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词汇 strength
noun uk/streŋθ/ us/streŋθ/
B2 [ U ]体力;力气;力量;实力
the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort
She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal. 她有领先并夺金的体力和耐力。
Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of strength, not weakness. 承认自己犯了错误显示出的是坚强,而不是软弱。
He showed great strength of character when he refused to accept the bribes. 他拒绝接受贿赂,表现出崇高的人格。
We will struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others. 我们应该从其他人的勇气中汲取力量,继续奋斗。
Much of the country's military strength lies in its missile force. 这个国家的军事实力主要体现在导弹部队上。
C2 [ C usually singular ]强度力度
the degree to which something is strong or powerful
If the two parties joined forces, their combined strength would be 127 seats. 如果两党联合,他们将共同拥有127个席位。
You can gauge (= measure) the strength of a democracy by the way it treats its minorities. 你可以根据一个国家对待少数民族的方式来估量其民主程度。
  • I'm not being lazy - I'm just conserving my strength for later.
  • You must eat to keep your strength up.
  • The team will need all the strength they can muster to win this game.
  • This will be a severe test of our strength.
  • They gave him soup to build up his strength.
C1 [ C ]优点,长处,强项
a good characteristic
She's well aware of her strengths and weaknesses as an artist. 她非常清楚自己作为一个艺术家的优点和不足。
His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience. 他最大的长处是他的决断力和适应力。
[ U ]人数人力
the number of people in a group
What's the current strength of the city's police force? 城市目前的警力有多少人?
in strength 大量地
in large numbers
Demonstrators arrived in strength to protest against the military action. 大批的示威者赶来,抗议采取军事行动。
below strengthUK 人手不够,人员不足
If a group is below strength, it consists of fewer people or members than usual.
The office will be below strength in August when a lot of people will be away. 8月份许多人不在,办公室就会人手不足。
at full strength 处于最佳状态;处于能力最强的阶段
at the best level of ability possible
He is not expected to be at full strength for the rest of the season. 不能期待他的能力在赛季剩下的时间里可以达到最高点。
give me strength!idiom mainly UK (表示又可气又可笑)真受不了!
something that you say when you find someone else's stupid behaviour or inability to do something annoying
Oh, give me strength! Do you want me to do it for you? 噢,真受不了!难道你想让我帮你干?
go from strength to strengthidiom mainly UKC1 从成功走向成功,日渐强大
to gradually become more successful
The firm's gone from strength to strength since the new factory was built. 自从新工厂建成后,公司就蒸蒸日上。
on the strength of somethingidiom 受…的影响;基于对…的信任
If you do something on the strength of something such as advice, you do it because you have been influenced by it or believe it.
I invested in the company on the strength of my brother's advice. 在我兄弟的建议下,我投资了这家公司。




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