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词汇 take
verb uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/ took | taken
B1 [ T ]拿;夺取;取走
to remove something, especially without permission
Has anything been taken (= stolen)? 丢了什么东西吗?
Here's your pen - I took it by mistake. 你的笔在这里,我拿错了。
All her possessions had been taken from her. 她所有的财产都被剥夺了。
B2 [ T ]减,减去
to subtract a number (= remove it from another number)
If you take 4 (away) from 12 you get 8. 12减4得8。
See also: take something away (CALCULATE)
  • "Did you take any money out of my purse?" "Certainly not!"
  • When they got divorced, his wife took everything.
  • They took blood and urine specimens for analysis.
  • OK, very funny - who took my clothes?
  • If anyone found out that I took the money, I'd die of shame.
A1 [ T ]拿走,带走
to move something or someone from one place to another
The weather forecast said rain, so take your umbrella (with you) when you go out. 天气预报说有雨,所以外出时记得带伞。
The suitcases were taken to San Antonio by mistake. 由于疏忽,手提箱被带到了马德里。
Take the book up/down to the third floor of the library. 把书拿到图书馆的3层。
[ + two objects ] I suggested that he should take her some chocolates/take some chocolates to her (= bring them to her as a present). 我建议他给她带些巧克力。
  • Take the vase off the shelf.
  • Could you take this letter to John, please?
  • I took some food from the table.
  • I took some of the flowers for Mrs Bright.
  • I took several books with me for the journey.
B1 [ T ]接受,接纳;收受
to accept or have
Do they take credit cards here? 他们这儿可以刷信用卡吗?
Do you take milk in your coffee? 你茶里要放牛奶吗?
This container will take (= has room for) six litres. 这种容器容量为6升。
UK Which newspaper do you take (= regularly buy)? 你常买哪种报纸?
He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it. 他不断地辱骂她,而她只是坐在那里默默忍受。
If you think I'm going to take that lying down (= accept it without complaining), you're very much mistaken. 如果你认为我会甘心忍受一切,那你就大错特错了。
I take the/your point (= accept the argument), but I still don't think you should have gone. 我接受你的辩解,可我还是认为你原本就不应该去。
[ T ]以…为例
used when you want to mention something as a particular example of what you are talking about
I've been very busy recently. Take last week, I had meetings every night after work, except Friday. 我最近忙得不亦乐乎。就拿上星期来说,除了星期五,我每天晚上下班以后都要开会。
take to be/take for something 认为;把…看作
If you take someone or something to be something, or if you take someone or something for something, you accept or believe that they are that thing.
[ + to infinitive ] These creatures are generally taken to be descended from primitive fishes. 这些生物通常被认为是从原始鱼类演变而来的。
I could have taken him for (= believed that he was) your brother. 我差点把他当成了你的兄弟。
I'm not going to forge his signature for you! What do you take me for? (= You should not believe I could do a thing like that.) 我不会帮你伪造他的签名的!你把我当成什么人了?
can't take somethingB2 不能承受…;不能应对…
to not be able to deal with an unpleasant situation
I can't take it any more. I'm leaving. 我再也无法忍受。我要走了。
take it or leave it 接不接受由你,要不要随你的便
accept or refuse the offer completely
That's my final offer - you can take it or leave it. 那是我最后的报价了——接不接受由你。
  • Do you usually take a morning/afternoon break?
  • I took this new job because I felt that the career prospects were much better.
  • The director took a risk in giving the movie's main role to an unknown actor.
  • She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.
  • He took a drop in salary when he changed jobs.
B1 [ T ]手执,握住,抓住
to move in order to hold something in the hand(s)
Can you take this bag while I open the door? 我开门的时候你帮我拿一下包,好吗?
He took my arm and led me outside. 他拉住我的手臂,领我到门外。
Take an egg and break it into the bowl. 拿一个鸡蛋打在碗里。
He took hold of the plant's root and pulled. 他抓住植物的根部往上拔。
  • The baby took my finger in its tenacious little fist.
  • Take my hand as we cross the road.
  • Each player takes three cards.
  • The doctor had to take my shoulder and click the joint back into place.
  • He took my arm and guided me to the bar.
A1 [ T ]某人(某地)
to go somewhere with someone, often paying for that person or being responsible for them
We're taking the kids to the zoo on Saturday. 星期六我们要带孩子们去动物园。
[ + to infinitive ] I took my elderly parents to look at some new houses. 我带着年迈的父母看了一些新盖的房子。
[ + -ing verb ] Will you take me swimming tomorrow? 你明天带我去游泳好吗?
[ T ]某人)带路,引领
to show someone how to get to somewhere by going there with them
Let me take you to your room. 我带你去你的房间吧。
[ T ]某人参加社交活动
to go to a social event with someone
Who's taking you to the dance? 谁带你去参加舞会?
  • As a special treat, I'll take you to my favourite tea-shop.
  • I had to get up early to take her to the airport.
  • If he gets any worse I'll take him to the doctor's.
  • Three days after the birth, Paul and Sandra took their precious bundle of joy home.
  • I took my two-year old nephew down to the beach with his bucket and spade.
A2 [ T ]搭乘交通工具
to travel somewhere by using a particular form of transport or a particular vehicle, route, etc.
I always take the train - it's less hassle than a car. 我总是乘火车——乘火车比开车省事。
She took the 10.30 flight to Edinburgh. 她乘10点半的飞机去了爱丁堡。
If you take the road on the left, you'll come to the post office. 走左边的路就能到邮局。
  • We took a bus to Mexico City.
  • From Heathrow, you can take a taxi.
  • I took the 6.30 train to Manchester.
  • Why don't you take the train to Paris?
  • We took a flight to Denver.
B2 [ T ]要求,需要
to need
Parachuting takes a lot of nerve. 跳伞需要很大的勇气。
Transitive verbs take a direct object. 及物动词带直接宾语。
[ + -ing verb ] His story took some believing (= was difficult to believe). 他的故事令人难以置信。
B1 穿(特定尺寸的衣服或鞋)
to wear a particular size of clothes or shoes
What size shoes do you take? 你穿多大的鞋?
A2 [ L only + noun ]花费时间
If something takes a particular time, that period is needed in order to complete it.
The cooking process only takes ten minutes. 烹饪过程只需10分钟。
[ + to infinitive ] How long does this paint take to dry? 这种油漆要多久才能干?
[ + obj + noun ] It took us all day to drive home. 我们开车回家花了一整天的时间。
not take longA2 不久
to act or happen over a short period of time
I'm just going to the shops - I won't take long. 我只是去商店买点东西——不会花太长时间的。
take time 需要很长时间
to need a long time
Broken bones always take time to heal. 骨折总是要很长时间才能痊愈。
  • They took two hours to discuss the plans and considered it time well spent.
  • It took a lot of courage to do what she did.
  • The insurance company took months to settle my claim.
  • The jury took four days to reach a verdict.
  • This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.
C2 测量
to measure something
Nurses took my temperature and blood pressure. 护士测了我的体温和血压。
A2 口服,送服(药品
to swallow or use a medicine or drug, especially in a regular way
Take this medicine three times a day. 这种药每天服3次。
Do you think she takes drugs? 你认为她吸毒吗?
B1 [ T ]从事,进行
to do or perform
Shelley is taking (= studying) economics at university. 谢莉在大学里读经济学。
UK The Archbishop took our service of thanksgiving. 大主教为我们主持了感恩祈祷仪式。
UK Mr Marshall takes us for (= teaches us) physics. 马歇尔先生教我们物理。
B1 [ T ](后接名词形成动宾结构词组,其意思相当于相应动词)
used with many nouns to make a verb phrase that is equal in meaning to the related verb
I think we'll take a break (= we'll stop for a break) there. 我想我们将在那儿休息一会儿。
If you're tired you should take a rest (= you should rest). 如果累了,你就应该休息一下。
I always like to take a walk (= to walk) after lunch. 午饭后我总喜欢散散步。
  • I usually take a nap after lunch.
  • Who takes this class on Tuesdays?
  • I agreed to take Nicola's aerobics class for her next week.
  • I'm going to take some French lessons.
  • After the next song, we'll take a break.
B2 [ T ](以某一种特殊方式)思考,考虑
to think about something or someone in a particular way
We're taking the bomb threats very seriously. 我们对炸弹恐吓事件非常重视。
C2 (以特定方式)理解
to understand something in a particular way
I was just teasing him, but he took it the wrong way. 我不过是逗逗他,但他却领会错了。
I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. 我不知道应该把这当作是恭维呢还是羞辱。
She gave a nod, which we took to mean that she agreed. 她点了一下头,我们认为这就是说她同意了。
B2 [ T ](在思想上)产生,形成;感受到
to have or come to have a particular feeling or opinion
He doesn't take any interest in his children. 他对孩子们一点也不关心。
Don't take any notice of the cameras. 不要理会照相机。
She takes offence too easily. 她很容易生气。
They took pity on the stray cat and fed it. 他们可怜那只流浪猫,就给了它些吃的。
I take the view that fuel should be heavily taxed to reduce road use. 我认为应该对燃料课以重税,以减少公路上的车辆。
take someone by surprise(also take someone unawares) 某人大吃一惊
to surprise someone
The sudden noise took her by surprise. 突然闹出那么大动静吓了她一跳。
  • She took offence when we offered to help her.
  • Don't take any notice of what they say.
  • She never took any notice of her critics.
  • He takes the view that children should not be allowed in pubs.
  • I took pity on her and bought her some clothes.
[ T ] mainly UK (US usually take in)收取,收入
to receive money from sales or as payment for entrance to an event
The show took an astonishing $100,000 in its first week. 这场演出第一个星期的收入就高达10万美元。
See also: takings
  • The restaurant took a lot of money that night.
  • How much do you usually take in an evening?
B2 [ T ]夺取,攻取
to get possession of something or someone
Rebels ambushed the train and took several prisoners. 叛乱者伏击了火车,俘虏了一些人。
UK The Liberals need just 200 more votes to take the seat from Labour. 自由党只需再获得200票,就可以从工党手中夺过该席位。
With these wins, the Democrats have now taken the House back from the Republicans. 在赢得这些席位之后,民主党从共和党手中把议会控制权夺了回来。
Centre-left parties look set to take power. 中间偏左的党派看来很可能要掌权。
Adam, I'd like you to take control of the aircraft now. 亚当,我想现在让你来操控飞机。
  • His party took control from the Communists.
  • UK We'll take a lot of Labour's vote over the issue of fox hunting.
  • The terrorists have taken hundreds of hostages.
  • The soldiers were taken behind enemy lines.
B1 [ T ]写;记录
to write
I hope you're all taking notes. 我希望你们都在记笔记。
[ I ]起作用;奏效,显出效果
to work or perform as expected
These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil. 这些新植物长得不好——它们不适应这种干燥的土壤。
be like taking candy from a babyidiom US informal (also be as easy as taking candy from a baby) 非常容易的
to be very easy
Beating them was the easiest thing in the world - it was like taking candy from a baby. 打败他们是世界上最容易的事情——就象从小孩手里抢糖果一样容易。
can take it or leave itidiom 要不要都可以;接不接受都可以
said about something that you like, but that you do not love or need strongly
My sister's absolutely crazy about chocolate whereas I can take it or leave it. 我妹妹酷爱巧克力,而我吃不吃都无所谓。
I take itidiom (also can take it)C2 我猜想,我认为
said if you think that what you say is likely to be true, although it is not proved
You'll be staying the night, I take it? 我想你今晚会住这儿吧?
So we can take it you've resigned? 那就是说你辞职了?
if you take my meaningidiom UK 如果你明白我的意思(指弦外之音)
used to say that you have left out information or your opinion from what you have just said, but that you expect the person listening still to understand it
Let's just say we had "problems", if you take my meaning. 我们就姑且说我们遇到了“问题”吧,如果你明白我所指的是什么的话。
point takenidiom 接受观点
used to say you accept what someone has said
take it upon yourself to do sthidiom 自发/主动地做某事
to accept responsibility for doing something without being asked to
He took it upon himself to personally thank each person at the meeting. 他主动向与会的每个人表示感谢。
take your timeidiom C1 不着急,慢慢来
said to mean that you can spend as much time as you need in doing something, or that you should slow down
C1 disapproving做事磨蹭
to do something too slowly
The builders are really taking their time. 那些建筑工人真会磨蹭。
take one (thing) at a timeidiom (对问题)一个个来处理
to do or deal with one thing before starting to do or deal with another
There are a few problems, but let's take one thing at a time. 现在有一些问题,不过我们得一个个来处理。
take something as it comesidiom C2 顺其自然
to deal with something as it happens, without planning for it
Just take each day as it comes and do what you feel is right. 顺其自然,做你认为正确的事。
take that!idiom informal (尤指喜剧电影或卡通片中打人时的用语)看招!吃我一拳!
said as someone hits someone else, especially in humorous films or cartoons
More idioms
take the timeidiom 花费力气(做某事)
to make the effort to do something
She didn't even take the time to wish me good morning. 她连问我一声早上好都没有。
take a walk!idiom US informal 走开,滚开
a rude way of telling someone to go away
The guy kept pestering her, and finally she told him to take a walk. 那家伙不断地骚扰她,最后她叫他滚开。
will not take no for an answeridiom 不容拒绝,不接受别人说“不”
to not allow someone to refuse what you have offered
I told Steve I'm not interested, but he keeps asking me out - he won't take no for an answer. 我已经告诉史蒂夫我没兴趣,可他还是不断请我出去——他就是不接受别人说“不”字。
Phrasal verbs
take someone aback 使某人大吃一惊
to surprise or shock someone so much that they do not know how to behave for a short time
I was a little taken aback at the directness of the question. 问题问得如此直接,让我有点儿吃惊。
The news really took us aback. 这消息着实令我们吃了一惊。
take after someoneB2 (在外貌、性格等方面)(家庭中某个年纪较大成员)相像
to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
He takes after his mother/his mother's side of the family. 他很像他母亲/他母亲家的人。
take against someone 开始不喜欢某人
to begin to dislike someone
I think she took against me when I got the promotion she wanted. 我觉得当我被提拔到她梦寐以求的职位上后,她开始恨起我来了。
take something apart 拆开拆卸
to separate something into its different parts
We took the engine apart to see what the problem was. 我们拆开引擎看看问题出在哪儿。
take someone apart (比赛中)把…打得一败涂地,轻松击败
to defeat someone very easily in a sport
He took their defence apart, scoring three goals in the first 20 minutes. 他轻而易举地突破了他们的防线,开场20分钟里就进了3个球。
take something awayB2 拿走,移走
to remove something
Take these chairs away - we don't need them. 把这些椅子拿走——我们用不着。
Supermarkets are taking business away from small local shops. 大型超市正在抢走当地小商店的生意。
B1 减,减去
to subtract a number (= remove it from another number)
Four take away two is two. 4减2等于2。
If you take 4 away from 12 you get 8. 12减4等于8。
to get a particular message or piece of information from something you read or are told
What I took away from his talk is that going to university is definitely worth it. 我从他的演讲中得到的信息是上大学绝对是值得的。
B1 UK (US take out)(在饭馆)买食物带走食用,买外卖
to buy food in a restaurant and eat it somewhere else
Is that to eat in or take away? 堂食还是带走?
take something backB1 退回(从商店里购买的东西)
to return something you have bought to a shop
Is it too small? Take it back and get a refund. 太小了吗?那就把它退了吧。
to admit that something you said was wrong
All right, I take it all back. It wasn't your fault. 好吧,我收回我说过的话。那不是你的错。
take someone back 允许(因不和或婚外情而离去的配偶)回家,与(某人重归于好
to allow a partner who previously left your home because of a disagreement or another relationship to come back to live with you
His wife said she would never take him back. 他妻子说她绝不会跟他和好。
If something takes you back, it makes you remember a period or an event.
That piece of music really took me back (to my schooldays). 那首乐曲真的让我回想起从前(的学生时代)。
take someone down mainly US击败某人);杀死(某人);阻止某人为害
to defeat or kill someone, or to stop someone from causing harm
The Indiana Pacers took down Cleveland, 80–74. 印第安纳步行者队以80比74击败克利夫兰队。
take something downB2 拿下;拆掉;拆除
to remove something that is on a wall or something that is temporary, or to remove a structure by separating its different parts
I took the pictures down. 我已经取下了那些画。
to write something that another person has just said
He took down my address and phone number and said he'd call me. 他记下了我的地址和电话号码,说回头再给我打电话。
More phrasal verbs
take something from someone (某人处或某人作品中)引用(或借鉴)
If you take words, information, or ideas from another person or piece of work, you use or develop them in some way.
The plot is taken from Shakespeare. 该情节源于莎士比亚的戏剧。
take something inC2 领会,理解
to understand completely the meaning or importance of something
I had to read the letter twice before I could take it all in. 我读了两遍,才把整封信看懂。
It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in at once. 那是个很有意思的展览,但内容太多,让人目不暇接。
to include something
The new town takes in three former villages. 新镇包括了以前的3个村庄。
mainly US (US usually take)获得(销售或门票等的)收入
to receive money from sales or as payment for entrance to an event
The show took in an astonishing $100,000 in its first week. 该剧目首周收入就高达10万美元。
mainly US old-fashioned or humorous去观看;去参观
to go to watch a film or performance, or to visit a place such as a museum
I thought we could get something to eat and then take in a movie. 我原来想我们可以先吃点东西,然后去看电影。
to make a piece of clothing narrower, by changing the position of some of the stitches joining it together
I'll have to take this dress in at the waist - it's too big. 我得把这条裙子的腰身改小点——它太大了。
to do paid work for other people, such as washing or sewing, in your home
She supported her family by taking in laundry. 她靠在家替别人洗衣服养家。
take someone in 收留,收容,收养(某人
to take care of someone and provide a place in your home for them
Several families took in foreign students. 有几个家庭接待外国留学生。
B2 [ often passive ]欺骗
to cause someone to believe something that is not true, or to trick or deceive someone
I can't believe she was taken in by him. 我简直不敢相信她被他骗了。
UK (US bring in)警察某人)去警察局
If the police take you in, they take you to the police station.
Detectives on the murder inquiry have taken in a new suspect for questioning. 调查这起谋杀案的侦探们又带了一个新的嫌疑人来警察局进行审讯。
take something offA2 脱下,脱掉(尤指衣服)
to remove something, especially clothes
He took off his clothes and got into the shower. 他脱掉衣服,开始洗淋浴。
After the poisoning scare, the product was taken off the shelves/the market (= removed from sale). 担心中毒的恐慌发生后,该产品被撤下了货架/撤出了市场。
B2 休假
to spend time away from your work
He took two weeks off in September. 他9月份休了两周假。
take offA2 起飞;飞起
If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly.
The plane took off at 8.30 a.m. 飞机上午8点半起飞。
See also: take-off (AIRCRAFT)
B2 突然开始成功开始走红
to suddenly start to be successful or popular
Her singing career had just begun to take off. 她的歌唱事业刚刚起飞。
to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going
When he saw me, he took off in the other direction. 他一看见我就往另外一个方向躲开了。
take someone off 模仿
to copy the way a particular person speaks or behaves, or the way something is done, usually in order to entertain other people
She's really good at taking people off. 她模仿别人模仿得真像。
See also: take-off (COPY)
Synonym: impersonate
take something onC1 接受工作);承担(责任
to accept a particular job or responsibility
She took too much on and made herself ill. 她承担的任务太重,结果病倒了。
take on something 开始具有(某种特征);呈现;露出
to begin to have a particular quality
Her voice took on a troubled tone. 从她说话的声音里能听出她遇到了麻烦。
take someone onB2 雇用某人
to employ someone
She was taken on as a laboratory assistant. 她受雇为实验室助理。
to compete against or fight someone
The government took on the unions and won. 政府同工会进行了一番较量后取得了胜利。
take something outB1 移走,移开
to remove something from somewhere
They had to take out two of his teeth. 他们不得不拔了他两颗牙。
B2 从银行账户取钱
to get money from a bank account
I took out some money for the weekend. 我从银行账户取了些钱用于周末的开销。
to arrange to get something from a company, bank, etc.
I’m going to take out a life insurance policy. 我要买一份人寿保险单。
He had to take out a loan to pay his taxes. 他不得不贷款来缴纳税款。
B1 US (UK take away)(在饭馆)买食物带走食用,买外卖
to buy food in a restaurant and eat it somewhere else
Is that to eat in or take out? 堂食还是带走?
take someone outB1 某人出去
to go somewhere and do something with someone, usually something you plan and pay for
Dad's taking the whole family out to the cinema. 爸爸要带全家去看电影。
Our boss took us out for drinks. 我们老板带我们出去喝酒。
take someone/something out 杀死某人);摧毁某物
to kill someone or destroy something
The soldiers said that they were trying to take out the snipers. 战士们说他们正设法除掉那些狙击手。
take it out of someone 使某人筋疲力尽
to make someone very tired
Running around after 25 preschoolers takes it out of me by the end of the week. 到这周结束的时候,围着25个学前班孩子跑来跑去真把我累得筋疲力尽。
take someone out of himself/herself 使某人)不再想不开心的事情
to change someone's mood and stop them from thinking negative thoughts
take something out on someone 某人)发泄,拿(某人)出气
to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even if they have done nothing wrong
I know you've had a bad day, but you don't have to take it out on me! 我知道你今天很不顺,可也没必要拿我出气!
take (something) overB2 接任;接管,接手
to start doing a job or being responsible for something that another person did or had responsibility for before
He took over from the previous headmaster in February. 他2月份接手了前任校长的工作。
She took over as manager two weeks ago. 她两周前接任经理一职。
Jason Lamb has taken over responsibility for this project. 贾森‧兰姆已经接管了这个项目。
to get control of a company by buying enough of the shares in it
The company he works for has recently been taken over. 他就职的那家公司最近被并购了。
See also: takeover
take someone round (something/somewhere)B2 某人参观
to walk through a building or visit a place with someone, showing them the most interesting or important parts
You will be taken round the museum by one of the guides. 一个导游将会带领你们参观博物馆。
take someone through something 某人)解释,向(某人说明
to explain something to someone
I'll take you through it one more time, then you can try it yourself. 我会再给你解释一遍,然后你自己试试。
take to someone/somethingC1 开始喜欢;对…产生好感
to start to like someone or something
The two dogs took to each other immediately and started to play. 这两条狗立刻喜欢上了对方,开始玩了起来。
She's taken to basketball like a duck to water (= she likes it and is good at it). 她如鱼得水似地喜欢上了篮球。
take to something 开始从事;形成…的习惯
to start doing something often
She was so depressed she took to drink. 她十分抑郁,开始酗酒。
[ + -ing verb ] He's taken to staying out very late. 他开始经常很晚才回来。
take to somewhere 去往;求助于
to go somewhere, usually because you are in a difficult or dangerous situation
The refugees took to the hills for safety. 难民们逃往山区避难。
take something upB2 占据(地方或时间)
to fill an amount of space or time
This desk takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。
Too much of this report is taken up with out-of-date numbers. 这份报告里尽是些过期的数据。
B1 开始(工作或活动)
to start doing a particular job or activity
He's taken up the position of supervisor. 他已经开始担任监督员一职。
[ + -ing verb ] Have you ever thought of taking up acting? 你想过去当演员吗?
Patti took up (= continued) the story where Sue had left off. 帕蒂接着讲苏没有讲完的故事。
UK (US take office)上任
to start an official job
The minister took up office in December. 部长是在12月份上任的。
to discuss something or deal with something
The school took the matter up with the police. 学校和警方一起处理此事。
UK I'd like to take you up on your sales figures for June. 我想和你谈谈你6月份的销售额。
UK A leading law firm took up his case. 一家顶尖的律师事务所接手了他的案子。
to make a piece of clothing, such as a skirt or trousers, shorter
take someone up on something 接受(某人主动提出的帮助)
to accept an offer that someone has made
Could I take you up on that offer of a lift, Rob? 罗布,我现在同意搭你的车,还可以吗?
take up with someone 开始与(尤指可能带来不良影响的人)来往
to become friendly or start a relationship with someone, especially someone who might have a bad influence on you
She's taken up with a strange crowd of people. 她开始与一帮古怪的人来往。
noun uk/teɪk/ us/teɪk/
[ U ]收取,收入
money that is received from sales or as payment for entrance to an event
The box office take was huge for the new show. 这次新演出的票房收入很可观。
[ C ]电影一个镜头的拍摄
the filming of a scene (= small part of a film)
This scene needed ten takes before we felt it was right. 电影里的这个镜头我们拍了10次才感到满意。
take on something 意见,看法,主张
an opinion about something
We'd love to hear your take on this issue. 我们很想听听您对这个问题的看法。
Synonyms: mentalitymindsetopinionoutlook (OPINION)point of viewstandpointview (OPINION)viewpoint
on the takeidiom US 谋取私利;贪赃枉法
trying to profit in a personal and usually financial way from a situation
He's obviously on the take - where else did all that money come from? 他一定是受贿了,要不然那么多钱哪儿来的?
Compare: be on the make




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