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词汇 stall
noun uk/stɔːl/ us/stɑːl/
B1 [ C ]货摊,摊位;售货亭
a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place
In the village market, the stalls are piled high with local vegetables. 村子集市的摊位上高高地堆着当地产的蔬菜。
  • He runs a fruit and vegetable stall in the market.
  • She runs a stall in the market.
  • The stall sells drinks and snacks.
  • The gaily striped awnings of the little shops and market stalls made an attractive scene.
  • Some displayed their wares on stalls, while others had just spread them out on the pavement.
[ C ](农场建筑中圈养单只牲畜的)隔栏,分隔间
a small closed area within a farm building in which there is space for one animal to be kept
[ C ](房间内的)小隔间
a small area of a room that is separated from the main part of the room by walls or curtains
There was one bathroom with a shower stall in the corner. 有一个洗手间,角落里有个淋浴的小隔间。
the stalls[ plural ] (边缘和背部常围起来的)靠背长凳座位
rows of fixed seats in a church, often with the sides and backs connected
verb uk/stɔːl/ us/stɑːl/
[ I or T ]使)(发动机熄火
If an engine stalls, or if you stall it, it stops working suddenly and without you intending it to happen.
A car may stall due to the driver braking too suddenly. 司机踩刹车过猛可能会导致汽车熄火。
I stalled the car twice during my driving test but still managed to pass. 我在驾驶考试时两次把车弄熄火,不过还是勉强通过了考试。
[ I ]拖延
to delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make a decision or get an advantage
She says she'll give me the money next week but I think she's just stalling (for time). 她说下周会把钱给我,但我认为她只不过是在拖时间。
[ T ]拖住某人
If you stall a person, you delay them or prevent them from doing something for a period of time.
I managed to stall him for a few days until I'd got enough money to pay back the loan. 我设法拖住了他几天,直到我筹够了还贷款的钱。
mainly US The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalled off the security guard. 小偷趁同伙拖住保安之际,闯进了办公室。
[ I ]停止进展
to stop making progress
Japan's economic growth has stalled, with industrial production contracting in June for the fourth straight month. 日本经济陷入停滞状态,到六月份时工业产出值已连续四个月缩减。
[ T ]推迟,暂缓;搁置
If you stall an event, you delay it or prevent it from making progress.
Commandos stalled the enemy attack by destroying three bridges. 突击队破坏了3座桥,拖延了敌人的进攻。
Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery. 人们越来越担心增税可能会阻碍经济复苏。




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