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词汇 bad
adj.worse, worst1. 质劣的
I am bad at English, but She is worse.我的英语不好,她的就更糟了。
He's bad at getting along with his fellows.他不善于与同伴相处。
He's bad at chess.他象棋下得不好。
I'm rather bad at dancing.我的舞跳得不好。
The new working hours caused a lot of bad feeling among workers.新的上班时间在工人中引起了很大的反感。
2. 有害的
In given conditions a bad thing can be turned into a good one.在一定条件下,坏事可以变为好事。
Drinking water immediately after a meal is bad for the digestion.饭后立刻饮水不利于消化。
Smoking is bad for your health.抽烟有害于健康。
Bad circulation can cause various symptoms such as tiredness.血液循环不良会引起像人体疲劳这样的种种症状。
He has a bad circulation.他血液循环不好。
3. 腐烂的
bad fish腐烂的鱼
4. 不道德的5. 不适宜的
That's not a bad idea.那个主意倒不错。
It is bad form to make sound while eating.吃东西时发出声音有失体统。
very bad light in this room房间里的光线很坏
6. 令人不愉快的
bad news坏消息
7. 病痛的;不健康的
bad teeth病牙
8. 严重的
a bad cold重感冒
Janet had a bad cough all last week.珍妮特上星期一直咳得很厉害。
It was a bad crash, but fortunately there were no fatalities.这是一次严重的撞车事故,但幸好无人死亡。
a bad defeat惨败
9. 不正确的
bad grammar错误的文法
10. 上流社会不用的(语言或字)11. 〈俚〉非常好的,绝妙的(此义的比较级和最高级为badder, baddest)
feel bad about感到抱歉或羞愧
I felt bad about not being able to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.昨晚未能出席你的生日聚会深感抱歉。
go bad变质不能食用
This milk has gone bad.牛奶已变质。
go to the bad堕落
The department store was $300,000 to the bad in 1997.那家百货公司在1997年亏损了三十万美元。
have a bad name名声不佳 (= get a bad name)
in bad faith不诚实;不打算履行诺言的
it's too bad感到抱歉
Too bad you couldn't come last night.你昨晚没能来,真是遗憾。
adv.(AmE.) = badly




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