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词汇 take something off
take something off
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
A2 脱下,脱掉(尤指衣服)
to remove something, especially clothes
He took off his clothes and got into the shower. 他脱掉衣服,开始洗淋浴。
After the poisoning scare, the product was taken off the shelves/the market (= removed from sale). 担心中毒的恐慌发生后,该产品被撤下了货架/撤出了市场。
  • He took off his shoes to cool his sweaty feet.
  • When he took off his hat, we saw that he was completely bald!
  • Oops - I forgot to take the price label off your present.
  • She took off her rings to do the washing-up, and now she can't find them.
  • The doctor told me to take off my shirt so he could listen to my chest.
B2 休假
to spend time away from your work
He took two weeks off in September. 他9月份休了两周假。
  • I need to take some time off to see my mother.
  • I took the whole summer off to work on my book.
  • We're planning to take some time off at Christmas.
take off
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
A2 起飞;飞起
If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly.
The plane took off at 8.30 a.m. 飞机上午8点半起飞。
See also: take-off (AIRCRAFT)
  • The plane took off three hours late.
  • When should we expect to take off?
B2 突然开始成功开始走红
to suddenly start to be successful or popular
Her singing career had just begun to take off. 她的歌唱事业刚刚起飞。
  • With all that publicity, the business really took off.
  • His career really took off after that concert.
to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going
When he saw me, he took off in the other direction. 他一看见我就往另外一个方向躲开了。
take someone off
phrasal verb with take verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
UK informal
to copy the way a particular person speaks or behaves, or the way something is done, usually in order to entertain other people
She's really good at taking people off. 她模仿别人模仿得真像。
See also: take-off (COPY)
Synonym: impersonate
noun uk/ˈteɪk.ɒf/ us/ˈteɪk.ɑːf/
[ C or U ]起飞;飞起
the moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly
Night take-offs and landings are banned at this airport. 这个机场禁止夜间起降。
[ C ]模仿
a piece of acting or writing, etc. that copies the way a particular person speaks or behaves, or the way something is done, usually to entertain other people
It was the best take-off of the prime minister that I have ever seen. 这是我所见过的对首相最惟妙惟肖的模仿。




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