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词汇 stone
noun uk/stəʊn/ us/stoʊn/
B1 [ C or U ]石头石料石块
the hard, solid substance found in the ground that is often used for building, or a piece of this
a stone wall/floor 石墙/石头地面
a flight of stone steps 一段石头台阶
a primitive stone axe 简陋的石斧
They cut enormous blocks of stone out of the hillside. 他们从山上开采出大量的石料。
Some demonstrators were arrested for throwing stones at the police. 一些示威者因向警察投掷石块被逮捕。
[ C ](器官里的)结石
a piece of hard material that can form in some organs in the body and cause severe pain
kidney/gall stones 肾/胆结石
  • A stone hit the window and cracked the glass.
  • A stone was digging into my heel.
  • The stone fell into the water with a plop.
  • Youths hurled stones at the soldiers.
  • Some demonstrators were arrested for throwing stones at the police.
[ C ] UK plural stone or stones (written abbreviation st)英石(重量单位,等于6.35千克或14磅)
a unit of weight equal to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms, used especially when talking about a person's weight
I weigh ten and a half stone. 我的体重是10.5英石。
She has put on/lost a stone (= is a stone heavier/lighter). 她重/轻了1英石。
  • I want to lose a stone before Christmas.
  • She must weigh over 15 stone.
  • I got up to 13 stone when I was pregnant.
  • He's down to twelve stone.
  • You're three stones heavier than me!
B1 [ C ]宝石;钻石
a small piece of a hard, valuable substance, such as a diamond, that is found in the ground and used in jewellery
a precious/semiprecious stone 宝石/半宝石
The large central diamond is surrounded by eight smaller stones. 中间的大钻石周围围绕着8颗小钻石。
C2 [ C ] mainly UK (US usually pit)果核
a large, hard seed inside some types of fruit
Peaches, plums, and olives all contain stones. 桃子、李子和橄榄都有果核。
Compare: pip noun (SEED)
drop/fall/sink like a stoneidiom 快速直线下落象石头一样落下
to move very quickly down in a straight line
Witnesses say that there was an explosion and then the plane dropped like a stone. 目击证说听到一声爆炸,然后飞机象石头一样坠落地面。
The ring fell into the water and sank like a stone. 那个戒指落到水里,象石头一样沉了下去。
not be set/carved in stoneidiom UK (US not be carved/etched in stone) 还未确定;未成定局
to be able to be changed
These are just a few ideas - nothing is set in stone yet. 这还只是一些想法——什么都还没定下来。
a stone's throwidiom C2 很短的距离,掷石之遥
a very short distance
The apartment is just a stone's throw from the sea. 公寓离海非常近。
"Is your house far from here?" "No, it's only a stone's throw away." 你的房子离这儿远吗?"不远,几步路就到了。
verb [ T ] uk/stəʊn/ us/stoʊn/
to throw stones at something or someone
Rioters set up barricades and stoned police cars. 暴徒们设置了街垒,并向警车投掷石块。
stone someone to death 用石头砸死某人
to kill someone as a punishment by throwing stones at them
(US usually pit)去掉…的果核
to remove the stone from a fruit
Could you stone the cherries for me? 你能帮我把樱桃去一下核吗 ?
stone the crows!idiom UK old-fashioned (also stone me!) (表示惊讶)哎呀,啊
used as an expression of surprise
Well, stone the crows - it's five o'clock already! 哎呀——已经5点了!




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