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词汇 spot
noun [ C ] uk/spɒt/ us/spɑːt/
B1 点;斑点;圆点
a small, usually round area of colour that is differently coloured or lighter or darker than the surface around it
He had a spot of grease on his tie. 他的领带上有一小块油渍。
B1 (构成图案的)点,斑点
one of many spots, that form a pattern
I wore that skirt with the green spots. 我穿着那条带绿点的裙子。
B2 UK(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺
a raised, pale red circle on the skin that is temporary
Teenagers often suffer a lot from spots. 青少年常常深受粉刺的困扰。
mainly UK少量;一点儿
a small amount
I felt a few spots of rain. 我感觉到落了几点雨。
Let's stop for a spot of lunch. 我们停下来吃点午饭吧。
I'm having a spot of bother (= some trouble) with one of my back teeth. 我后面的一颗牙齿有点问题。
  • He wore a grey tie with pink spots.
  • There was a spot of food on his shirt.
  • Her back erupted in small red spots.
  • There are still a few stray spots of paint on the window pane.
  • I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up.
B2 地点场所
a particular place
This looks like a nice spot for a picnic. 看起来这儿是个野餐的好地方。
on the spot 在现场
at the place where an event is happening or has recently happened
The police were called and they were on the spot within three minutes. 警方接到报告,不到3分钟就赶到了现场。
  • These plants need a sunny spot with good drainage.
  • We found a sheltered spot to have our picnic.
  • I found a sequestered spot at the bottom of the garden and lay down with my book.
  • I found a nice spot for a bit of sun-bathing.
  • Where shall we settle? This looks like a good spot.
a short length of time in a show that is given to a particular performer
She's doing a regular five-minute spot on his show. 她将在他的节目中表演一档5分钟的固定节目。
put someone on the spotidiom C2 某人)难堪;使(某人为难
If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision.
Mira rather put the boss on the spot by asking him when he was going to give us a pay rise. 米拉问老板打算什么时候给我们加薪,可真让他当场下不了台。
verb uk/spɒt/ us/spɑːt/ -tt-
B2 [ T ]看见,看出;注意到
to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard
I've just spotted Mark - he's over there, near the entrance. 我刚看到马克了——他在那边,靠近入口的地方。
If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with a pencil. 如果你发现文章中有错误,请用铅笔标出来。
[ + -ing verb ] The police spotted him driving a stolen car. 警察发现他开着一辆偷来的车。
[ + question word ] I soon spotted what was wrong with the printer. 我很快就发现了打印机的毛病出在哪儿。
[ + that ] The policewoman spotted that I hadn't got my seat belt on and signalled me to stop. 女警察发现我没有系安全带,便示意我停车。
well spottedUK 真是好眼力
used to praise someone who has noticed something
"I've just seen your glasses - they're under the table." "Ah, well spotted!" “我刚才看到你的眼镜了——在桌子底下。”“啊,眼睛真尖呀!”
  • A girl answering the description of the missing teenager was spotted in Hull.
  • He was driving at 120 mph when the police spotted him.
  • The thieves were spotted by a postman out on his rounds .
  • Scott leapted to the rescue when he spotted the youngster in difficulty.
  • They were spotted cavorting beside the swimming pool.
[ I ] UK飘了几滴雨;下小雨
If you say it's spotting (with rain), you mean that a few drops of rain are falling.




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