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词汇 sure
adjective uk/ʃɔːr/ us/ʃʊr/
A2 确定的,肯定的,毫无疑问的
certain; without any doubt
"What's wrong with him?" "I'm not really sure." “他怎么啦?”“我不太清楚。”
I'm sure (that) I left my keys on the table. 我肯定我把钥匙放在桌上了。
I feel absolutely sure (that) you've made the right decision. 我完全确信你的决定是正确的。
It now seems sure (that) the election will result in another victory for the government. 现在看来,这次选举无疑又会以政府的胜利而告终。
Shaun isn't sure whether/if he'll be able to come to the party or not. 肖恩不太确定他能否参加这次聚会。
Is there anything you're not sure of/about? 还有不清楚的地方吗?
We arrive early to be sure of getting a good seat. 我们早到一些,保证能找到好座位。
There is only one sure way (= one way that can be trusted) of finding out the truth. 只有一种方法能够确保弄清真相。
See also: cocksure
for sureB1 肯定的),确定的(),无疑的(
certain or certainly
I know for sure that I won't be able to go to the party. 我非常肯定自己不能参加这个晚会。
One thing's for sure - once the baby's born, your lives will never be the same again. 有一点是肯定的——一旦孩子出生,生活就完全不一样了。
be sure of yourselfB2 非常自信过于自信
to be very or too confident
She's become much more sure of herself since she got a job. 她找到工作以后自信多了。
be sure of somethingB2 肯定,确信
be confident that something is true
He said that he wasn't completely sure of his facts. 他说他还不能完全肯定自己掌握的情况是否属实。
be sure of/about someone UK某人)有信心,信任
to have confidence in and trust someone
Henry has only been working for us for a short while, and we're not really sure about him yet. 亨利才为我们工作了很短的一段时间,我们对他还不是很了解。
You can always be sure of Kay. 你完全可以信任凯。
be sure toC1 肯定,一定
to be certain to
She's sure to win. 她肯定会赢。
I want to go somewhere where we're sure to have good weather. 我想去一个肯定有好天气的地方。
make sure (that)A2 确保,保证,确定
to look and/or take action to be certain that something happens, is true, etc.
Make sure you lock the door when you go out. 出门的时候一定要锁好门。
If you have a sure knowledge or understanding of something, you know or understand it very well.
I don't think he has a very sure understanding of the situation. 我想他还不是十分了解情况。
  • If you don't hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up.
  • My wife checks on our elderly neighbour every few days to make sure that he's alright.
  • I'm not sure of the chronology of events.
  • A bit of gentle coaxing is all that's required and he'll come, I'm sure.
  • I'm sure my views on marriage are coloured by my parents' divorce.
(as) sure as eggs is eggsidiom UK old-fashioned 肯定,毫无疑问,千真万确
for certain
One day he'll realize that I was right, as sure as eggs is eggs. 毫无疑问,他总有一天会认识到我是对的。
(as) sure as hellidiom slang (用于强调)肯定,绝对
used for emphasis
There better be another way in - I'm sure as hell not climbing up all those steps. 最好还有别的路可以进去——我是肯定不会爬那么多台阶的。
a sure thingidiom C1 肯定会发生的事
something that is certain to happen
The president's re-election is now far from a sure thing. 总统能否再次当选还远不能肯定。
sure enoughidiom C2 果然,果真,不出所料
as expected
He said he'd left the book on the desk, and sure enough, there it was. 他说他把书放在桌上了,果然,书就在那儿。
sure thingidiom mainly US informal (表示同意)当然,没问题
used to show agreement
"Could you give me a ride home tonight?" "Sure thing!" “今晚我能搭你的车回家吗?”“没问题!”
to be sureidiom formal 肯定地,不可否认地
This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading. 这本不是他写得最好的书,这一点是肯定的,但还是值得一读。
adverb informal uk/ʃɔːr/ us/ʃʊr/
A2 当然
"Do you want to come swimming with us?" "Sure." “你想来跟我们一起游泳吗?”“当然。”
mainly US "Will you help me with this?" "Sure I will." “能帮我拿一下这个吗?”“当然可以。”
US I sure am hungry. 我当然饿了。
US "I can't do it!" "Sure you can. I'll help you." “我干不了!”“你当然干得了。我会帮你。”
said when someone has thanked you
"Thanks for helping us out." "Sure, any time." “谢谢你帮我们。”“没问题,随时叫我。”
  • Sure I'll help you.
  • 'Are you coming to the park?' ' Sure!'
  • 'Do you fancy a pizza?' 'Sure. Let's ask Andy too.'




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