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词汇 stretch
verb uk/stretʃ/ us/stretʃ/
B2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]伸出;伸长;拉伸
to cause something to reach, often as far as possible, in a particular direction
I tripped on a piece of wire that someone had stretched across the path. 我被不知是谁拉在路上的一根电线绊倒了。
She stretched out her hand and helped him from his chair. 她伸手将他从椅子上扶起来。
B2 [ I ]伸展,舒展(四肢)
to make your body or your arms and legs straight so that they are as long as possible, in order to exercise the joints (= place where two bones are connected) after you have been in the same place or position for a long time
"I'm so tired," she said, yawning and stretching. “我太累了,”她打着呵欠伸了个懒腰说。
It's a good idea to stretch before you do vigorous exercise. 在进行剧烈运动前应该先伸展一下身体。
  • The plastic cover was stretched tight across the tank.
  • I stretched out and listened to the sound of the rushing stream.
  • The cat was stretching in front of the fire.
  • Yoga is a great way to stretch your body.
  • I get up and walk around every half hour just to stretch my legs.
C2 [ I usually + adv/prep ]展开,铺开;延伸
to spread over a large area or distance
A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched across the horizon. 一大团浓烟在地平线上蔓延开来。
The Andes stretch for 7,250 km along the west coast of South America. 安第斯山脉沿南美洲西海岸绵延达7250公里。
Unsettled weather will stretch from the middle Mississippi Valley to the southern Middle Atlantic States. 自密西西比河流域中部至濒大西洋中部诸州的南部天气均不稳定。
The refugee camps stretch as far as the eye can see. 难民营绵延不绝,一眼望不到头。
  • The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye could see.
  • The mountain range stretched away into infinity.
  • A broad sweep of flat countryside stretched to the horizon in all directions.
  • On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky.
  • A ribbon of road stretched ahead of us across the desert.
[ T ]到…的限度;超过…的限度;竭尽
to go as far as or past the usual limit of something
Many families' budgets are already stretched to breaking point. 许多家庭的预算已经撑到了极限。
We can't work any harder, Paul. We're already fully stretched. 我们无法再更卖力了,保罗。我们已经竭尽全力了。
This movie really stretches the patience of the audience to the limit. 这部电影简直就是在考验观众的耐性。
Normally, people under 18 aren't allowed, but I guess we can stretch the rules for you as it's your birthday tomorrow. 我们通常不接纳未满18岁的人,但考虑到明天是你的生日,我想我们可以稍稍变通一下。
B2 [ I or T ](使弹性物)拉长,伸长
to (cause a material to) become longer or wider than usual as a result of pulling at the edges
an exercise to stretch the leg muscles 拉伸腿部肌肉的锻炼
That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far. 那根橡皮筋拉得太长会断的。
This substance stretches to any shape you want. 这种物质可以拉伸成你想要的任何形状。
B2 [ I ]有弹性,有弹力
If a material stretches, it can become longer or wider when pulled and then return to its original size.
to stretch fabrics 弹力织物
[ I usually + adv/prep ]延续
to spread over a long period of time
The dispute stretches back over many years. 这场争论可追溯到许多年以前。
Although we were supposed to finish this month, it looks like the work will stretch well into next year. 虽然我们应该在本月完工,但看来工作要拖到明年了。
[ T ] (also stretch out)延长(…的期限)
to make a process or task continue for a longer period of time than was originally planned
I'd like to stretch my mortgage payments out over a longer period if possible. 如果可能的话,我想把按揭贷款的期限延长一些。
[ T ](工作或任务)使施展本领,对…具有挑战性
If jobs or tasks stretch you, they make you learn new things that use your skill and experience more than before.
My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more demanding. 我目前的工作不能让我尽展所长,所以我在寻找更有挑战性的工作。
be stretching itidiom 夸大事实,言过其实
to be going further than the truth
She's very smart, but it's stretching it to call her a genius. 她很聪明,但说她是个天才就有点儿言过其实了。
stretch your legsidiom (尤指久坐后)散散步,活动一下腿脚
to go for a walk, especially after sitting in the same position for a long time
The car journey took three hours, including a couple of stops to stretch our legs. 开车行程3个小时,包括几次停车活动腿脚所花的时间。
stretch a/the pointidiom 言过其实;超越限度,破例,通融
to make a claim that is not completely true, or to do something that goes further than what is considered to be reasonable
They claim to be the biggest company in the world, which is stretching a point. 他们宣称是世界上最大的公司,这有点儿言过其实。
stretch the length of somethingidiom (通常是非常长的某物)等长
to be the same length as something, usually something very long
The underground chambers stretch the length of a football pitch. 这个地下室和一个足球场一样长。
The mountains stretch the entire length of the country. 这些山脉和那个国家一样长。
stretch the truthidiom 夸大事实,言过其实
to say something that is not completely honest in order to make someone or something seem better than it really is
He was accused of stretching the truth about how much he had helped in the project. 他被指责夸大了自己在整个项目中的作用。
Phrasal verbs
stretch (yourself) out 舒展四肢躺下
to lie with your legs and arms spread out in a relaxed way
I just want to get home and stretch out on the sofa. 我只想回家摊开四肢舒舒服服地躺在沙发上。
stretch to something 尽量凑足数目);争取做到
to manage to give or pay a particular amount, often a larger amount than you might expect
"How much money do you want to borrow?" "Could you stretch to £50?" 你想借多少钱?"你能凑到50英镑吗?
noun uk/stretʃ/ us/stretʃ/
C1 [ C usually singular ](土地或水域的)一片,一段
a continuous area of land or water
This particular stretch of coast is especially popular with hikers. 在这一段海岸散步的人特别多。
Traffic is at a standstill along a five-mile stretch of the ring-road. 环城公路有5英里的路段交通陷入瘫痪。
Some very rare birds inhabit our stretch of the river. 一些非常珍稀的鸟类栖息在我们这个河段。
[ C usually singular ](赛跑的)阶段;一段跑道
a stage in a race, or a part of a racetrack
She looked certain to win as she entered the final stretch. 她进入最后一段跑道时似乎已经赢定了。
He fell as he galloped down the home stretch (= towards the finish). 他在冲向终点时跌倒了。
  • There has been a collision on the southbound stretch of the motorway.
  • This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.
  • This stretch of water is heavily used by shipping.
  • There have been many shipwrecks along this dangerous stretch of coastline.
  • The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
[ C ]伸展,舒展
an act of stretching
I always have a good stretch when I get up in the morning. 我早上起床总会好好地伸展一下筋骨。
This is a really good stretch for your hip flexors. 这对你的髋部屈肌是很好的舒展活动。
[ C usually singular ]超过限度;过分;离谱;破例
the fact that something has gone past its usual limits
His idea may be a stretch, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. 他的主意可能有点儿夸大其词,但并不是完全没有可能。
[ U ]弹性
the degree to which a material can be made longer or wider by pulling
This fabric doesn't have much stretch in it, does it? 这种织物没什么弹性,是吗?
[ C usually singular ]连续的一段时间
a continuous period of time
The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches. 年长者一般需要的休息时间比年轻人要少得多,而且往往会分成几个小段时间睡觉。
[ C usually singular ] informal服刑期
a period of time that a criminal spends in prison
Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch for armed robbery. 她弟弟因持械抢劫正在服刑,刑期10年。
at a stretch 连续地,不间断地
continuously or without any interruptions
There's no way I could work for ten hours at a stretch. 要我连续工作10个小时是不可能的。
[ C usually singular ](演员的)有难度的表演,拓宽戏路的表演
a job, task, or role that is difficult for someone because it is very different from what they usually do
Playing a budding opera star was not much of a stretch for this classically trained singer. 饰演一位崭露头角的歌剧明星对这个受过古典音乐训练的歌手而言不是什么难事。
by no stretch (of the imagination)idiom (also not by any stretch (of the imagination)) 无论如何也难以相信
used to describe things that are definitely not possible or correct
By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist. 无论如何也难以相信人们会正儿八经把他称为艺术家。
This could not by any stretch be seen as a victory. 怎么也无法把这想像成一场胜利。




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