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词汇 steady
adjective uk/ˈsted.i/ us/ˈsted.i/
B2 稳步的;持续的;有规律的
happening in a smooth, gradual, and regular way, not suddenly or unexpectedly
The procession moved through the streets at a steady pace. 队伍稳步穿过街道。
Orders for new ships are rising, after several years of steady decline. 新船的订单数量经过几年的持续下降之后开始增加了。
Over the last ten years he has produced a steady flow/stream/trickle of articles and papers. 过去10年中他连续发表了一系列文章和论文。
Progress has been slow but steady. 进展虽然缓慢,但却也在稳步向前。
  • There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
  • There's been a steady flow of visitors.
  • We're making slow but steady progress with the decorating.
  • The last few years have seen a steady increase in the number of infections.
  • There has been a steady improvement in the situation.
B2 固定不动的;稳固的,平稳的
not moving or changing suddenly
I'll hold the boat steady while you climb in. 我把船稳住,你爬上来。
Most rental prices have held steady this year. 今年大部分租金保持不变。
Young people assume that if you are in a steady relationship, you don't have to worry about HIV. 年轻人想当然地认为,只要保持稳定的恋爱关系,就不必担心艾滋病病毒。
Synonyms: committeddedicateddevotedfaithful (LOYAL)firm (CERTAIN)loyalstalwart (LOYAL)staunch steadfast true (SINCERE)unfalteringunshakeable unswervingunwavering
steady job/workC2 长期稳定的工作
work that is likely to continue for a long time and for which you will be paid regularly
Owning your own home and having a steady job will help when applying for a loan. 拥有自己的住房而且工作稳定对申请贷款很有利。
B2 稳的;冷静的,沉着的
under control
a steady voice/look/gaze 冷静的声音/表情/目光
You need steady nerves to drive in city traffic. 在市内开车需要沉着冷静。
Painting these small details needs a steady hand. 画这些小细节手要稳。
used to describe someone who can be trusted to show good judgment and act in a reasonable way
a steady friend 可靠的朋友
Related word: steadiness
go steady on somethingidiom UK informal (US go easy on something) 节省着用
to not use too much of something
Go steady on the milk, Dan - that's our last bottle. 省着点喝牛奶,丹——那是我们最后一瓶了。
steady on!idiom UK informal 别那么极端!说话留点余地!
used to tell someone that what they are saying is too extreme
Steady on, Chris - she's nice but she's not that nice! 别这么绝对,克里斯——她很好,但还没你说的那么好!
verb [ T ] uk/ˈsted.i/ us/ˈsted.i/
to make something stop shaking or moving
He wobbled around on the bike and then steadied himself. 他在自行车上摇晃了几下,随后便稳住了自己。
He steadied his rifle on the wall and fired. 他把步枪抵在墙上稳住,然后开火。
to become calm and controlled, or to make someone do this
Some people say that a drink will steady your nerves. 有些人说喝杯酒能稳定情绪。
adverb old-fashioned uk/ˈsted.i/ us/ˈsted.i/
go steady (with someone) (和某人)保持稳定的恋爱关系
to have a romantic relationship with one person for a long period
She's been going steady with Mike for six months. 她和迈克确定关系已经有6个月了。




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