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词汇 stuff
noun uk/stʌf/ us/stʌf/
B1 [ U ] informal物品,东西,玩意儿
a substance, especially when you do not know or say exactly what it is
There's sticky stuff all over the chair. 椅子上到处都是黏乎乎的东西。
What's this black stuff? 这个黑东西是什么?
He drinks gallons of tea - he loves the stuff. 他大量地喝茶——他喜欢这东西。
[ U ] informal(泛指)(或做)的事
things that someone says or does, when you are referring to them in a general way without saying exactly what they are
All that stuff she has been saying about Lee is just not true. 她说的有关李的那些话都是胡说八道。
We did some really interesting stuff today. 今天我们做了一些有趣的事。
I have to go now - I've got stuff to do. 我得走了,还有事情要做。
I've read all her books - I really like her stuff. 我读过所有她写的书,我真的喜欢她的东西。
[ U ] informal(某人拥有的或随身携带的)物品,东西
someone's possessions or things that they take somewhere with them
We'll have to carry all our camping stuff. 我们得带上所有露营需要的东西。
Do you want help bringing your stuff in from the van? 你要不要人帮你把东西从送货车上搬进来?
We can't move to a smaller place - we've got too much stuff. 我们没法搬到一个更小的地方了——我们东西太多了。
and stuff …等(类似的东西
used to refer to more things of a similar kind to ones you have mentioned, when you do not say exactly what they are
This is the drawer where I keep paper and envelopes and stuff. 这是我用来放纸张信封等东西的抽屉。
The classrooms all have computers and interactive whiteboards and stuff. 课堂都有电脑和互动白板等东西。
I was embarrassed because he wanted to talk about love and stuff. 我很尴尬,因为他想谈论爱情等东西。
  • The kids always clutter the hall up with school bags and coats and stuff.
  • I love milk - I drink gallons of the stuff.
  • I've got some stuff to do at home, so I'm going to take off now.
  • I like modern art to a certain extent, but I don't like the really experimental stuff.
  • He leaves all the difficult stuff for me to do and it really annoys me.
[ U ] US某人的)技巧,高超的能力
someone's skill or great abilities
Avery had great stuff, total command of all three of his pitches. 埃弗里投球技术很好,3次投球都很有把握。
An interview is a chance to show your stuff. 面试是展示你能力的机会。
do your stuffidiom informal 尽本分,做份内的事
to do what you should do or what is expected of you
If all the members of the team do their stuff, we should win easily. 如果队里每个人都能尽心竭力,我们要赢并不难。
good/great/lovely stuff!idiom informal 干得好!干得漂亮!
something you say to encourage or praise someone
"The sales figures are up this week." "Great stuff!" “本周的销售数字上升了。”“干得漂亮!”
stuff and nonsenseidiom old-fashioned 胡说八道,一派胡言
an expression used to show that you think something is not true and/or is silly
the stuff of somethingidiom literary …的原料;…的基础
something that a particular type of thing is made of or based on
Her appetite for shopping became the stuff of legend. 她购物的狂热劲儿远近闻名。
A thwarted love affair is the (very) stuff of fiction. 历经波折的爱情是小说的基本元素。
verb uk/stʌf/ us/stʌf/
[ T ]装满,填满,塞满
to completely fill a container with something
Stuff the pillow and then sew up the final seam. 把垫子塞满,然后把最后一道缝缝上。
Under her bed, they found a bag stuffed with money. 他们在她床下找到了一个装满钞票的袋子。
C2 [ T ] informal(常指匆忙或胡乱地)塞,填
to push something into a small space, often quickly or in a careless way
This suitcase is absolutely full - I can't stuff another thing into it. 这只箱子塞得满满的——我再也塞不进东西了。
[ T ]制作动物标本
to fill the body of a dead animal with special material so that it looks as if it is still alive
[ T ] mainly UK offensive(男人和女人)性交
(of a man) to have sex with a woman
  • I stuffed it into my bag and quickly left.
  • I just stuffed everything in boxes.
  • He pulled out a big fat wallet stuffed with bank notes.
  • Every bit of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips abroad.
  • He stuffs all his magazines and books under the bed.
[ T ]填料,馅
to fill food with stuffing
Stuff the turkey, then put it into a pre-heated oven. 把填料塞进火鸡后,放进预热的烤箱中。
stuff yourselfinformal 吃得很多,大吃大喝
to eat a lot
They'd been stuffing themselves with snacks all afternoon, so they didn't want any dinner. 他们吃了一个下午的零食,因此根本不想吃晚饭了。
get stuffed!idiom mainly UK very informal (用于表示厌烦、愤怒或不同意)去你的!
used to show anger or disagreement
"I'll give you ten quid for the car." "Get stuffed!" “我出10磅买你的车。”“滚!”
stuff it, them, you, etc.idiom mainly UK slang (用于表示生气、不赞成或不服从)去它的/去他们的/去你的(等等
used to show anger or disapproval about a situation or person, or that you refuse to obey someone
He's expecting us to work late. Well, stuff that/him! “他希望我们加班。”“没门儿!”
"Should we clean up now?" "No, stuff it! Let someone else do it!" “我们现在要收拾吗? ”“不用,管它呢!”
stuff your faceidiom informal 吃得很多,大吃大喝
to eat a lot
I've been stuffing my face all morning. 我一上午都在吃个不停。




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