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词汇 stamp
noun uk/stæmp/ us/stæmp/
A2 [ C ] (formal postage stamp)邮票
a small piece of paper with a picture or pattern on it that is stuck onto a letter or package before it is posted, to show that the cost of sending it has been paid
I stuck a 50p stamp on the envelope. 我在信封上贴了一枚50便士的邮票。
  • a valuable stamp collection
  • She affixed a stamp to the envelope.
  • How much is a first-class stamp?
  • He sealed the envelope and put a stamp on it.
  • a stamp album
[ C ]印,戳,章;印记,戳记
a tool for putting a mark on an object either by printing on it or pushing into it, or the mark made in this way
A date stamp inside the front cover of a library book shows when it should be returned. 图书馆藏书封面上的日期戳标明了应还书日期。
[ C ] UK印花(税票)
a small piece of paper worth a particular amount of money that you can buy several of, as a way of paying for something over a period of time
vehicle licence stamps 机动车牌照印花税票
[ U ]标记,特征;痕迹,烙印
a particular quality in something or someone, or a quality in something that shows it was done by a particular person or group of people
Although this painting clearly bears the stamp of genius, we don't know who painted it. 虽然这幅画明显是天才之作,但我们却不知其出自谁手。
Each manager has left his or her own stamp on the way the company has evolved. 每一位经理都在公司的发展道路上留下了自己的印记。
[ C ](常指为表示生气));重踏,重踩
an act of putting the foot down on the ground hard, or the noise made in doing so
With a stamp of her foot she stormed out. 她一跺脚,冲了出去。
verb uk/stæmp/ us/stæmp/
B2 [ T ]盖印;印上标记
to put a mark on an object either by printing on it or pushing into it with a small tool
It is necessary to stamp your passport. 护照上必须盖章。
Every carton of yogurt is stamped with a sell-by date. 每盒酸奶上都盖有最迟销售日期。
  • The lawyer stamped the certificate with her seal.
  • Both books have 'property of Her Majesty's Government' stamped inside them.
  • She's stamped her name in all of her books.
  • Sell-by dates are stamped on eggs.
  • The dark red royal crest was stamped on the back of the envelope.
C2 [ I or T ] (US also stomp)(常指为表示生气));重踏,重踩
to put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise, often to show anger
The little boy was stamping his foot and refusing to take his medicine. 那个小男孩跺着脚不肯吃药。
She stood by the road, stamping her feet to stay warm. 她站在路边,跺着脚让自己暖和些。
I wish those people upstairs would stop stamping (about/around). 我希望楼上那些人别再乱跺脚了。
Why did you stamp on that insect? 你为什么要踩那只虫子?
Compare: stomp
[ T ]使显示出表现出
to mark with a particular quality or show that someone has a particular quality
Our new administrator seems to be trying to stamp her authority on every aspect of the department. 我们的新主管似乎想在部门的方方面面都施展她的权威。
stamped on someone's memoryidiom 铭刻于(某人)的记忆中
If a particular event, etc. is stamped on someone's memory, the person will always remember it.
The awful sound of the crash will be stamped on her memory forever. 撞车时那可怕的声音将永远留在她的记忆中。
Phrasal verbs
stamp on something 压制镇压
to use force to stop or prevent something that you consider to be wrong or harmful
Any opposition to the new government was immediately stamped on by the army. 对新政府的任何反抗都立即被军队镇压了下去。
stamp something out 消除,消灭
to get rid of something that is wrong or harmful
The new legislation is intended to stamp out child prostitution. 新的立法旨在消除雏妓问题。




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