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词汇 swing
verb uk/swɪŋ/ us/swɪŋ/ swung | swung
B2 [ I or T ]摆动,摇摆,摇晃
to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this
He walked briskly along swinging his rolled-up umbrella. 他摇着收起的伞步履轻快地走在路上。
The door swung open. 门开了。
[ I or T ]挥动(拳头或器物)打击
to move an object or your fist in an attempt to hit something or someone
I swung (the bat) and missed. 我挥动(球棒)击球,但是没有打中。
He swung his fist towards Ben's face. 他挥拳打向本的脸。
[ I ]改变,变化
to change
His mood swings between elation and despair. 他情绪多变,一会儿兴高采烈,一会儿又伤心绝望。
  • He rushed into the garden, leaving the gate swinging.
  • A shop sign was creaking as it swung in the wind.
  • Swing your legs over to this side of the bed.
  • Her earrings were swinging as she nodded her head.
  • He ran happily down the road, swinging his school bag as he went.
[ I ] informal令人兴奋欢快热闹
to be exciting and enjoyable
You need music to make a party swing. 要有音乐,晚会才会热闹。
[ I or T ](尤指爵士乐)有强烈节奏感;(乐手)演奏(尤指节奏感强烈的爵士乐)
to play music in a strong, exciting style like jazz, or (of music) to be played in this way
[ T ] informal(常指通过稍有些不诚实的手段)设法办成,安排
to arrange for something to happen, by persuading people and often by acting slightly dishonestly
If you want an interview with Pedro, I could probably swing it (for you). 如果你想采访佩德罗,也许我可以帮你安排。
swing both waysidiom informal 对男人和女人均有性吸引力的
to be sexually attracted to both men and women
I've seen her out with men as well. She swings both ways, you know. 我在外面也看到过她和男人在一起。她对男人和女人都有吸引力,你知道。
swing for itidiom UK informal 被严惩,受到严厉惩罚
to be punished severely for something that has happened
If there's an error in the calculations, you know who'll swing for it! 如果计算出错,你知道谁会受到严惩!
swing into actionidiom 迅速开始行动
to quickly start working
The emergency services swung into action as soon as the news of the explosion reached them. 紧急救援队一得知爆炸的消息,就马上开始了行动。
swing the balanceidiom 使天平发生倾斜,起决定性作用
If something swings the balance, it is the thing that causes a particular situation to happen or a particular decision to be made instead of other situations or decisions that are possible.
This latest election promise might just swing the balance in the candidate's favour. 最近作出的这一选举承诺可能会对选民抉择起到决定性的作用。
Phrasal verbs
swing (something/someone) around 使)迅速转身,(使快速转向
to turn around quickly, or to turn something or someone around quickly
She heard a sudden noise behind her and swung around to see who was there. 听到身后突然一声响,她马上转身去看谁在那儿。
swing at someone 试图打某人
to try to hit someone
swing by/past (something) (尤指在前往别处的路上)顺便快速访问某地
to visit a place quickly, especially on your way to another place
I told Paul we’d swing by his place around 7.30. 我告诉保罗我们会在7点半左右很快地顺便拜访一下他家。
We can swing past the store on the way to the party. 我们可以在去聚会的路上很快地去一下那家商店。
swing for someone 某人
to hit someone
noun uk/swɪŋ/ us/swɪŋ/
[ C ]摆动,摇摆,摇晃,摇荡
a swinging movement
[ C ](为打某人而)挥舞,挥动,挥拳
an attempt to hit someone
The drunk took a wild swing at Harry. 那个醉汉发狂似的挥拳向哈里打去。
[ C ]改变,变化
a change
He experiences severe mood swings (= sudden changes from one extreme mood to another). 他的情绪波动很大。
The party only needs a five percent swing (= needs five percent of voters to change to supporting it) to win this election. 只要再有5%的选民转而支持他们,该党就可以在选举中获胜。
  • She spends hours practising her golf swing.
  • The old lady took a swing at the man with her handbag.
B2 [ C ]秋千
a seat joined by two ropes or chains to a metal bar or a tree, on which you can sit and move backwards and forwards
go with a swingUK informal (尤指聚会)气氛热烈,热闹非凡
If an event, especially a party, goes with a swing, it is very exciting and successful.
The Festival always goes with a swing. 这个节日总是热闹非凡。
[ U ](流行于20世纪30和40年代的)摇摆乐
a type of dance music that was popular in the 1930s and 40s
get into the swing of it/thingsidiom informal 开始积极投入
to start to understand, enjoy, and be active in something
I hadn't worked in an office for several years, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of it. 我已经好几年没有在办公室工作了,所以过了好长时间我才能真正投入工作。
what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundaboutsidiom UK saying (also it's swings and roundabouts) 有得也有失有利也有弊;失之东隅,收之桑榆
said to mean that the positive and negative results of a situation or action balance each other
"The route through town would be shorter, but there'll be more traffic." "Well, it's just swings and roundabouts." “穿过镇子的这条路更近一些,但是车也更多。”“哦,就是有利也有弊。”




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