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词汇 standard
noun uk/ˈstæn.dəd/ us/ˈstæn.dɚd/
B2 [ C or U ]标准,水准,水平
a level of quality
This essay is not of an acceptable standard - do it again. 这篇文章未达标准——重新写。
This piece of work is below standard/is not up to standard. 这项工作做得不合要求。
We have very high safety standards in this laboratory. 我们这个实验室有很高的安全标准。
Not everyone judges success by the same standards - some people think happiness is more important than money. 每个人衡量成功的标准不尽相同——有些人认为快乐比金钱更重要。
Her technique became a standard against which all future methods were compared. 她的技术成了后来所有方法的参照标准。
Compare: criterionmeasure nountouchstoneyardstick (STANDARD)
C2 [ C usually plural ]道德准则,行为标准
a moral rule that should be obeyed
Most people agree that there are standards (of behaviour) that need to be upheld. 大多数人认同人们需要遵守一定的(行为)准则。
  • The standard of the students' work is abysmal.
  • For years they have enjoyed a standard of living unmatched by any other country in Europe.
  • The standard of care at our local hospital is excellent.
  • Certain of the candidates were well below the usual standard, but others were very good indeed.
  • As his career attests, he is a cricketer of world-class standard.
[ C usually singular ]通用模式
a pattern or model that is generally accepted
This program is an industry standard for computers. 这一程序是计算机的一个行业标准。
[ C ](经常演唱或演奏的)常规曲目,保留曲目
a song or other piece of music that has been popular and often played over a long period of time
[ C ] US手动挡汽车
a car with gears that are changed by hand
[ C ];(尤指)末端有两个尖的窄长旗
a flag, especially a long, narrow one ending with two long points
the royal standard 王室旗
adjective uk/ˈstæn.dəd/ us/ˈstæn.dɚd/
B2 标准的规范的通常的
usual rather than special, especially when thought of as being correct or acceptable
White is the standard colour for this model of refrigerator. 白色是这种型号的冰箱的标准色。
These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste. 这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。
The metre is the standard unit for measuring length in the SI system. 米是国际单位制中衡量长度的标准单位。
mainly UK Your new TV comes with a two year guarantee as standard. 你的新电视机按照行业规范带有两年的保修服务。
See also: substandard
Language described as standard is the form of that language that is considered acceptable and correct by most educated users of it
Most announcers on the BBC speak standard English. 英国广播公司的大多数播音员说的都是标准英语。
In Standard American, "gotten" is used as a past participle of "get". 在规范的美国英语中,get 的过去分词为 gotten。
[ before noun ](书或作者)权威性的
A standard book or writer is the one that is most commonly read for information on a particular subject
Her book is still a standard text in archaeology, even though it was written more than 20 years ago. 虽然她的著作成书于20多年前,但时至今日仍被奉为考古学的权威读本。
  • Power steering, electric windows and central locking are standard features on all models.
  • What is standard practice in a situation like this?
  • It's a standard surgical procedure.
  • Her standard excuse for being late was beginning to wear thin.
  • There are three categories of accommodation - standard, executive and deluxe.




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