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词汇 stop
verb uk/stɒp/ us/stɑːp/ -pp-
A1 [ I or T ]使)停止;(使)停下;中断
to finish doing something that you were doing
Once I start eating chocolate, I can't stop. 我一开始吃巧克力,就停不了嘴了。
[ + -ing verb ] Stop shouting - you're giving me a headache! 别再叫了——你搞得我头都疼了!
I couldn't stop laughing. 我忍不住笑个没完。
Stop it!/Stop that! 住手!
B1 [ I or T ]使)停止工作,(使停止运转
to not continue to operate
My watch must have stopped. 我的表一定是停了。
The air conditioner has stopped working. 空调停了。
B1 [ I or T ]使)停止,(使停下
to not move any more or to make someone or something not move any more
Stop the car, I want to get out! 把车停下,我要下去!
I heard him shout, "Stop, or I'll shoot!" 我听到他大叫:“停下,否则我就开枪了!”
A1 [ I + -ing verb ]戒除,停止(常做的事或习惯)
to finish doing something that you do regularly or as a habit
Apparently she's stopped drinking. 听说她戒酒了。
I stopped seeing him last year. 去年我和他分手了。
A2 [ I ]中途暂停;逗留
to pause for a short time while travelling or during an activity
Does this train stop at Finsbury Park? 本次列车在芬斯伯里公园停吗?
Why don't you just stop somewhere and ask for directions? 为什么你不找个地方停一下问问路呢?
[ + to infinitive ] I stopped to pick up a letter that I'd dropped. 我停下脚步,捡起我掉在地上的信。
  • Oh, stop moaning!
  • Stop hassling me!
  • She stopped speaking for a moment and looked out of the window.
  • I couldn't stop crying.
  • I've stopped trying to help her.
B1 [ T ]阻止,阻拦
to prevent someone from doing something
If she really wants to leave, I don't understand what's stopping her. 如果她真的想走,我不明白有什么事绊住了她。
[ + -ing verb ] They've put barriers up to stop people (from) getting through. 他们筑起了街垒,阻止人们通行。
Something must be done to stop the fighting. 必须做点儿什么来制止争斗。
stop a chequeUK (US stop a check, stop payment on a check) 通知银行止付支票
to tell your bank not to deal with a cheque that you have written, so that the money is not paid from your bank account
  • I can't stop her from seeing him.
  • My mum stopped me from going.
  • Health workers are trying to stop the disease from spreading.
  • We are doing everything we can to stop the situation from getting worse.
  • If he really wants to do it I can't stop him.
[ I ] UK停留,逗留
to stay in a place
Are you coming with me or are you stopping here? 你是和我一起走还是就留在这儿?
I can't stop - Marc is waiting for me outside. 我不能再呆了——马克在外面等着我呢。
Now that you're here, why don't you stop for some tea? 既然你已经来了,为什么不留下来喝杯茶呢?
I've been out every night this week, so I thought I'd stop in (= stay at home) tonight. 这个星期我每个晚上都在外面,所以今晚想呆在家里。
We stopped up (= did not go to bed) until two o'clock last night watching the late film. 我们昨晚看晚场电影,一直熬到两点才睡。
  • After stopping for a quick drink, they continued on their way.
  • She ambled down the street, stopping occasionally to look in the shop windows.
  • I won't stop - I'm in a bit of a rush.
  • Shall we stop here for a while?
  • We're hoping to make up time on the return journey by not stopping at night.
[ T ]堵塞,塞住
to block a hole
We stopped (up) the gap with some rags. 我们用些破布塞住了豁口。
stop at nothingidiom C1 不择手段不顾一切
If you stop at nothing to achieve something, you are willing to do anything in order to achieve it, even if it involves danger, great effort, or harming other people.
She'll stop at nothing to get her revenge. 为了复仇,她会不择手段。
stop short of somethingidiom C2 差一点没(做或说);险些(做或说)
If you stop short of doing or saying something, you decide not to do or say it although you almost do.
I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth. 我差一点把残酷的真相告诉他。
Phrasal verbs
stop by (somewhere) 顺便拜访
to visit someone for a short time, usually on the way to another place
I was passing your house, so I thought I'd stop by for a chat. 我路过你家,所以我想可以顺便到你这儿聊一会儿。
stop in informal顺便拜访;中途停留
to visit a person or place for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else
I stopped in at work on the way home to check my mail. 我回家的路上顺便去办公室收了一下邮件。
UK informal(尤指晚上)呆在家里,不出去
to stay at home, especially in the evening
I've had my tea and I'm stopping in now. 我已经喝过茶了,现在打算呆在家里不出去了。
stop off somewhere 中途拜访,中途停留(在某处
to visit or stay at a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else
I'll stop off at the shops on my way home and get some wine. 我回家的路上会顺便去一下商店,买些酒。
We're going to stop off in Denver for a couple of days before heading south. 我们去南边之前要在丹佛停留几天。
stop overB2 中途停留过夜
to stay at a place for one night or a few nights on the way to somewhere else or before returning home
They're stopping over in Malaysia for a couple of nights on the way to Australia. 他们在去澳大利亚的途中要在马来西亚逗留几个晚上。
UK Come round for dinner one night and you can stop over. 找个晚上来我家吃饭吧,你可以住下。
See also: stopover
noun [ C ] uk/stɒp/ us/stɑːp/
B1 停止,终止;逗留,停留;停留时间
the act of stopping an activity or journey, or a period of time when you stop
Please remain in your seat until the plane comes to a complete stop. 请在飞机停稳前留在自己的座位上。
We'd have been here sooner, but we made several stops along the way. 我们本来可以早点儿到这儿的,但我们中途停了好几次。
At the beginning of the project there were a lot of stops and starts. 项目开始的时候,有很多磕磕绊绊。
See also: doorstop
A1 (尤指公共汽车的)车站
a place where vehicles, especially buses, stop in order to allow passengers to get off and on
a bus stop 公交车站
I'm getting off at the next stop. 我下一站下车。
Is this our stop (= where we must get off)? 我们是这一站下吗?
UK句号(full stop的简略说法)
short form of full stop UK
phonetics specialized辅音的塞音
a plosive (= consonant that is made by completely stopping the flow of air)
put a stop to somethingC1 制止;使停止
to stop an unpleasant, unwanted activity or habit from continuing
He used to smoke in bed when I first got to know him, but I soon put a stop to that! 我刚认识他的时候,他总是躺在床上抽烟,但我很快就让他改掉了!
  • The car came to a stop in front of an old cottage.
  • We had a stop halfway through the journey and got some food.
  • We made a couple of stops on the way so that Milly could go to the toilet.
  • Is this your stop?
  • We had an overnight stop in Singapore.




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