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词汇 squirrelly
adjective uk/ˈskwɪr.əl.i/ us/ˈskwɝː.li/
relating to or similar to a squirrel (= a small furry animal with a thick long tail that climbs trees)
I'm not keen on her squirrelly food choices. 我不喜欢她那松鼠般的食谱。
Tom is a pot-bellied man with a squirrelly little moustache. 汤姆是个大腹便便的男人,留着松鼠一样的小胡子。
US informal静不下来的;疯狂的
nervous and unable to stay still and calm
I could tell right away that the girls were squirrelly and unusually frantic. 我马上就能看出来,这些女孩子无法保持安静,而且异常疯狂。
Like lots of people, I get squirrelly when I'm forced to leave a message. 像很多人一样,当我被迫在电话里留言时,我会感到异常不安。
I get a little squirrelly if I'm stuck in the house all day. 如果我整天呆在屋子里,我会变得有点古怪。
US informal不可靠的;不可信的
not completely honest, or not to be trusted
There's something a little squirrelly about the whole thing. 整件事都有点怪诞。
Some of the numbers in the preliminary report look squirrelly. 初步报告中的一些数字看起来不太可靠。
The driver was acting squirrelly about his insurance information. 司机在提供自己保险信息时行为诡异。
US informal难解决的
difficult to deal with or solve
We developers live for these sorts of squirrelly problems. 我们开发人员的职责就是排难解忧。
Apparently, it was a very complicated, squirrelly case. 显然,这是一个非常复杂难解的案例。
US informal运行失控的;举止失控的
making sudden uncontrolled movements
Loosen your grip on the handlebars - tension makes the bike squirrelly. 松开把手 - 张力会使自行车失控。
These skis can get squirrelly in high-speed turns. 这些滑雪板在高速转弯时会变得失去控制。




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