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词汇 strong
adjective uk/strɒŋ/ us/strɑːŋ/
A2 强有力的,强劲的;强壮的强烈的
powerful; having or using great force or control
She must be very strong to carry such a weight on her back. 能把这么重的东西背在背上,她一定非常强健。
It is surely the duty of the stronger members in a society to help those who are weak. 任何社会中帮助弱者都是强者不可推卸的责任。
My grandmother had a strong influence/effect on my early childhood. 我祖母在我的幼年对我影响很大。
Strong winds are forecast in the area for the next few days. 预计未来几天这一地区将有大风。
It's surprising what strong memories a photograph can produce. 一张像片可以引起如此深刻的记忆,实在令人惊讶。
Get Carl to lift it - he's as strong as an ox (= very strong). 让卡尔来提吧——他像牛一样壮。
B2 有效的有望成功的
effective; of a good quality or level and likely to be successful
We will need strong policies if our economic problems are to be solved. 要解决我们的经济问题,需要采取强有力的政策。
I can give you stronger pain-killing drugs if these aren't strong enough. 如果这些止痛药药力不够的话,我可以给你一些药效更强的。
Strong trading links exist between us and many South American countries. 我们已和许多南美洲国家建立了牢固的贸易关系。
B2 精通的,擅长的;突出的
skilled or good at doing something
Without a doubt, she's the strongest candidate we've interviewed for the job. 毫无疑问,在我们所面试的这个职位的求职者中,她是能力最强的。
As a guitarist, he's strong on (= good at) technique but lacks feeling in some pieces. 作为一名吉他手,他的演奏技法很娴熟,不过也许在演奏某些曲子时缺乏感情。
  • He was swept out to sea by the strong current.
  • I'm not a strong swimmer so I prefer not to go out of my depth.
  • You'll need a strong abrasive for cleaning this sink.
  • The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.
  • A strong wind will favour the bigger boats.
B2 坚决的,坚定的,不动摇的
difficult to argue with; firm and determined
She has strong opinions about religion. 她有非常坚定的宗教主张。
He has a strong personality, but don't let him bully you. 他个性很强,但别让他欺侮你。
Most of the group have strong views on the subject of divorce. 大部分小组成员对于离婚的看法非常固执。
  • He's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways.
  • She left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.
  • Some people put their faith in strong leaders rather than sound policies.
  • What this state needs is really strong government.
  • I don't think that's a very strong argument.
B1 (味道、气味等)浓的,重的,强烈的
If a taste, smell, etc. is strong, it is very noticeable or powerful.
A strong light was shining straight in my eyes. 一道强光直刺进我的眼里。
There's a really strong smell of bleach in the corridor. 走廊里有一股极为刺鼻的漂白粉味。
This coffee is too strong for me. 这种咖啡对我来说太浓了。
The room was decorated in very strong colours. 房间装饰的色调非常亮丽。
What a strong likeness there is between the brothers! 兄弟俩长得真像。
  • He's got a strong French accent.
  • There was a strong smell of burning.
  • The sun was so strong we had to pull down the blinds.
  • The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.
  • How do you like your tea - strong or weak?
B1 牢固的,强健的;结实的坚固的
difficult to break, destroy, or make sick, or able to support a heavy weight or force
a strong box/chair 结实的盒子/椅子
The window is made from very strong glass - it won't shatter. 窗户用的是强化玻璃——不会碎。
It's a serious disease, but he's very strong - I think he'll pull through. 他的病情严重,但是他很强壮——我相信他能挺过来的。
See also: strength (POWER)
  • Mind that box - the bottom isn't very strong.
  • He has a very strong constitution.
  • He has good strong digestion.
  • The bags we sell have very strong seams, so they will last for years.
  • These are good strong toys for tiny tots.
C2 可能性很大的,很有可能的
very likely to happen
There's a strong possibility/likelihood of finding the child within the next few hours. 很有可能在随后的几个小时内找到孩子。
The treatment's chances of success are stronger if it is started as soon as the disease is diagnosed. 该病确诊后如果马上接受治疗,治愈的可能性会大很多。
[ after noun ]多达…的,计有…的
having the stated number of people, members, etc.
The crowd had grown to be several hundred strong. 人群数量已经增加到几百人。
See also: strength (NUMBER)
chemistry specialized强的(酸、碱或某种化学成分)
A strong acid, alkali, or chemical base produces many ions (= atoms with an electrical charge) when it is dissolved in water.
be going strongidiom C2 活跃依旧长盛不衰依然运行良好
to continue to exist and be successful or work well, after a long period
After fifty years, the town's theatre is still going strong. 五十年后,镇上的剧院依旧在正常运营。
His father is still going strong (= is alive and well) at 94. 他父亲94岁了,还很硬朗。
strong nervesidiom (also a strong stomach) 强大的心理承受力坚强的意志
an ability to not be upset by unpleasant things
You need a strong stomach to work in Accident and Emergency. 在急诊室工作需要有很强的心理承受力。
adverb informal uk/strɒŋ/ us/strɑːŋ/
come on strong UK露骨地调情,挑逗;言行过分,过于苛刻
to behave towards another person in a way that is too severe, or that shows a strong sexual interest that the other person does not want
I think you came on a bit strong - it wasn't her fault. 你当时有些太过分了——又不是她的错。
He's always coming on strong to me - I wish he'd stop. 他老是挑逗我——我真希望他别这么做了。




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