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词汇 stick
noun uk/stɪk/ us/stɪk/
B1 [ C ]枝条;木条,木棍
a thin piece of wood or other material
The old man was carrying a load of sticks. 那个老人抱着一捆树枝。
Police said that the child had been beaten with a stick. 警方说那个孩子被人用木棍打了。
Find some dry sticks and we'll make a campfire. 找些干树枝,我们来点堆篝火。
A lollipop is a sweet on a stick. 棒棒糖是一团裹在小棍上的糖。
B1 [ C ] mainly UK (US usually cane)(尤指长者或伤者用的)手杖,拐杖
a long, thin wooden pole that especially old or injured people use to help them walk
a walking stick 拐杖
At 84 he's still quite active, although he walks with the aid of a stick. 他84岁了,虽然走路需要拄着拐杖,可仍旧非常硬朗。
B1 [ C ](曲棍球或兜网球)球棍;(马球球杆
a long, thin piece of wood used in playing various sports
a hockey/lacrosse/polo stick 曲棍球球棍/兜网球球棍/马球球杆
[ C ]条状物;棍状物
a long, thin piece of something
carrot/bread sticks 胡萝卜条/面包棍
a stick of celery/rhubarb/chewing gum/chalk/dynamite 一根芹菜/一棵大黄/一片口香糖/一根粉笔/一根雷管
[ C ] US手动汽车
a car with a stick shift
Do you drive a stick? 你开手动车吗?
stick of furniture informal一件家具
a piece of furniture
When they got married, they didn't have a stick of furniture. 他们结婚时,一件家具都没有。
take a stick to someone/something 用木棍打,对…棍棒相向
to hit someone or something with a long, thin piece of wood
He said that when he was a boy, his father used to take a stick to him to punish him. 他说他小的时候,他爸爸经常用棍子惩罚他。
  • a bundle of sticks
  • We go to the park and I throw sticks for the dog to run and pick up.
  • He managed to fend off his attackers with a stick.
  • The last time I saw Rachel she was hobbling around with a stick.
  • The ball deflected off my hockey stick, straight into the goal.
[ U ] UK informal指责,苛责;批评
severe criticism
I really got/took stick from my boss about being late for work again. 我因为上班又迟到了,被老板狠狠数落了一通。
We gave him some stick for wearing that silly hat. 他戴着那顶愚蠢透顶的帽子,被我们批评了一通。
the sticks[ plural ] informal disapproving 偏僻乡村,偏远地区
an area in the countryside that is far from a town or city
I'm sick of living in the sticks. 我受够了偏僻乡村的生活。
They live out in the sticks somewhere. 他们住在某个偏远的地方。
a stick to beat someone withidiom 某人)的把柄,(某人的痛处
something that you can use to criticize, influence, or cause difficulty for someone or something you dislike or disapprove of
The country's lack of openess was used as a stick to beat it with. 这个国家在公开化上的欠缺经常被人当作把柄。
sticks and stones may break my bones, (but words can never hurt me)idiom child's expression 棍棒和石头可能会打断我的骨头(但言语伤害不了我)。
said in order to show that people cannot be hurt by unpleasant things that are said to them
up sticksidiom UK informal (US pull up stakes) 迁居别处,搬家
to take all the things that you own and go and live in a different place
This is the fourth time in five years that we've had to up sticks. 这已经是5年中我们第4次不得不搬家了。
verb uk/stɪk/ us/stɪk/ stuck | stuck
B1 [ I or T ]粘住,粘贴;固定住
to cause something to become fixed, for example with glue or another similar substance
I tried to stick the pieces together with some glue/tape. 我想用胶水/胶带把这些部件粘到一起。
He stuck up an announcement on the board with pins. 他用大头针把告示钉在布告板上。
This glue won't stick. 这种胶水粘不牢。
My car's stuck in the mud. 我的车陷在泥里了。
Stir the sauce so that it doesn't stick to the pan. 不断搅拌酱汁,以免粘锅。
My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together. 我的书湿了,书页都粘在一起了。
See also: non-stickstuck adjective
[ I ]名字)继续使用的,保持不变的
If a name sticks, it continues to be used.
Although her name is Clare, her little sister called her Lali, and somehow the name stuck. 虽然她的名字是克莱尔,她的妹妹却叫她拉莉,不知怎么的,这个名字就叫开了。
  • She licked the stamps and stuck them on the parcel.
  • I stuck a 50p stamp on the envelope.
  • Helga stuck her posters up with Blu-Tack.
  • I stuck the notice up on the board.
  • The glue had set and my hand was stuck fast.
to put something somewhere, especially in a not very careful way
"Where shall I put these books?" "Oh, just stick them on the table for now." “我该把这些书放在哪儿?"“噢,就先放在桌子上吧。"
She stuck her fingers in her ears so that she couldn't hear the noise. 她用手指塞住耳朵,这样就听不到那些噪音了。
I'll pay for lunch - I can stick it on my expenses. 午餐我来请客——我可以把它算入报销费用。
[ T usually + adv/prep ] offensive不想接受
If you tell someone to stick something or where they can stick something, it means that you do not want to keep that thing.
"I've had enough of working here," she said, "You can stick your job!" “我这儿要干的事已经够多了,"她说,“你的活儿自己留着吧!"
  • I'll just stick my bag down.
  • Just stick your bag under the table.
  • I stuck my jacket over the back of my chair.
  • I didn't know what to do with these so I stuck them outside for now.
  • I stuck them in the fridge and left them there.
B2 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ])(尖物)刺进,插进;戳
to push a pointed object into or through something, or (of a pointed object) to be pushed into or through something and stay there
She stuck the needle into my arm. 她把针头扎进我的胳膊。
We decided where to go for our holiday by closing our eyes and sticking a pin in the map. 我们闭上眼睛,用大头针往地图上插,这样决定了去哪里度假。
A thorn stuck in her finger. 她的手指扎了一根刺。
The metal springs were sticking through the mattress. 金属弹簧穿透垫子露了出来。
[ I ](牌戏中)不再要牌
In some card games, if you stick, you say that you do not want to be given any more cards.
[ T ] UK informal容忍,忍受
to bear or accept something or someone unpleasant
I don't think I can stick this job a day longer. 我认为这份工作我一天也忍受不下去了。
[ + -ing verb ] I don't know how you can stick living in this place. 我不知道你住在这样的地方怎么能受得了。
make something stickidiom informal 证明陈述真实证明指控成立
to show something bad that has been said about someone is true
They've arrested him for fraud but they'll never make the charges stick. 他们以诈骗罪逮捕了他,但将无法证明这些指控成立。
stick in someone's mind/head/memoryidiom informal 铭刻在(某人)的脑海里
to remember something
stick in someone's throatidiom (通用因为情绪激动)无法说出想说的话
to be unable to say the words you want to say, usually because of a strong emotion
She looked at him, but her voice stuck in her throat. 她看着他,却说不出她想说的话来。
UK (US stick in someone's craw)某人)气愤
to make you angry
It really sticks in my throat that I did all the work, and she's getting all the credit. 所有的活儿都是我干的,可功劳全都归了她,这让我很窝火儿。
stick in someone's crawidiom US (UK stick in someone's throat)某人)气愤
to make you angry
stick to someone like glueidiom informal 粘着某人
to stay very close to someone
Ellie stuck to her mother like glue. 艾莉象胶水一样粘着妈妈。
stick to someone's ribsidiom 食物)顶饱,吃后感觉很饱
If you describe food as sticking to your ribs, you mean that it makes you feel like you have eaten a lot.
Phrasal verbs
stick around 逗留,停留
to stay somewhere for a period of time
You go - I'll stick around here a bitlonger. 你走吧——我在这儿再呆会儿。
stick at something 继续努力做,坚持干
to continue trying hard to do something difficult
You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not going to stick at it. 如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。
stick by something/someoneC1 (尤指困境中)继续支持某人),对(某人)不离不弃
to continue to support something or someone, especially in a difficult situation
We must stick by our decision. 我们必须坚持我们的决定。
stick outB2 探出,露出,凸出
to go past the surface or edge of something
Paul's ears stick out a little. 保罗的耳朵有点招风耳。
There was a handkerchief sticking out of his jacket pocket. 他的外套口袋露出了手帕的一角。
to be very easy to notice
She certainly sticks out in a crowd. 她在人群中很显眼。
stick (something) out 使)探出,(使)伸出,(使凸出
to come forward from the rest of your body, or to make part of your body do this
Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me! 妈妈,刘易斯冲我吐舌头。
He stuck his arm out of the window and waved at us. 他从窗口伸出胳膊,朝我们挥手。
I wish my stomach didn't stick out so much. 我真希望我的肚腩没这么明显。
stick it out 坚持到底;忍受下去,挺住
to continue to the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation
I know things are difficult right now, but if we just stick it out, I'm sure everything will be OK in the end. 我知道现在情况很艰难,但只要我们能坚持下去,我敢肯定最后一切都会好的。
stick out for something 坚持要求;坚决要得到
to continue to demand or try to get something
The unions have said that they are going to stick out for a ten percent rise. 工会声称会坚持要求10%的加薪。
stick to somethingB2 坚持,固守;忠于
to limit yourself to doing or using one particular thing and not change to anything else
Could you stick to the point, please? 请不要离题,好吗?
We'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are blocked with snow. 我们最好沿着干道走,因为其他的路都被雪封住了。
If you stick to a law, rule, or promise, you obey it or do what it states.
If you make a promise, you should stick to it. 如果你作出了承诺,就必须遵守。
US (UK stick at something)继续努力做,坚持干
to continue trying hard to do something difficult
You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick to it. 如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。
stick togetherB2 informal互相扶持,团结一致
If people stick together, they support and help each other.
The country's foreign minister said that it was important for small nations to stick together. 该国外交部长称,小国之间相互扶持是至关重要的。
If people stick together, they stay close to each other.
The two brothers always stick together at school. 兄弟俩在学校里总是形影不离。
stick up 竖起;向上伸出
to point up above the surface of something and not lie flat
When I get up in the morning, my hair is always sticking up. 我早上起床的时候,头发总是竖着。
There were some large rocks sticking up out of the water. 有一些大石头突出水面。
More phrasal verbs
stick something/someone up 持枪抢劫
to steal from a place or person, using a gun as a threat
Did you hear that someone stuck up the post office last night? 你听说昨晚有人持枪抢劫邮局了吗?
See also: stick-up
stick up for something/someoneC1 支持,捍卫,维护(尤指受到批评的人或物)
to support or defend someone or something, especially when that person or thing is being criticized
I can stick up for myself. 我能维护我自己。
It's sweet the way he sticks up for his little brother. 他维护他小弟弟的样子真讨人喜欢。
stick someone with something US informal迫使某人)做不太好的事
to force someone to have or do something that is not very good
Big power companies grab cheap supplies and stick everyone else with more expensive ones. 大的电力公司把便宜的供应商抓在手中,迫使其他人使用更昂贵的供应商。
stick with something/someoneB2 坚持做;继续任用(某人
to continue doing something or using someone to do work for you, and not stop or change to something or someone else
He said that he was going to stick with the traditions established by his grandfather. 他说他会继续坚持他爷爷立下的传统。
He's a good car mechanic - I think we should stick with him. 他是个不错的汽车技师——我认为我们应该继续用他。




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