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词汇 sport
noun uk/spɔːt/ us/spɔːrt/
A1 [ C ]体育运动体育比赛体育竞技项目
a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job
Football, basketball, and hockey are all team sports. 足球、棒球和曲棍球都是团队运动。
I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating. 我喜欢滑雪、滑冰之类的冬季运动。
A1 [ U ] UK体育运动,体育锻炼
all types of physical activity that people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment
She used to do/play a lot of sport when she was younger. 她年轻时经常参加体育运动。
[ U ] old-fashioned乐趣娱乐消遣
enjoyment in doing things
  • She's not especially interested in sport.
  • There are risks inherent in almost every sport.
  • There's so much money in sport these days.
  • I could never play team sports - I lack the competitive spirit .
  • She did a lot of sports at college.
[ C ] old-fashioned informal乐观大度的人;有风度的人;输得起的人
a pleasant, positive, generous person who does not complain about things they are asked to do or about games that they lose
Oh, Douglas - be a (good) sport and give me a lift to the station. 噢,道格拉斯——拿出点风度来,让我搭车去车站吧。
See also: spoilsport
[ C ] Australian English老兄,哥们儿
a friendly way of talking to a man or boy
[ as form of address ] Hello sport - how are you? 嘿,老兄——你好吗?
verb [ T ] uk/spɔːt/ us/spɔːrt/
to wear or be decorated with something
Back in the 1960s he sported platform heels and hair down past his shoulders. 20世纪60年代,他那时穿喇叭裤、厚底鞋,蓄着披肩长发。
The front of the car sported a German flag. 汽车前部都插着一面德国国旗。




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