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词汇 stand up
stand up
phrasal verb with stand verb uk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood | stood
A2 起立站立
to be in an upright position on your feet; to get yourself into an upright position on your feet
I've been standing up all day and I'm really tired. 我站了一天,现在很疲倦。
It was customary then for children to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom. 那时候的习俗是当老师进入课堂时,孩子们必须起立。
If an idea or some information stands up, it is proved to be true or correct.
Their evidence will never stand up in court. 他们的证据在法庭上根本站不住脚。
Their argument won't stand up to detailed criticism (= when it is studied critically). 他们的论点经不起仔细推敲。
stand someone up
phrasal verb with stand verb uk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood | stood
B2 故意对(某人,尤指刚开始相处的恋人)失约,放(某人)的鸽子
to intentionally fail to meet someone when you said you would, especially someone you were starting to have a romantic relationship with
I don't know if I've been stood up or if she's just late - I'll wait another half hour. 我不知道她是故意放我的鸽子,还是只是迟到了——我会再等半个小时。
adjective uk/ˈstænd.ʌp/ us/ˈstænd.ʌp/
[ before noun ]喜剧)单人表演的,单口的
performed by a single person telling jokes and funny stories on stage
stand-up comedy 独角喜剧
a stand-up comedian 独角喜剧演员
US informal忠实可靠的,可以信赖的
loyal; that you can rely on to defend you
He was friendly, passionate, and a stand-up kind of guy. 他是一个友好热忱、忠实可靠的人。
involving violence or loud shouting, etc.
The two men had had a stand-up row in the pub after the game. 比赛之后两个男人在酒吧内发生了激烈争执。
A stand-up meeting is one at which people stand, rather than sit.
the hotel's stand-up management meetings 旅馆管理层的站立会议
noun uk/ˈstænd.ʌp/ us/ˈstænd.ʌp/
[ U ]独角滑稽表演;单口相声
comedy performed by a single person telling jokes and funny stories on stage; stand-up comedy
an evening of stand-up 全部为独角滑稽表演的夜晚
[ C ]独角滑稽演员,独角喜剧演员
a person who performs stand-up comedy; a stand-up comedian
He has worked as an actor, but is best known as a stand-up. 他是一名演员,但是作为独角滑稽演员更出名。
[ C ]参与者都站着的会议
a meeting at which people stand, rather than sit




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