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词汇 square
noun [ C ] uk/skweər/ us/skwer/
A2 正方形,四方形
a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90°
First draw a square. 首先画一个正方形。
It's a square-shaped room. 这是个正方形的房间。
A2 正方形物,四方形物
any square-shaped object
When cooled, cut the chocolate brownies into squares. 冷却之后,将巧克力蛋糕切成四方块。
A2 (城镇中的)广场(常包括周围的建筑)
an area of approximately square-shaped land in a city or a town, often including the buildings that surround it
Are they still living at 6 Eaton Square? 他们还住在伊顿广场6号吗?
A band were playing in the town square. 一个乐队当时正在镇广场上演出。
a particular space on a board used for playing games
She moved her castle forward three squares. 她把自己的车向前走了3格。
a tool for drawing or testing a right angle
  • Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.
  • A square is a regular quadrilateral.
  • A square has four right angles.
  • Just before midnight, the square filled up with drunken revellers.
  • In the square in front of the hotel stands a monument to all the people killed in the war.
old-fashioned informal古板的人;老古董
a boring person who does not like new and exciting ideas
He's a bit of a square. 他有点儿古板。
the result of multiplying a number by itself
The square of 7 is 49. 7的平方是49。
go/be back to square oneidiom informal 被迫从头做起回到起点
to be forced to think of a new course of action because your first course of action failed
The deal with the house fell through so I'm afraid we're back to square one. 这栋房子的交易失败了,恐怕我们得从头再来。
adjective uk/skweər/ us/skwer/
A2 正方形的,四方形的
having the shape of a square
The recipe recommends that you use a square cake tin. 食谱建议使用方形蛋糕烤盘。
He's got that square-jawed masculinity that a lot of women seem to find attractive. 他有个刚毅的方下巴,这在许多女人眼中似乎很有吸引力。
(written abbreviation sq.); (symbol 2)(与长度单位连用)平方的
used with units of measurement of length to express the total size of an area
The floor is 3 m wide by 5 m long, so its total area is 15 sq m. 房间的地面是3米宽5米长,总面积是15平方米。
The city itself covers 13 square miles. 该城市占地13平方英里。
Ensure that the exposed area is less than 2 cm2. 要确保暴露在外的面积小于2平方厘米。
Square is used immediately after measurements of length when expressing the length of the four sides of a square-shaped area.
So you want carpet for a room that's eight metres square (= eight metres long and eight metres wide). 因此你需要8米见方的室内地毯。
  • It's a square room.
  • He has a very square face.
  • She was wearing a square pendant around her neck.
  • We've bought a square table for the dining room.
  • She drew a square shape on the paper.
equal or level
Could you stand back from these shelves and tell me if they're square (= level)? 你能不能往后站一些,告诉我这些架子摆得正不正?
(all) squareinformal 两清的,互不欠账的
If two people are all square, one of them has paid off a debt to the other and neither now owes or is owed any money.
If you give me £25, I think we'll be all square.
You paid for the meal, so we're all square now.
Just one more payment to go, then we'll be all square.
Are we all square, or do I still owe you for the work you did on Friday?
Once Rob had given Joe the money from the logs, they were all square.
in a straight line
old-fashioned informal乏味的;古板守旧的
used to describe a person who is boring and does not like new and exciting things
Do you think my new haircut makes me look a bit square? 你觉得我的新发型是不是让我看上去有点儿古板?
square peg (in a round hole)idiom informal (因个性原因而)(某职位)格格不入者
a person whose character makes them unsuitable for the job or other position they are in
He never quite fitted in when he was working here - he was always a bit of a square peg. 他在这儿工作时一直都没完全适应——总有点儿格格不入的。
verb uk/skweər/ us/skwer/
[ T ]使成平方;使成二次幂
to multiply a number by itself
10 squared equals a hundred. 10的平方是100。
42 means four squared, and equals 16. 4的二次方就是4的平方,等于16。
square your shoulders (表示决心已定)挺起胸膛,挺直身子
to pull your shoulders up and back because you feel determined to do something
He squared his shoulders and took a deep breath before diving into the pool. 他挺直肩膀,做了个深呼吸,然后扎进了游泳池。
square the accounts/booksidiom 结清账目
to make certain that you have paid and received all the money that you owed or that others owed you
square the circleidiom 试图做非常困难(或不可能)的事
If you try to square the circle, you try to do something that is very difficult or impossible.
Phrasal verbs
square something/someone away US informal(某人或某事)完成所有的安排
to complete all the necessary arrangements for something or someone
I’ve got my tickets and hotel squared away. 我已经安排好了车票和旅馆。
The dishes are done and the kids are all squared away. 碗都洗了,孩子们也安顿好了。
square off 摆好架势(准备迎战)
to prepare to fight, compete, or argue with someone
The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet. 本月快餐业两大巨头展开了异常激烈的广告攻势,拉开阵势准备一决高下。
square up 摆好架势(准备迎战)
to prepare to compete, argue, or fight with someone
The two teams will be squaring up to each other in the final next week.
The candidates are preparing to square up on Friday in the first presidential debate.
Germany's biggest carmaker is squaring up for fierce wage negotiations with its employees.
to pay someone the money that you owe them
If you pay for both tickets now, I'll square up with you later. 你现在把两张票的钱都付了,我过会儿再跟你把钱结清。
square up to someone/something 勇敢面对毅然应对
to deal with a problem or difficult person bravely and with determination
I thought she squared up to the situation admirably. 我认为她勇敢面对这种情况,令人钦佩。
He had the courage to square up to the issue which everyone else had been avoiding.
square (something) with something 使)与…相符,(使)与…一致;符合
to match or agree with something, or to think that one thing is acceptable together with another thing
Her story doesn't quite square with the evidence. 她的说法与证据不太吻合。
I don't think I could spend that much money on a jacket - I couldn't square it with my conscience (= I would feel too guilty). 我觉得我不可能花那么多钱买一件夹克——我会感到良心不安的。




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