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词汇 stress
noun uk/stres/ us/stres/
B1 [ C or U ]紧张,压力;造成紧张的因素
great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition
People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties. 压力大的人可能会出现头痛、轻微疼痛和睡眠障碍。
Yoga is a very effective technique for combating stress. 练瑜伽是舒缓压力的非常有效的方法。
the stresses and strains of the job 工作的紧张和压力
stress-related illness 压力引起的疾病
  • All that stress at work had begun to drag him down.
  • People often behave irrationally when they are under stress.
  • She's been under a lot of stress recently and it's starting to tell.
  • Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
  • She seems to thrive on stress.
B2 [ C or U ]重读,用重音读
the way that a word or syllable is pronounced with greater force than other words in the same sentence or other syllables in the same word
The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation. 句子的意思常常取决于重音和语调。
When "insert" is a verb, the stress is on the second syllable, but when it is a noun, the stress is on the first syllable. Insert(插入)用作动词时重音在第二个音节上,但用作名词时重音在第一个音节上。
  • In this dictionary, stress in compounds is indicated by stress markers.
  • I can never remember which syllable the stress is on.
[ C or U ] physics, engineering specialized压力;应力
a force that acts in a way that often changes the shape of an object
Computers work out the stresses that such a craft will encounter in flight. 计算机计算出诸如此类的飞行器在飞行中承受的压力。
Jogging puts a lot of stress on your knee joints. 慢跑使膝关节承受很大的压力。
C1 [ U ]强调
During his speech, he laid particular stress on the freedom of the press. 他在讲话中特别强调了新闻自由。
verb uk/stres/ us/stres/
B2 [ T ]强调,着重
to give emphasis or special importance to something
[ + (that) ] He is careful to stress (that) the laboratory's safety standards are the best in the country. 他谨慎地强调实验室的安全标准是全国最高的。
I'd just like to stress the importance of neatness and politeness in this job. 我只想强调一下整洁和礼貌在这份工作中的重要性。
  • The bishop stressed the importance of faithfulness in marriage.
  • I must stress that these are only preliminary findings.
  • I stressed that this was our policy.
  • He stressed the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.
  • The government repeatedly stressed its support for parental choice in the selection of a child's school.
B2 [ T ]重读,用重音读
to pronounce a word or syllable with greater force than other words in the same sentence or other syllables in the same word, or to play a musical note with greater force than others in a group
In the word "engine" you should stress the first syllable. 在 engine 这个词中,应该重读第一个音节。
  • In the word 'dessert' the second syllable is stressed.
  • Stress the second syllable in the word 'bizarre'.
[ I ]紧张,焦虑,担心
to feel worried and nervous
Don't stress over it - we'll soon get it sorted out. 不用担心——我们很快会解决的。
Phrasal verb
stress someone out 某人紧张使某人焦虑不安
to make someone feel very nervous and worried
Interviews always stress me out. 面试总是令我非常紧张。




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