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词汇 stain
verb uk/steɪn/ us/steɪn/
C2 [ I or T ]沾污,染污;留下污迹
to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove
Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes. 让番茄酱沾上很麻烦——很难把它从衣服上洗掉。
While she was changing the wheel on her car, her coat had become stained with oil. 她给汽车换轮胎时,外套沾上了油污。
[ I ]易染污;易着色
If a material stains, it absorbs substances easily, causing it to become covered with marks, or coloured by a chemical.
This carpet is ideal for the kitchen because it doesn't stain easily. 这块地毯很适合在厨房里用,因为它很耐脏。
[ T ]给…染色;给…着色
to change the colour of something using a chemical
She stripped the floorboards and stained them dark brown. 她刮掉原来的漆,把地板刷成了深棕色。
  • Water and other liquids can stain unprotected wood surfaces.
  • Lily pollen stains really badly.
  • Red wine stains.
  • The wood itself was light but I stained it darker.
  • You can stain wood in different colours.
C2 [ T ] literary败坏,玷污(名声等)
to permanently spoil something such as someone's reputation
Several important politicians have had their reputations stained by this scandal. 好几位重要的政界人士都因为这起丑闻而名声受损。
The country's history is stained with the blood of (= the country is guilty of killing) millions of innocent men and women. 这个国家的历史沾满了数百万无辜者的鲜血。
noun uk/steɪn/ us/steɪn/
B1 [ C ]污渍;污点
a dirty mark on something that is difficult to remove
a blood/grass stain 血污/草渍
You can remove a red wine stain from a carpet by sprinkling salt over it. 地毯上红酒的污渍可以通过撒些盐来清除。
[ C ]染色剂;着色剂
a chemical for changing the colour of something
[ S ] literary污点
permanent damage to someone's reputation or character
His solicitor said, "He leaves this court without a stain on his character." 他的律师说:“他走出法庭时名声将丝毫无损。”




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