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词汇 strange
adjective uk/streɪndʒ/ us/streɪndʒ/
A2 不寻常的奇怪的不可思议的
unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand
He has some very strange ideas about women! 他对女性有一些非常古怪的看法!
You say the strangest things sometimes. 有时候你说的话非常奇怪。
I had a strange feeling that we'd met before. 有个奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。
It's strange that tourists almost never visit this village. 不可思议的是,游客几乎从来不到这个村子来。
That's strange - I'm sure I put my glasses in my bag, but they're not there. 太奇怪了——我肯定我把眼镜放进了包里,但不见了。
feel strange 感觉不舒服感觉不正常
to feel uncomfortable and not normal or correct
I hope that fish was all right - my stomach feels a little strange . 我希望那条鱼没问题——我的肚子感觉有点儿不舒服。
  • Can you hear that strange clicking noise?
  • By some strange coincidence, he was passing the house just when it happened.
  • When I met her, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu.
  • She's developed some very strange habits lately.
  • She gave me a strange look.
B1 陌生的,不熟悉的
not known or familiar
I don't accept rides from strange men. 我不会搭陌生男人的车。
With so many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry. 看到周围有这么多的陌生面孔,婴儿开始哭了起来。
I've never been here before either, so it's all strange to me too. 我以前也没来过这里,因此对我来说这也是完全陌生的。
  • A strange figure appeared in the doorway, clad in white.
  • I found myself in a strange country.
  • Who are these strange people?
  • Their customs are strange to me.
  • They gave her a strange brew to drink.
stranger things have happenedidiom 还有更离奇的事(用于说明虽然所说的事件或想法听起来非常奇怪或令人吃惊,但也是有可能会发生的)
used to say that although a suggested event or idea seems very strange or surprising, it is possible
"You don't think Katie and Darryl are falling in love, do you?" "Well, stranger things have happened." “你不是认为凯蒂和达瑞尔坠入爱河了吧?是吧?”“噢!更离奇的事也会有。”




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