a loan to pay his taxes. 他不得不贷款来缴纳税款。
B1 US (UK take away)(在饭馆)买食物带走食用,买外卖
to buy food in a restaurant and eat it somewhere else
Is that to eat in or take out? 堂食还是带走?
take someone out
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
B1 某人出去
to go somewhere and do something with someone, usually something you plan and pay for
Dad's taking the whole family out to the cinema. 爸爸要带全家去看电影。
Our boss took us out for drinks. 我们老板带我们出去喝酒。
  • Daniel asked Shona if he could take her out some time.
  • Their grandparents are taking them out for the day.
  • He took us out for a pizza.
take someone/something out
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
to kill someone or destroy something
The soldiers said that they were trying to take out the snipers. 战士们说他们正设法除掉那些狙击手。




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